Tag Results

Items tagged with "pubmed" (61)

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Files (13)

Blob Gene Cosine Scores

Created: 2009-08-10 16:00:45

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This excel file contains a list of genes linked to the resistance to African trypanosomiasis in the mouse. Genes from the Tir1 QTL were used in a search through PubMed. The results were then correlated to the trypanosomiasis resistance phenotype. The higher the score (and ranking) the more related to the phenotype the gene is likely to be. This is based on the co-occurrence of terms within the gene and phentoype corpora.

File type: Excel workbook

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 104 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Phenotype Abstracts for Trypanosomiasis Resistance

Created: 2009-08-11 12:45:24

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains a list of published abstracts from MEDLINE, that are related to the African Trypanosomiasis resistance phentoype in the mouse. The term used in the PubMed search was: trypanosom* AND (tolerance OR resistance) . The workflow limited the date of the search using PubMed between 31/12/2005 to 01/01/2009, and was restricted to 500 abstracts.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 66 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Phenotype Concept Profile - Terms

Created: 2009-08-11 13:05:07 | Last updated: 2009-08-11 13:06:51

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains a list of all terms extracted from the phenotype corpus, relating to African trypanosomiasis resistance in the mouse model. These terms were extracted using the following service: http://gopubmed4.biotec.tu-dresden.de/GoPubMedTermGenerationService/services/GoPubMedTermGeneration?wsdl These terms represent the concept profile for the phenotype.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 186 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Phenotype Term Counts (in Phenotype Corpus)

Created: 2009-08-11 13:34:42 | Last updated: 2009-08-11 13:58:28

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains a count of each phenotype term extracted from corpus of phenotype abstracts. Each value represents the number of articles in the phenotype corpus the term appears. The use of this file is to calculate a cosine vector score for correlating a given concept (e.g. pathway or gene) with a phenotype.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 83 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob PubMed Abstract Number

Created: 2009-08-11 13:54:45

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains the number of articles available in MEDLINE, through PubMed, at the time of performing these data analyses. The date of identifying these publications was 25/02/2009.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 90 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob PubMed Term Counts

Created: 2009-08-11 13:59:35

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains a count of each phenotype term extracted from corpus of phenotype abstracts. Each value represents the number of articles in MEDLINE the term appears. The use of this file is to calculate a cosine vector score for correlating a given concept (e.g. pathway or gene) with a phenotype.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 87 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Pathway Abstracts for Day7 Microarray Tir1 QTL

Created: 2009-08-11 14:08:41 | Last updated: 2009-08-11 14:15:58

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains all the abstracts for pathways found to be differentially expressed at day 7 post infection and intersect the Tir1 QTL region, from the African Trypanosomiasis project. Each pathway is listed as ">> [Pathway Name]", together with a PubMed identifier, date, and abstract for each article. Each pathway has been restricted to 500 abstracts, and is given in the date range 31/12/2007 to 01/01/2009. Note, some pathways do not have any abstracts available due to th...

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 90 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Pathway Term Enrichment Scores

Created: 2009-08-11 14:23:49

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains a list of each pathway identified from day 7 post infection and linked to the Tir1 QTL. With each pathway is a list of terms that are common to both pathway and phenotype corpora. These terms were ranked accoring to their enrichement scores. The higher the score, the more significant the term is in relation to correlating the pathway with the African trypanosomiasis resistance phenotype.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 117 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Ondex and Taverna Tutorial

Created: 2009-10-22 13:50:53 | Last updated: 2009-10-22 13:51:51

Credits: User George

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Biological Data Integration Using Ondex and Taverna: A Tutorial 25/26th November 2009 The University of Manchester The Ondex SABR project (http://ondex.org/sabr.html) invite you to a two-day tutorial that aims to show participants how to use Ondex and Taverna to perform common biological data collection, integration and visualisation tasks.

