Nl User: Eleni


Name: Eleni

Joined: Tuesday 12 July 2011 15:49:53 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 02 August 2018 14:28:05 (UTC)

Email (public): e.mina [at]

Website: Not specified

Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Eleni has been credited 39 times

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Field/Industry: Bioinformatics

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


Leiden University Medical Centre


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Blob Supplementary file 5: Percentile scores

Created: 2016-10-25 15:05:47

Credits: User Eleni

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This document presents the percentile score of the prioritized gene list when compared to the frequency distribution of 100 match scores of randomly sampled gene-HTT concept pairs out of the 12,391 genes in our concept profile database.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 30 times | Downloaded: 4 times

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Blob Supplementary file 4: Decision about the promoter re...

Created: 2016-10-25 15:05:15

Credits: User Eleni

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This document is included as a reference to describe the decisions that were made concerning the promoter size using an older version of epigenetic data from ENCODE. In this file we present the additional runs of the workflow compute\_overlaps that were performed with different parameters in order to test and decide for the best promoter region and overlap parameters. 

File type: Word document

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 27 times | Downloaded: 6 times

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Blob Supplementary file 3: Gene prioritization

Created: 2016-10-25 15:04:40

Credits: User Eleni

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Top 100 novel proteins, resulted from the semantic analysis associated with HTT and epigenetics

File type: Excel workbook

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 24 times | Downloaded: 6 times

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Blob Supplementary file 2: Annotations of CpG containing ...

Created: 2016-10-25 15:03:45

Credits: User Eleni

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The top 50 annotations characterising each group of genes with CpG islands and without, resulted from the semantic analysis of those two groups of genes with Biological Processes. 

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 38 times | Downloaded: 13 times

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Blob Supplementary file 1: Unique annotations of genes in...

Created: 2016-10-25 15:01:52

Credits: User Eleni

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains the results from the semantic analysis with Biological Processes of the genes that were overlapping with active TSS, bivalent TSS, heterochromatin and repressed polycomb chromatin state. The annotations that we present here are uniquely characterizing each gene list (as resulted from the CPA out of the top 50 annotations). 

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 21 times | Downloaded: 4 times

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Blob converter_nanopublications

Created: 2015-04-03 21:08:40

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

this script is part of the nanopublication workflow from pack

File type: application/x-ruby

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 12 times | Downloaded: 8 times

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Blob create nanopublications

Created: 2015-04-03 21:05:56

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This ruby script creates nanopublications for the results of the prioritized gene list from pack : 

File type: application/x-ruby

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 18 times | Downloaded: 6 times

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Blob workflow sketch Hd chromatin analysis

Created: 2013-08-30 12:01:45 | Last updated: 2013-11-04 19:18:11

Credits: User Eleni

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Sketch that demonstrates how the workflows of our chromatin analysis in HD are connected with each other, plus a short explanation for each one. 

File type: PNG image

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 36 times | Downloaded: 25 times

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Pack Supplementary information for paper submission @ F10...

Created: 2016-10-25 14:57:58 | Last updated: 2016-10-25 15:06:18

This pack contains the files that belong to supplementary information of the paper submission at F1000Research. Note: This is a temporary link for the review proccess of the thesis "Knowledge discovery methods in Huntington's Disease" by Eleni Mina, till the data are published online at the F1000Research

5 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 126 times | Downloaded: 5 times

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Workflow PW2ENS (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all ENSEMBL identifers for the given pathway.

Created: 2015-10-02 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow PW2CHEBI (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) identifers for the given pathway.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow ListAllWikiPathways (2)

This workflow retrieves all pathways currently in the WikiPathways database, using the WikiPathways REST API.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow GetWikiPWByENS (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query for pathways containing a specific ENSEMBL identifier. The mapping service behind WikiPathways takes care of the identifier mapping, making sure that all relevant results are found even if they were originally reported using a different identifier scheme.

Created: 2015-10-02 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow GetWikiPWByCHEBI (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query for pathways containing a specific Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) identifier. The mapping service behind WikiPathways takes care of the identifier mapping, making sure that all relevant results are found even if they were originally reported using a different identifier scheme.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow AllPW2ENS (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all ENSEMBL identifers for all pathways and merge them into one, unique list.

Created: 2015-10-02 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow AllPW2CHEBI (2)

This workflow uses the WikiPathways Webservice/API to query to retrieve all Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) identifers for all pathways and merge them to one, unique list.

