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Items tagged with "graph" (47)

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Files (3)

Blob Ondex and Taverna Tutorial

Created: 2009-10-22 13:50:53 | Last updated: 2009-10-22 13:51:51

Credits: User George

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Biological Data Integration Using Ondex and Taverna: A Tutorial 25/26th November 2009 The University of Manchester The Ondex SABR project (http://ondex.org/sabr.html) invite you to a two-day tutorial that aims to show participants how to use Ondex and Taverna to perform common biological data collection, integration and visualisation tasks.

File type: Word document

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 95 times | Downloaded: 62 times



Blob Ondex Workflows

Created: 2011-09-01 17:17:57 | Last updated: 2011-09-01 17:18:05

Credits: User Paul Fisher

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This zip file contains a large number of Taverna 2 workflows that utilise the Ondex Web Service, for manipulating Ondex graphs.

File type: ZIP archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 62 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob Example results from the UniProt Protein Protein Net...

Created: 2015-12-04 14:50:06

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Example results from the UniProt Protein Protein Network workflow (http://www.myexperiment.org/workflows/4778.html) on Apolipoprotein A-I (P02647). The purpose of the igraph graph is to check that the workflow ran OK. For further exploration and visualization of the network, one of the output files can be opened in Cytoscape or similar tool.

File type: PNG image

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 90 times | Downloaded: 19 times


Groups (1)

Network-member ONDEX Graphs

Unique name: ONDEX
Created: Tuesday 10 February 2009 10:45:09 (UTC)

A group for sharing ONDEX graphs in oxl format http://ondex.sourceforge.net/ http://www.ondex.org/  

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (1):


Workflows (43)

Workflow Get Concepts (1)

This workflow gets all the concepts in an Ondex graph, using a given graph id

Created: 2009-02-27

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Get CVs (1)

This workflow lets users retrive all controlled vocabularies for a given Ondex graph

Created: 2009-02-27

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Get Evidence Types (1)

This workflow gets all the evidence types within a specified Ondex graph

Created: 2009-02-27

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Get graphs (2)

Thiw workflow simply returns all the Ondex graphs that are present on a given server (where the web service is)

Created: 2009-11-05

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Get Graphs of Name (1)

This workflow gets the Ondex graphs relating to a specified name

Created: 2009-02-27

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Get relations (1)

This workflow gets all the realtions from a given Ondex graph

Created: 2009-02-27

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow All Pairs Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph based on the occurrence of directed edges within the graph. Only those concepts that have directional edges are returned to the user, in the form of a new graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. GdsWeight - The name of the GDS type to ...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Clean GO Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph, by cleaning up any GO terms within the Graph (?). The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Clean UniProt Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph, removing any erroneous UniProt data. The result is a new Ondex graph that conatains only connected UniProt data. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Concept Class Filter (1)

This workflow filters a Ondex graph based on a specific concept class. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetConceptClass - Target Concept Class to filter out. RefactorTrinaries - Where the qualifier of a trinary relation is out of scope create a bina...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Concept Class Neighbours Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph based on a user defined concept class. The neighbours of the concept class are returned as a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. Depth - The Depth (distance from seed in relations) to apply the filter to. ConceptClass - The Conce...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Context Consensus Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a consensus with regards to a specific context (concept list). The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. Threshold - Double value representing the share of contexts that qualify a graph element for ...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Context Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph according to a given context. The result is a new Ondex graph with only selected contexts. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. ContextID - The Concept ID of the Context that starts the path. ContextBoolean - Defines two ContextIDs and a boolean operati...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow CV Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a controlled vocabulary specified by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph with only those concepts that passed the filter. The parameters that can be used with this service graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. CV - A CV to include/exclude Concepts and Relations of (see Exclude param). R...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Evidence Type Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to some user defined evidence values. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this web service are given below: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. EvidenceType - EvidenceType to be taken into consideration. RefactorTrinaries - Where the qualifier of a trinary rel...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow GDS Value Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph based on a given GDS value supplied by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph with filtered content. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. AttributeName - AttributeName to filter out. GDSValue - A value which will be matched against the ...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Genomic Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a chromosomal region, or QTL region. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. ContextID - The Concept ID of the Context (Chromosome). From - The start position on the chromosome, e.g. 100. To - The stop pos...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Graph Cloner (1)

This workflow clones a given Ondex Graph, based on an Ondex Graph identifier.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Isolate Clusters Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph, isolating clusters within the graph and returning only those clusters as a new graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetConceptClass - Target Concept Class to be contained in clusters.