File type: Word document

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 99 times | Downloaded: 64 times



Blob Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria (Epilepsy)

Created: 2010-12-07 16:34:31 | Last updated: 2010-12-07 16:34:37

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This zip file contains the results of running a QTL workflow for Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria in human (homo sapiens). Provided are a list of candidate QTL genes (QTg) and their corresponding KEGG pathways. Each gene and pathway have been subsequently run through a series of text mining workflows to determine the significance of each may play in relation to Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria AND/OR Epilepsy. Further to this, I have also collected the SNPs (single nucleotide...

File type: application/x-zip-compressed

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 75 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Trichuriasis Induced Colitis

Created: 2011-02-16 15:16:17 | Last updated: 2011-02-16 15:16:24

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for RefSeq ids Workflow KEGG pathways common to both QTL and microarray based investigations Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region Workflow Pathway and Gene to Pubmed

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This zip file contains the results of workflow runs for: identifying genes in each of the 7 QTL regions for Trichuris muris infection; identifying genes differentially expressed in mice challenged with Trichuris muris; and Text mining results (including cosine vector scores and Term Enrichment values).

File type: Trident (Package)

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 55 times | Downloaded: 32 times



Blob Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria

Created: 2011-03-17 10:56:15 | Last updated: 2011-03-17 11:16:53

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Pathway and Gene to Pubmed Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations forQTL region

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This zip file contains the results of running a QTL workflow for Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria in human (homo sapiens). Provided are a list of candidate QTL genes (QTg) and their corresponding KEGG pathways. Each gene and pathway have been subsequently run through a series of text mining workflows to determine the significance each may play in relation to Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria. If you want to help me identify candidate genes for this disorder, please get i...

File type: ZIP archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 80 times | Downloaded: 39 times



Blob Ondex Workflows

Created: 2011-09-01 17:17:57 | Last updated: 2011-09-01 17:18:05

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This zip file contains a large number of Taverna 2 workflows that utilise the Ondex Web Service, for manipulating Ondex graphs.

File type: ZIP archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 62 times | Downloaded: 0 times


Packs (3)

Pack Pathway to Phenotype using Text Mining

Created: 2009-08-10 13:01:47 | Last updated: 2009-08-11 14:51:31

This pack contains a list of workflows and result files obtained from the analysis of candidate pathways believed to play a role in resistance to African Trypanosomiasis in the mouse model organism.

12 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 299 times | Downloaded: 82 times



Pack Text Mining Workflows

Created: 2010-12-08 11:55:03 | Last updated: 2011-02-01 11:33:11

This pack contains workflows to navigate from candidate Quantitative Trait genes and pathways to a given phenotype.

5 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 201 times | Downloaded: 63 times



Pack Trichuriasis induced Colitis

Created: 2011-02-16 12:49:21 | Last updated: 2011-02-16 15:26:36

This pack contains the workflows and data relating to Trichuriasis induced colitis.

5 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 87 times | Downloaded: 38 times


Workflows (45)

Workflow Perform a search through NCBI eUtils eSearch (3)

This workflow takes in a search term and a database (e.g. snp, gene, protein) in which to perfom the search over. The result is an xml file containing summary information about the search term. Example input for this workflow are given below: database: pubmed terms: cancer AND diabetes

Created: 2009-11-27 | Last updated: 2009-12-03

Workflow DataBiNS - Data Mining Workflow for Biolog... (2)

No description

Created: 2007-12-04 | Last updated: 2007-12-04

Credits: User Fong Chun Chan

Workflow GeneIlluminator_GetPubMedQuery (2)

Example workflow demonstrating how to use GeneIlluminator_GetPubMedQuery, a synchronous BioMOBY service for gene symbol disambiguation. If a gene symbol is ambiguous this service uses GeneIlluminator to create clusters describing which different genes, sharing the same symbol, exist in different parts of the tree of life. GeneIlluminator provides also aliases associated to the input gene symbol. Finally, using the cluster characteristics it creates a boolean PubMed query that could be used to...

Created: 2008-02-27 | Last updated: 2008-03-03

Credits: User Pieter Neerincx User Alako


Workflow Escherichia coli : From cDNA Microarray Ra... (1)

This workflow takes in a CDNA raw file and a normalisation method then returns a series of images/graphs which represent the same output obtained using the R and bioconductor. Also retruned by this workflow are a list of the top differentialy expressed genes (size dependant on the number specified as input - geneNumber), which are then used to find the candidate pathways which may be influencing the observed changes in the microarray data. By identifying the candidate pathways, more detailed...