Created: 2015-09-01 | Last updated: 2015-10-12

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni


Workflow Get properties of drugs for genes by Entre... (3)

Given a Entrez gene_id the workflow extracts features of its protein (e.g. function, cellular localization and name) and properties of specific drugs for this protein (including activity, PSA, RO5, Smiles and molweight). This workflow uses 3 different services of OpenPHACTS (Target Pharmacology, Compound Information, Target Information).

Created: 2015-07-24 | Last updated: 2015-07-28

Credits: User Katerina Nosikova User Marco Roos User Eleni User Eelke van der Horst User Elizaveta Besedina


Workflow Prioritize gene list for the Cure game (1)

This workflow prioritizes a gene list according to its association with the 'concept_id'. Here we are prioritizing a gene list against breast cancer, in order to try to beat Barney in the game The Cure ( Note: Before running this workflow the gene names supplied in the game first needs to be mapped to Entrez gene identifiers. This can be done using either this workflow or a by performing a search in the NCBI Entrez gene d...

Created: 2015-04-29

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni

Attributions: Workflow Prioritize gene list



Workflow Create nanopublications (1)

This workflow creates nanopublications for a gene list that is associated to Huntington's Disease

Created: 2015-04-03

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Blob create nanopublications Blob converter_nanopublications



Workflow Prioritize gene list (1)

This workflow prioritizes a gene list according to its association with the 'concept_id'. In our example here we are prioritizing a gene list to obtain genes that are more closely associated to huntingtin, the cause of huntington's disease

Created: 2015-04-03

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics



Workflow List Concept Sets (1)

Pupose: The workflow returns a list of all Concept Set IDs currently available in the database. The Concept Sets have an hierarchical structure that can be inferred by referring to the parent Concept Set ID.

Created: 2015-04-03

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics



Workflow Explain score between two concepts (1)

Purpose of workflow: This workflow takes two ids as input and returns the top ranking "B" concepts according to Swanson's ABC model of discovery, where the relationships AB and BC are known and reported in the literature, and the implicit relationship AC is a putative new discovery. It might also be the case that AC is already known. In that case AC does not represent a new discovery but will still be returned (see workflow example values). The B concepts are returned sorted on the percentage...

Created: 2015-04-03

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Get concept suggestions from term (1)

This workflow suggests concept ids that match the query term. The user can run this workflow with any term of interest as for example "human", "htt", "Transcription" etc, and will get suggestions for concept ids together with descriptions. Then can choose the concept id that matches the best to her/his needs and use it to the rest of the CPA workflows.

Created: 2015-02-18

Credits: User Eelke van der Horst User Kristina Hettne User Marco Roos User Eleni

Attributions: Workflow Get concept suggestions from term



Workflow Map genes to chromosomal location (1)

This workflow maps a gene list to the genome using the biomart service, and afterwards computes a promoter region for each gene. The user needs to define the promoter region to be computed. The direction that a gene is transcribed is being taken into account in the "compute_promoter_region_with_strand" component. The variable "strand" is responsible for that. NOTE: The library(biomaRt) is a prerequisite for this workflow

Created: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow get promoter region + operate on genomic i... (1)

Finds the overlap between two datasets which contain genomic information (e.g. [gene id], chromosome name, gene start, gene end), plus some statistics. Returns rows of file_1 which overlap with the second file. A kolmogorov smirnov test is applied between the list that overlaps and the one that does not. NOTE: The library(GenomicRanges) is a prerequisite for this workflow

Created: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow Get differentially expressed genes for Arr... (1)

****IMPORTANT****:if libraries: library(ArrayExpress), library(hgu133b.db), library(limma) are not installed in the local R installation, then they need to be installed before running this workflow. Original data come from Hodges et. al 2006 "Regional and cellular gene expression changes in human Huntington’s disease brain" This workflow loads the two necessary files (gene expression data & phenotype data), and creates the expression set object to be used by the R package limma, to test for ...

Created: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow Get differentially expressed genes for Arr... (1)

****IMPORTANT****:if libraries: library(ArrayExpress), library(hgu133a.db), library(limma) are not installed in the local R installation, then they need to be installed before running this workflow. Original data come from Hodges et. al 2006 "Regional and cellular gene expression changes in human Huntington’s disease brain" This workflow loads the two necessary files (gene expression data & phenotype data), and creates the expression set object to be used by the R package limma, to test for ...

Created: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow Download data from array express + create ... (1)

This workflow uses the array express library to download data from the array express repository and creates two separate files. The gene expression and the phenotype files. The files are saved in the directory that the user has to specify in the input. NOTE: The library(ArrayExpress) is a prerequisite for this workflow

Created: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow get promoter region + operate on genomic i... (5)

This workflow computes a promoter region for each gene that we provide as input carrying the genomic information. Then it computes the overlap between the two datasets that contain genomic information plus some statistics. Returns rows of file_1 which overlap with the second file. A kolmogorov smirnov test is applied between the list that overlaps and the one that does not. Uses the R package GenomicRanges.

