Pack: Open Data: Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria
Title: Open Data: Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria
This pack contains freely accessible data for scientific researchers to try and identify key genes linked to Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria. For those who want more information about this condition before they download the data, please see this link, which describes the condition and traits:
The results conatined within this pack are the output from running a scientific workflow that identifies candidate genes within a chromosome region linked to a disease, known as a Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL). I've run this workflow for bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria. The results in this pack are freely available to all; not just people on myExperiment, but the entire world, to make use of and help understand this condition.
I'm making these data sets open to try and increase our understanding of the causes of this condition, and increase the possibility of developing therapeuitic treatments.
Please download this data and help to identify candidate genes, pathways, and genetic mutations that may influence this condition. I want all people investigating epilepsy to have a look at this data and see if it is of any use to their research. If it is not, then nothing has been lost.
If you know anyone working on this condition, or anyone working in a similar field - such as Epilepsy, please tell them and pass on the link to this data.
It should be noted that I have no involvement with the generation of the QTL regions from, nor can be held accountable for the validity of the underlying data collected from numerous databases. I merely offer you the data as I have collected, and list the workflows used to gather the data.
Use the data as you wish, but please reference this URL: and this original paper: if you plan to publish the data. Details of the text mining methods are in preparation for publication.
Items (7)
File: Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria (Paul Fisher)
This file contains QTL genes and pathways linked to this condition
Added by Paul Fisher ... more than 1 year ago (2011-03-17 11:14:07)
File: Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria - Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (Paul Fisher)
This file contains SNP found within the BPP QTL regions, as published by Villard et al., (2002)
Added by Paul Fisher ... more than 1 year ago (2011-03-17 11:21:41)
Workflow: Pathway and Gene to Pubmed (Paul Fisher)
Added by Paul Fisher ... more than 1 year ago (2011-03-22 11:40:50)
Workflow: Pathways and Gene annotations forQTL region (Paul Fisher)
Added by Paul Fisher ... more than 1 year ago (2011-03-22 11:40:18)
File: Schema for flat file cross-referencing (Paul Fisher)
Added by Paul Fisher ... more than 1 year ago (2011-03-23 17:01:17)
External: Link - (
This slide deck provides an overview of the methods, and the reason why workflows were chosen as the means of implementing my methodology.
Added by Paul Fisher ... more than 1 year ago (2011-03-23 17:02:20)
External: Link - (
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) Link describing Bilateral Perisylvian Polymicrogyria.
Added by Paul Fisher ... more than 1 year ago (2011-03-17 14:44:15)
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7 items in this pack
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Tags from Items (54)
- annotation
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- bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria
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- chromosome
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- concept
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- concept profile
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- controlled vocabulary
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- cosine vector space
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- data integration
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- data-driven
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- database
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- disease
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- dresden
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- efetch
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- enrichment
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- ensembl
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- entity recognition
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- entrez
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- epilepsy
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- esearch
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- eutils
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- gene
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- gene identifier
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- geneid
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- genes
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- genomic
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- genotype
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- homo sapiens
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- human
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- kegg
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- Kegg Pathways
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- KeggID
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- literature
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- loci
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- locus
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- medline
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- mesh
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- nucleotide
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- pathway
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- pathway-driven
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- pathways
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- phenotype
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- polymorphism
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- pubmed
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- qtl
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- quanitative
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- region
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- schema
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- snp
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- snps
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- text mining
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- text mining; term extraction; entity recognition
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- trait
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- triat
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- uniprot
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