Created: 2008-05-08 | Last updated: 2008-05-12

Credits: User Saeedeh User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow HUMAN Microarray CEL file to candidate pathways

Workflow EBI_CiteXplore (1)

Perform a literature search using the EBI's CiteXplore service (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/citexplore/), and get the results in a minimal XML format containing the citation information (i.e. title, author, journal, etc.), the identifier of the citation in the source database (PubMed/Medline, Agricola, Patent Abstracts, CBA, CiteSeer, etc.) and information about abstract and full article availablity including URLs.

Created: 2008-07-09

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Workflow Retrieve_abstract_from_Medline (1)

This workflow retrieves Medline Abstracts given PMIDs (PubMed id) You can use: 9879 as input example to test this workflow

Created: 2008-09-17 | Last updated: 2008-09-17

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow Author's collaborators according to pubmed (1)

SELECT distinct ?s2 FROM <http://atlas.bio2rdf.org/sparql> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .   ?o1 bif:contains "author" .   ?s2 ?p2 ?s1 .   FILTER( regex(?s1, "pubmed") ) } followed by SELECT ?creator, count() FROM <http://localhost:8890/sparql> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 .   ?s1 ?p2 ?o2 .   FILTER( regex(?o2, "author"))   ?s1 ?creator . } ORDER BY DESC(count())

Created: 2009-01-20 | Last updated: 2009-01-20

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow What is Paget's disease sparql query example (3)

SELECT distinct ?s1 FROM <http://atlas.bio2rdf.org/sparql> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .   ?o1 bif:contains "paget" .   FILTER( regex(?s1, "omim")   OR regex(?s1, "geneid") OR regex(?s1, "uniprot")) }   followed by SELECT ?type1, count(*) FROM <http://localhost:8890/sparql> WHERE {   ?s1 ?p1 ?o1 .   ?o1 bif:contains "paget" .   ?s1  

Created: 2009-01-20

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow What is known about HIV using Bio2RDF's SP... (2)

To answer this question Bio2RDF Atlas about mouse and human genome sparql endpoint available at http://atlas.bio2rdf.org/sparql is searched.  The selected URIs are then loaded into your local Virtuoso triplestore at http://localhost:8890/sparql. You must enable insert mode into the graph. Once the mashup is built, two SPARQL queries analyze the obtained graph.  Finally you can submit queries to the RDF mashup about HIV as you like.  Enjoy. This is the queries present in t...

Created: 2009-02-05 | Last updated: 2009-02-05

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Cosine vector space (1)

This workflow calculates the cosine vector space between two sets of corpora. The workflow then removes any null values from the output. The result is a cosine vector score between 0 and 1, showing the significance of any links between one concept (e.g. pathway) to another (e.g. phenotype). A score of 0 means there is no or an undetermined correlation between the two concepts. A score approaching 1 represents positive correlation.

Created: 2009-08-10 | Last updated: 2009-08-10

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms (1)

This workflow counts the number of articles in the pubmed database in which each term occurs, and identifies the total number of articles in the entire PubMed database. It also identified the total number of articles within pubmed so that a term enrichment score may be calculated. The workflow also takes in a document containing abstracts that are related to a particular phenotype. Scientiifc terms are then extracted from this text and given a weighting according to the number of terms that ...

Created: 2009-08-10

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Search for BMURI in PubMed [myexperiment:p... (1)

test values: subkecttest values: query = bio2rdf graph = http://bio2rdf query = nur77 AND Rouillard,C graph = http://nur77 test values: query = bio2rdf graph = http://bio2rdf query = nur77 AND Rouillard,C graph = http://nur77 query = labrie graph = http://labrie

Created: 2009-11-17

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Search for citations and related article i... (1)

graph = http://nur77 bmuri = http://bio2rdf.org/pubmed:18843482 http://bio2rdf.org/pubmed:18466322 http://bio2rdf.org/pubmed:17201484 http://bio2rdf.org/pubmed:14603264 http://bio2rdf.org/pubmed:12629527

Created: 2009-11-17

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Sponge into Virtuoso triplestore the neede... (2)

query = labrie,f query = labrie query = labrie,f query = labrie query = h1n1 query = morissette,j query = labrie,f query = labrie query = h1n1 Get a list of paper from pubmed.

