Nl User: Kristina Hettne


Name: Kristina Hettne

Joined: Monday 03 August 2009 09:00:59 (UTC)

Last seen: Sunday 26 February 2017 22:18:45 (UTC)

Email (public): k.m.hettne [at]


Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Kristina Hettne has been credited 29 times

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4.5 / 5

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I am a bioinformatician working in the field of biosemantics

Other contact details:

Not specified


Toxicogenomics, Bioinformatics, Text mining

Field/Industry: Academic

Occupation/Role(s): Scientific Researcher


Leiden University Medical Center


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Pack Pathway analysis with WikiPathways

Created: 2015-09-01 14:24:28 | Last updated: 2015-11-16 09:58:55

This pack contains workflows needed to perform pathway overrepresentation analysis based on the WikiPathways Web services.

8 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 35 times | Downloaded: 6 times

This Pack has no tags!


Workflow KEGG:Get PW for met (1)

The purpose of the workflow is to retrieve all the pathways that the input metabolite(s) participates in.

Created: 2016-06-21

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Harish Dharuri

Attributions: Workflow KEGG:Pathway Scheme


Workflow chebi2keggID (1)

This workflow converts a (list of) chebi identifiers to kegg compound identifiers.

Created: 2016-06-21

Credits: User Kristina Hettne


Workflow Get targets for compound (1)

This workflow retrieves single protein targets for a compound from open PHACTS.

Created: 2016-02-22

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eelke van der Horst User Aylin Metzner


Workflow Get similar phenotypes for a disease and a... (1)

This workflow retrieves the similar phenotypes between a disease and a gene based on the Monarch services at Phenotype similarity is calculated based on OwlSim, see

Created: 2016-02-22

Credits: User Kristina Hettne


Workflow PW2ENS (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all ENSEMBL identifers for the given pathway.

Created: 2015-10-02 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow PW2CHEBI (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) identifers for the given pathway.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow ListAllWikiPathways (2)

This workflow retrieves all pathways currently in the WikiPathways database, using the WikiPathways REST API.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow GetWikiPWByENS (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query for pathways containing a specific ENSEMBL identifier. The mapping service behind WikiPathways takes care of the identifier mapping, making sure that all relevant results are found even if they were originally reported using a different identifier scheme.

Created: 2015-10-02 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow GetWikiPWByCHEBI (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query for pathways containing a specific Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) identifier. The mapping service behind WikiPathways takes care of the identifier mapping, making sure that all relevant results are found even if they were originally reported using a different identifier scheme.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow Get ontology parents (2)

Retrieves the ontology parents of an entity including the relationship type, using the ChEBI identifier.

Created: 2015-11-16 | Last updated: 2016-04-26

Credits: User Kristina Hettne

Attributions: Workflow Get ontology parents


Workflow AllPW2ENS (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all ENSEMBL identifers for all pathways and merge them into one, unique list.

Created: 2015-10-02 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow AllPW2CHEBI (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) identifers for all pathways and merge them to one, unique list.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow Chemical2URIs (1)

This workflow will map a chemical name or identifier to uniform resource identifiers (URIs). First the ChemSpider web service is used to map the chemical name to a ChemSpider identifier, then the ChemSpider identifier is mapped to URIs via the Open PHACTS platform.

Created: 2015-08-18

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eelke van der Horst Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Prioritize gene list for the Cure game (1)

This workflow prioritizes a gene list according to its association with the 'concept_id'. Here we are prioritizing a gene list against breast cancer, in order to try to beat Barney in the game The Cure ( Note: Before running this workflow the gene names supplied in the game first needs to be mapped to Entrez gene identifiers. This can be done using either this workflow or a by performing a search in the NCBI Entrez gene d...

Created: 2015-04-29

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni

Attributions: Workflow Prioritize gene list


Workflow Get concept suggestions from term (1)

This workflow suggests concept ids that match the query term. The user can run this workflow with any term of interest as for example "human", "htt", "Transcription" etc, and will get suggestions for concept ids together with descriptions. Then can choose the concept id that matches the best to her/his needs and use it to the rest of the CPA workflows.

Created: 2015-02-18

Credits: User Eelke van der Horst User Kristina Hettne User Marco Roos User Eleni

Attributions: Workflow Get concept suggestions from term


Workflow GWAS to biomedical concept (3)

Genome-Wide Association studies (GWAS) with metabolomic phenotypes yield several statistically significant SNP-metabolite associations. To understand the biological basis of the association, scientists typically dwell on identifying genes in the vicinity of the SNP and the possible pathways that the gene participates in. The information needed to arrive at an understanding of the mechanistic basis of the association requires integration of disparate data sources. The purpose of this workflow ...