Created: 2013-10-04 | Last updated: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow Map genes to chromosomal location for T2WEB (1)

This workflow maps a gene list on the genome using the biomart service. IMPORTANT NOTE: Keep in mind that for uploading files on t2web, you need to wait few minutes before executing the workflow. That's essential because the file needs first to be uploaded on the server.

Created: 2013-11-04

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow Annotate gene list with top ranking concepts (4)

This workflow annotates a comma separated gene list with a predefined concept set as for example Biological processes or Disease/syndrome. To obtain the particular id for each concept set (e.g. "5" for Biological processes), the workflow listPredefinedConceptSets needs to run first. The output provides us with the top (cutoff) concepts that describe our gene list of interest The workflow is using the anni web services .

Created: 2013-12-03 | Last updated: 2015-04-03

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow Get concept suggestions from term (1)

This workflow suggests concept ids that match the query term. The user can run this workflow with any term of interest as for example "human", "htt", "Transcription" etc, and will get suggestions for concept ids together with descriptions. Then can choose the concept id that matches the best to her/his needs and use it to the rest of the CPA workflows.

Created: 2013-08-31

Credits: User Eleni Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Test RShell (1)

workflow hacked to include empty username and password elements

Created: 2013-02-27

Credits: User Reinout van Schouwen User Eleni

Attributions: Workflow workflow to test Rshell (for internal purposes)


Workflow SNPs to Concept Set through Concept Profil... (6)

Purpose: Currently, this workflow takes one SNP and a concept set as input, calculates the matching score between these, finds co-occuring documents between the query concept and the match concept, finds the concept that contributes the most to the match, and the documents that support this finding. Author comments: The workflow is in Beta stage. It runs, but needs more testing with different parameter settings. This workflow can be used together with other workflows in this pack: http://www...

Created: 2012-06-26 | Last updated: 2013-02-05

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Eleni User Harish Dharuri User Reinout van Schouwen User Marco Roos User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow Find Supporting Documents Workflow SNP_ID2EntrezGene_ID Workflow DatabaseID to ConceptID Workflow Match gene lists based on information in literature Workflow Match concept profiles Workflow Explain concept scores



Workflow workflow to test Rshell (for internal purp... (1)

 This is a workflow to test if Rserve is working properly, for internal purposes.  Takes as input two integers. output is the sum of integer 1 and integer 2  

Created: 2013-01-21 | Last updated: 2013-03-11

Credits: User Eleni


Workflow Retention Time Prediction with X!Tandem (1)

This workflow identifies peptides from tandem mass spectra using X!Tandem as in a standard installation of the Trans-Proteomic Pipeline (TPP, version 4.6, but earlier versions should also work). The peptide-spectrum matches are validates using PeptideProphet (also from a standard installation of TPP) and peptides with at least a probability 0.95 are used to train a linear retention time predictor (Palmblad et al., 2002), whereby retention coefficients are also derived. These indirectly provid...

Created: 2012-09-03 | Last updated: 2012-09-03

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene User Eleni

Attributions: Blob rt3.c


Workflow Match gene lists based on information in l... (7)

[THIS WORKFLOW IS IN BETA STAGE] This workflow computes the match between two lists of Entrez Gene Identifiers by means of concept profile matching (Jelier et al., van Haagen et al.). The result of this is a list of concepts ordered by their matching score (the length of the list set by maxMatchNr). Of this list the summed scores are explained by computing the concepts that contribute most to the combination of the matching genes. Example to explain (by analogy): When a group of informatic...

Created: 2012-04-17 | Last updated: 2012-04-25

Credits: User Marco Roos User Reinout van Schouwen User Eleni User Kristina Hettne Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow Match concept profiles Workflow Explain concept scores



Workflow Get Pathway-Genes and gene description by ... (2)

Given a specific entrez gene id, returns the pathways that this gene participates in and for each of those pathways which genes (including their description) are associated with.

Created: 2012-03-27 | Last updated: 2012-04-03

Credits: User Eleni



Workflow Get Pathway-Genes by Entrez gene id (4)

Given a specific entrez gene id, returns the pathways that this gene participates in and for each of those pathways which genes are associated with. The workflow outputs also a KEGG pathway map and the objects are colored according to the input color values.

Created: 2012-03-08 | Last updated: 2012-04-14

Credits: User Eleni

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