Created: 2009-11-17 | Last updated: 2009-11-27

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow microRNA to KEGG Pathways and Abstracts (1)

Workflow takes in a text file of microRNAs from microCOSM (at the EBI) and outputs a list of KEGG pathway information, including genes in pathways and pathway abstracts from PubMed. The results can then be used in various text mining applications/workflows to rank the results against a given disease.Workflow takes in a file of microRNAs

Created: 2010-03-17

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region


Workflow Nucleotide frequency workflow (2)

No description

Created: 2010-05-13 | Last updated: 2010-11-12

Credits: User wabi

Workflow Perfrom a text based search through PubMed (1)

This workflow takes in a number of search terms in which to perform a search over the PubMed literature database. These search terms may be input as if entered in the web based version of PubMed. The output from this workflow is a list of PubMed identifiers in xml based format

Created: 2010-07-05 | Last updated: 2010-07-05

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Gene to Pubmed (3)

This workflow takes in a list of gene names and searches the PubMed database for corresponding articles. Any matches to the genes are then retrieved (abstracts only). These abstracts are then returned to the user.

Created: 2010-07-05 | Last updated: 2011-01-26

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Phenotype to pubmed (3)

This workflow takes in a phenotype search term, and searches for abstracts in the PubMed database. These are passed to the eSearch function and searched for in PubMed. Those abstracts found are returned to the user

Created: 2010-07-05 | Last updated: 2011-01-11

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Who is Dr Labrie according to Pubmed publi... (2)

To use this wokflow you need to import services from To use this wokflow you need to import services from http://proxy.bio2rdf.org/bio2rdf/services.txt you can explore the loaded data at http://proxy.bio2rdf.org/fct

Created: 2010-07-08 | Last updated: 2010-07-08

Credits: User Francois Belleau

Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms (2)

This workflow counts the number of articles in the pubmed database in which each term occurs, and identifies the total number of articles in the entire PubMed database. It also identified the total number of articles within pubmed so that a term enrichment score may be calculated. The workflow also takes in a document containing abstracts that are related to a particular phenotype. Scientiifc terms are then extracted from this text and given a weighting according to the number of terms that ...

Created: 2010-12-08 | Last updated: 2011-01-11

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms

Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms (1)

This workflow counts the number of articles in the pubmed database in which each term occurs, and identifies the total number of articles in the entire PubMed database. It also identified the total number of articles within pubmed so that a term enrichment score may be calculated. The workflow also takes in a document containing abstracts that are related to a particular phenotype. Scientiifc terms are then extracted from this text and given a weighting according to the number of terms that ...

Created: 2011-02-01 | Last updated: 2011-02-01

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Cosine vector space Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms

Workflow PubMed Search (1)

This workflow takes in a search term, are passed to the eSearch function and searched for in PubMed. Those abstracts found are returned to the user

Created: 2011-02-03 | Last updated: 2011-02-03

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Gene to Pubmed (4)

This workflow takes in a list of gene names and searches the PubMed database for corresponding articles. Any matches to the genes are then retrieved (abstracts only). These abstracts are then returned to the user.

Created: 2011-02-08 | Last updated: 2011-02-10

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Cosine vector space Workflow Extract Scientific Terms Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms Workflow Cosine vector space Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms Workflow Pathway to Pubmed Workflow Extract Scientific Terms

Workflow Pathway and Gene to Pubmed (2)

This workflow takes in a list of gene names and KEGG pathway descriptions, and searches the PubMed database for corresponding articles. Any matches to the genes are then retrieved (abstracts only). These abstracts are then used to calculate a cosine vector space between two sets of corpora (gene and phenotype, or pathway and phenotype). The workflow counts the number of articles in the pubmed database in which each term occurs, and identifies the total number of articles in the entire PubMe...