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow One Pair Shortest Path Filter (1)

This workflow filters a pre-existing Ondex graph using the shortest path algorithm on the graph. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. StartConceptID - The Concept ID that starts the path EndConceptID - The Concept ID that ends the path UseWeights -...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Optimal Paths Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph based on the optimal path between one or more concepts. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. PathwayDefinition - pathway definition file. StatisticsOutputDir - The directory to output statistics (Optional). Incl...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Pfam Based Ortholog Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph based on the occurrence of Pfam orthologs within the graph. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. ConfidenceThreshold - Threshold value for inparanoid confidence. Default value is 100. AnnotationScoreThreshold - Threshold...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Relation Neighbours Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph based on some neighbour parameters supplied by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. Depth - The Depth (distance from seed in relations) to apply the filter to ConceptID - The Concept ID to seed th...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Relation Type Filter (1)

This workflow filters a pre-existing ONdex graph based on a some paramters provided by the user. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional) parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetRelationType - Target RelationType to filter out. ConceptClassRestriction - Concept Class Restriction as ordered pair representing from/to C...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Shortest Path (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to the shortest path (graph) algorithm. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. StartConceptID - The Concept ID that starts the path. Valid value range is 1 to 2147483647. UseWeights - Use gds values as edge ...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Significance Filter (1)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph according to a level of significance set by the user. The result is a new Ondex graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. TargetAttributeName - Target AttributeName to filter for significance. Significance - A significance value to filter relatio...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow SubGraph Filter (2)

This workflow filters a given Ondex graph to return a new ondex sub-graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. ConceptID - The root concept to start at. Valid value range is 1 to 2147483647. FirstRelationType - RelationType limitation for depth 1 (Optional). FirstConceptClass - C...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Tranitive Filter (1)

This workflow filters an Ondex graph to extract a sub-graph. The result is a new Ondex graph containing only the transitive sub-graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph (Optional). If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. CV - Seed cv that will be used to extract the subgraph (Optional). AttributeName - Seed attribute name that will be us...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Unconnected Filter (1)

This workflow removes any unconnected nodes from a given Ondex graph through filtering, and returns a new Ondex Graph. The parameters that can be used with this service are as follows: graphId - the ID of the input Graph. outputGraphId - the ID of the output Graph. Optional parameter. If no output graph is specified filtered items will be removed from the input graph. RemoveContextDependencies - Set true to remove context dependencies, otherwise unconnected concepts will still remain in the ...

Created: 2009-08-19

Credits: User Paul Fisher


Workflow Construction of skeleton SBML model using ... (1)

This workflow generates a skeleton SBML model consisting of the metabolic reactions for a given list of yeast enzymes ORF numbers

Created: 2010-03-26 | Last updated: 2010-03-26

Credits: User Peter Li


Workflow Construction of skeleton SBML model using ... (1)

This workflow generates a skeleton SBML model consisting of the metabolic reactions for a given subsystem term.

Created: 2010-03-26 | Last updated: 2010-03-26

Credits: User Peter Li


Workflow mathPlot Web service (1)

Plotting operation which uses Mathematica (http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/) software.

Created: 2011-01-26 | Last updated: 2011-01-26

Credits: User trybik


Workflow [deprecated] Simulate SBML-derived ODEs (1)

This is a Taverna 1 version; if you're using latest Taverna 2 workbench please use: www.myexperiment.org/workflows/2264.html . Exemplary experiment using Tav4SB (http://bioputer.mimuw.edu.pl/tav4sb/) ODEs simulation and plotting Web service operations.

Created: 2011-01-26 | Last updated: 2011-07-20

Credits: User trybik


Workflow [deprecated] Probabilistic Model Checking ... (1)

This is a Taverna 1 version; if you're using latest Taverna 2 workbench please use: www.myexperiment.org/workflows/2267 . Exemplary experiment using Tav4SB (http://bioputer.mimuw.edu.pl/tav4sb/) Mathematica plotting Web service operation. This is a second-part for the computationaly exhaustive PMC: compute results workflow (http://www.myexperiment.org/workflows/1790).

Created: 2011-01-26 | Last updated: 2011-07-20

Credits: User trybik


Workflow Simulate SBML-derived ODEs (2)

Exemplary experiment using Tav4SB (http://bioputer.mimuw.edu.pl/tav4sb/) ODEs simulation and plotting Web service operations.