Created: 2013-04-15 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Harish Dharuri User Marco Roos User Reinout van Schouwen


Workflow Annotate a gene list with disease concepts (1)

Purpose: Currently, this workflow takes a list of genes and a concept set as input, calculates the matching score between these and finds the concept that contributes the most to the match. Author comments: The workflow is in Beta stage. It runs, but needs more testing with different parameter settings. This workflow can be used together with other workflows in this pack: for functional gene annotation and knowledge discovery.

Created: 2013-02-06

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Marco Roos Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow SNPs to Concept Set through Concept Profile Matching v2


Workflow Match concept profiles with predefined set (2)

Purpose of workflow: The workflow can be used to match a set of concept profiles with predefined set of concept profiles. Result: A list of concepts ordered by their match to the query concept profiles.

Created: 2013-02-05 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Marco Roos User Reinout van Schouwen Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Find Supporting Documents (6)

This workflow finds documents that serve as evidence for the association between two concepts. Results: Document titles Document identifiers There seems to be a bug at the moment, since it returns empty values.

Created: 2012-06-26 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Marco Roos User Reinout van Schouwen User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow SNPs to Concept Set through Concept Profil... (6)

Purpose: Currently, this workflow takes one SNP and a concept set as input, calculates the matching score between these, finds co-occuring documents between the query concept and the match concept, finds the concept that contributes the most to the match, and the documents that support this finding. Author comments: The workflow is in Beta stage. It runs, but needs more testing with different parameter settings. This workflow can be used together with other workflows in this pack: http://www...

Created: 2012-06-26 | Last updated: 2013-02-05

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni User Harish Dharuri User Reinout van Schouwen User Marco Roos User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow Find Supporting Documents Workflow SNP_ID2EntrezGene_ID Workflow DatabaseID to ConceptID Workflow Match gene lists based on information in literature Workflow Match concept profiles Workflow Explain concept scores


Workflow Get Concept IDs (5)

Purpose: The workflow retrieves the concepts within a concept set. The Web service/workflow currently returns no values (bug).

Created: 2012-07-06 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Martijn Schuemie User Marco Roos Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Find co-occurring documents (6)

Purpose: This workflow search an indexed literature database for documents mentioning both of the input concepts. Author comments: Currently, PubMed is the underlying data source.

Created: 2012-07-13 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Marco Roos User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Filter concepts with profiles (4)

Purpose: Filter a list of concept id(s) by returning only those with a concept profile in the database.

Created: 2012-09-14 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow SNP_ID2EntrezGene_ID (4)

Purpose: The workflow maps a SNP (dbSNP id) to a gene (EntrezGene id). Author comments: The window for gene inclusion can be set using the set_width parameter. This workflow can be used together with other workflows in this pack: for functional gene and SNP annotation and knowledge discovery.

Created: 2012-06-26 | Last updated: 2013-03-11

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Harish Dharuri


Workflow List Concept Sets (3)

Pupose: The workflow returns a list of all Concept Set IDs currently available in the database. The Concept Sets have an hierarchical structure that can be inferred by referring to the parent Concept Set ID.

Created: 2012-07-06 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Marco Roos User Reinout van Schouwen User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Match concept profiles (6)

Purpose of workflow: The workflow can be used to match a set of concept profiles with another set of concept profiles. Result: A list of concepts ordered by their match to the query concept profiles.

Created: 2011-12-02 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Marco Roos User Kristina Hettne User Martijn Schuemie User Reinout van Schouwen


Workflow Get concept information (5)

The workflow takes a (list of) concept ID(s) as input and returns the profile, ID, definition and name of the concept.

Created: 2012-07-06 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Marco Roos User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Match gene lists based on information in l... (7)

[THIS WORKFLOW IS IN BETA STAGE] This workflow computes the match between two lists of Entrez Gene Identifiers by means of concept profile matching (Jelier et al., van Haagen et al.). The result of this is a list of concepts ordered by their matching score (the length of the list set by maxMatchNr). Of this list the summed scores are explained by computing the concepts that contribute most to the combination of the matching genes. Example to explain (by analogy): When a group of informatic...

Created: 2012-04-17 | Last updated: 2012-04-25

Credits: User Marco Roos User Reinout van Schouwen User Eleni User Kristina Hettne Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow Match concept profiles Workflow Explain concept scores

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