Created: 2011-02-10 | Last updated: 2011-02-18

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Cosine vector space Workflow Extract Scientific Terms Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms Workflow Cosine vector space Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms Workflow Pathway to Pubmed Workflow Extract Scientific Terms Workflow Gene to Pubmed

Workflow XPath Pubmed Ids (1)

This workflow takes in a search term (as used in the normal PubMed interface) and retrieves a list of PubMed ids in xml

Created: 2011-03-23 | Last updated: 2011-03-23

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow XPath Pubmed Ids (2)

This workflow takes in a search term (as used in the normal PubMed interface) and retrieves a list of PubMed ids in xml. The xml is then parsed to retrieve a list of PubMed ids

Created: 2011-03-23 | Last updated: 2011-03-30

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow XPath Pubmed Ids

Workflow EUADR Relationship Extraction Workflow (1)

The workflow offers the ability to automatically determine if an ADR and a Drug are co-mentioned in any of the indexed resources. However the actual relationship between a Drug and an ADR can only be determined by referring to the actual resource The co-occurance relationship workflow seeks to automate the search for resources (publications, drug labels) related to ADRs corresponding to a given drug/ adverse event association. To enable this concept profiles for drugs and adverse effects wer...

Created: 2011-07-27 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Bharat Singh

Workflow BioAID_ProteinDiscovery (8)

The workflow extracts protein names from documents retrieved from MedLine based on a user Query (cf Apache Lucene syntax). The protein names are filtered by checking if there exists a valid UniProt ID for the given protein name.

Created: 2010-05-10 | Last updated: 2013-08-16

Credits: User Marco Roos Network-member AID

Workflow Retrieve_Pubmed_Publication_by_kegg_pathwa... (1)

This workflow shows in your browser pubmed articles related to input pathway

Created: 2012-10-18

Credits: User Massimo La Rosa User Antonino Fiannaca

Workflow PubMed Search and Solr storage (5)

Based on the work of Fisher: This workflow takes in a search term, are passed to the eSearch function and searched for in PubMed. I extended by removing outputs and text extraction and addded an automatic Solr storage process using a post.jar, specified by the user. Before running this workflow, make sure that a solr server is up and running and the variable attached to the SolrImport process contains the correct path. Dependencies: - Solr

Created: 2013-07-25 | Last updated: 2013-08-26

Credits: User Sander van boom

Attributions: Workflow PubMed Search

Workflow Phenotype to pubmed (1)

This workflow takes in a phenotype search term, and searches for abstracts in the PubMed database. These are passed to the eSearch function and searched for in PubMed. Those abstracts found are returned to the user

Created: 2015-09-01

Credits: User Heiko Schoof User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Phenotype to pubmed

Workflow Get article titles from Europe PMC for sin... (2)

This small workflow demonstrates how to connect to the new (August 2015) version of Europe PMC (http://europepmc.org/RestfulWebService). Changes from previous versions include the addition of a pageSize parameter, allowing the client to request up to 1,000 records at once. If this would still not be sufficient, the offSet paremeter can be used to retrieve data in chunks of 1,000 records and the Flatten List service used to concatenate the results.

Created: 2015-09-07 | Last updated: 2015-09-10

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Online PubMed author search and geographic... (2)

This workflow retrieves bibliographic data for a single author using the PMC Europe RESTful Web service and visualizes the geographic distribution of this author's and their co-authors' geographic distribution using the rworldmap package. This is version 2.0 of this workflow, incorporating changes to the Web service allowing up to 1,000 records to be retrieved at once, using the pageSize parameter.

Created: 2015-08-19 | Last updated: 2015-09-07

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Arzu Tugce Guler

Workflow Visualize Geographical Bias between PubMed... (3)

This workflow analyzes the scientific output, as documented by PubMed, geographically. The workflow takes as input the PubMed data in XML and the ISO 3166-1 and ISO 3166-3 country lists. The XML files can contain any subset from two specific PubMed searches. for example for two different journals in the same field. The XPath components extract author affiliations, and feed these to a series of Beanshell components that match these with countries in the ISO standard. This data is then fed to ...