Created: 2011-07-20 | Last updated: 2011-07-20

Credits: User trybik


Workflow Probabilistic Model Checking (PMC): plot r... (1)

Exemplary experiment using Tav4SB (http://bioputer.mimuw.edu.pl/tav4sb/) Mathematica plotting Web service operation. This is a second-part for the computationaly exhaustive PMC: compute results workflow (http://www.myexperiment.org/workflows/2266).

Created: 2011-07-20 | Last updated: 2011-07-20

Credits: User trybik

Workflow [untitled] (2)

This is a workflow for a Cyberinfrastructure class (Fall 2011) at Syracuse University. It takes information from GapMinder and runs it through a workflow to produce a graph. The original data sets can be found here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pyj6tScZqmEdrsBnj2ROXAg&gid=0 (Literacy rate, adult total) https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=pyj6tScZqmEdIyrBS31XAaw&gid=0 (Income share of poorest 20%)

Created: 2011-11-27 | Last updated: 2011-11-27

Credits: User Kayleigh Ayn Bohémier

Attributions: Workflow Spreadsheet Import Example Workflow Broccoli: A State Comparison

Workflow Transient Dynamics. (3)

This workflow produces plots of the short-term dynamics and convergence to stable stage distribution using stage vector projections. ============================================================ This workflow has been created by the Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory (BioVeL http://www.biovel.eu/) project. BioVeL is funded by the EU’s Seventh Framework Program, grant no. 283359. This workflow was created based on Package ‘popbio’ in R. Stubben, C & B. Milligan. 2007. Estimating and Anal...

Created: 2012-11-02 | Last updated: 2014-07-31

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Jon Giddy User Gerard Oostermeijer

Attributions: Workflow Matrix Population Model construction and analysis v20 Workflow Matrix Population Model analysis v12 Blob Stage Matrix of Gentiana pneumonanthe 1987-88

Workflow Life Table Response Experiment fixed desig... (1)

The Life Table Response Experiments place effect workflow provides an environment to analyse one or more matrices (e.g. matrices of different years from the same place) from two or more places. The objective of this workflow is to determine the effects of the research places or localities (2 or more) on ?. This workflow performs a fixed LTRE, one way design (Caswell 2001). LTRE is a retrospective analysis (Caswell 1989), beginning with data on the vital rates and on ? under two or more set...

Created: 2014-08-13

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Jon Giddy User Francisco Quevedo User Gerard Oostermeijer

Workflow Life Table Response Experiment year effect... (1)

The Life Table Response Experiments Year Effect for Multiple Places workflow provides an environment to analyse two or more matrices (e.g., two or more matrices of different years from one place) at two or more different locations. The objective of this workflow is to determine the effects of the research years (2 or more) on ?. This workflow performs a fixed LTRE, one way design (Caswell 2001). LTRE is a retrospective analysis (Caswell 1989), beginning with data on the vital rates and on ?...

Created: 2014-08-21

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Jon Giddy User Francisco Quevedo User Gerard Oostermeijer

Workflow Log-log plots of variance vs. sensitivity ... (1)

This workflow creates log-log plots of both variance vs. sensitivity and CV vs. elasticity in matrix elements. Plots are based on Figure 2 in Pfister (1998). This workflow calculates as well the summary mean, variance, CV, sensitivities and elasticities of each matrix element of the submitted matrices. Please if you want to know more about this analyses please refer to: Pfister, C.A. 1998. Patterns of variance in stage-structured populations: Evolutionary predictions and ecological implica...

Created: 2014-08-21

Credits: User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Mikolaj Krzyzanowski User Jon Giddy User Francisco Quevedo User Gerard Oostermeijer

Workflow Create Local Citation Graph (1)

This workflow demonstrates how to build a local citation/reference graph for a single pubilcation in PubMed. The id input is the PubMed id (pmid) for any publication in the PubMed or PMC Europe. The workflow then queries the PMC Europe Web services to get the citations and references for this publication. Two XPath parsers are used to extract the citation and reference ids, which are then combined and passed on to an Rshell that draws a Sugiyama style layered graph using the igraph package. T...

Created: 2015-10-11

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Author Citation Network (1)

Map citation/reference network for one author using Europe PMC Web services. This workflow is intended to show the integration of several Web services, XPath XML parsing and use of the igraph package in R. Although the workflow is functional, the information in PubMed is incomplete. This means the results may be a subset of the correct citation graph.

Created: 2015-12-04 | Last updated: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene

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