Created: 2015-09-10 | Last updated: 2015-09-10

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Arzu Tugce Guler

Workflow Author Publications and Citations by Year (2)

This small workflow demonstrates how to connect to and use Europe PMC (http://europepmc.org/RestfulWebService) to count the number of publications and citations per year for one author. Two Web service calls are made. First, we searchPublications to retrieve the bibliographic records for all published work of a single author. Then, we getCitations to extract the year of all articles citing the work of this author. A conditional XPath is here used to only look up citing articles for cited work...

Created: 2015-09-14 | Last updated: 2015-09-17

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Create Local Citation Graph (1)

This workflow demonstrates how to build a local citation/reference graph for a single pubilcation in PubMed. The id input is the PubMed id (pmid) for any publication in the PubMed or PMC Europe. The workflow then queries the PMC Europe Web services to get the citations and references for this publication. Two XPath parsers are used to extract the citation and reference ids, which are then combined and passed on to an Rshell that draws a Sugiyama style layered graph using the igraph package. T...

Created: 2015-10-11

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Author to Wordcloud (3)

This small workflow demonstrates how to connect to and use Europe PMC (http://europepmc.org/RestfulWebService). The workflow searches the publications of an author, extracts the abstracts, counts the word frequencies and plot a wordcloud using the R package of the same name. The Rshell plot_wordcloud also applies text mining operations (transformation to lower case, removing punctuation, stripping whitespace and removing English stopwords) using the R package tm.

Created: 2015-12-02 | Last updated: 2015-12-07

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Author Citation Network (1)

Map citation/reference network for one author using Europe PMC Web services. This workflow is intended to show the integration of several Web services, XPath XML parsing and use of the igraph package in R. Although the workflow is functional, the information in PubMed is incomplete. This means the results may be a subset of the correct citation graph.

Created: 2015-12-04 | Last updated: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene

Workflow UniProt Protein Protein Network (1)

This workflow uses the Europe PMC Web Services searchPublications and getDatabaseLinks to reconstruct a protein-protein network based on co-occurence in the scientific literature, arbitrary filtered by a PubMed query, e.g. the word "complex" appearing in the title or abstract. The workflow also looks up the second degree connections, i.e. proteins co-occuring with proteins co-occuring with the protein given as input, but not with this protein itself. The output is a (1) Pajek graph file, a GM...

Created: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene

Workflow SImple Europe PMC Search (1)

This very simple workflow searches Europe PMC using the searchPublications Web Service and a conditional XPath to retrieve the article titles for all cited work matching the search query.

Created: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Author Publications and Citations by Year ... (1)

This workflow demonstrates how to connect to and use Europe PMC (http://europepmc.org/RestfulWebService) to count the number of publications and citations per year for one author. Two Web service calls are made. First, we searchPublications to retrieve the bibliographic records for all published work of a single author. Then, we getCitations to extract the year of all articles citing the work of this author. The pubYear fields is extracted from the raw Web service results and fed to an Rshel...

Created: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow profilePublications_over_time (1)

This workflow takes a list of arbitrary Europe PMC search queries and generates the corresponding profiles of the number of matching publications per publication year.

Created: 2017-04-19

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow searchPublications_and_MapAffil (1)

This is a workflow for spatiotemporal analysis of literature indexed in PubMed. The workflow takes an arbitrary Europe PMC search query, calls the Europe PMC Web service searchPublications and extracts the publication year and PubMed ID from the results. The first author affiliation is then geoparsed by the MapAffil Web server to get latitude and longitudes. The coordinates are then concatenated together with the publication year, to produce a single list of publication years, latitudes and ...

Created: 2017-04-19

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad


Workflow Deriving factual information from WHO COVI... (1)

 WHO has posted a CSV that's frequently updated with COVID abstracts. A simple PubMed search reveals thousands of abstracts too. So here's an NLP pipeline to mine these and extract meaningful sentences/facts using Stanford Open Information Extractor and Biological entity tagging. #knime #naturallanguageprocessing #textanalytics #textmining #covid19 #nlp #datascience #WHO 

Created: 2020-04-12

Credits: User Insilicoconsulting

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Linked Data

Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/409

Alternative Formats