Tag Results

Items tagged with "disease" (21)

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Packs (1)

Pack Towards Genotype-Phenotype Correlations

Created: 2009-04-08 13:14:54 | Last updated: 2009-08-11 14:50:01

It is increasingly common to combine Microarray and Quantitative Trait Loci data to aid the search for candidate genes responsible for phenotypic variation. Workflows provide a means of systematically processing large datasets, and represent a framework for the re-use and the explicit declaration of experimental methods. In this pack is a paper which describes the issues facing the manual analysis of microarray and QTL data for the discovery of candidate genes underlying complex phenotypes.&n...

20 items in this pack

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Workflows (20)

Workflow BioAID_DiseaseDiscovery_RatHumanMouseUnipr... (4)

This workflow finds disease relevant to the query string via the following steps: 1. A user query: a list of terms or boolean query - look at the Apache Lucene project for all details. E.g.: (EZH2 OR "Enhancer of Zeste" +(mutation chromatin) -clinical); consider adding 'ProteinSynonymsToQuery' in front of the input if your query is a protein. 2. Retrieve documents: finds 'maximumNumberOfHits' relevant documents (abstract+title) based on query (the AIDA service inside is based on Apa...

Created: 2008-12-15 | Last updated: 2011-08-11

Credits: User Marco Roos Network-member AID

Workflow KEGG pathways common to both QTL and micro... (3)

This workflow takes in two lists of KEGG pathway ids. These are designed to come from pathways found from genes in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region, and from pathways found from genes differentially expressed in a microarray study. By identifying the intersecting pathways from both studies, a more informative picture is obtained of the candidate processes involved in the expression of a phenotype.   Example input for this workflow is given below (as newline separated values). qt...

Created: 2009-11-24 | Last updated: 2009-12-03

Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region (7)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in the mouse, Mus musculus. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG path...

Created: 2009-11-19 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Mouse Microarray Analysis (3)

This workflow takes in probesets from and AffyMetrix micorarray experiment and returns: the genes ; gene start and end positions; chromosome where genes reside; ensembl trasncripts; SwissProt ids; affy probeset identifiers for chips Mouse430_2 and Mouse430a_2. Example ids from the Mouse430_2 affymetrix array are as follows (newline separated): 1447227_at 1440624_at 1436240_at 1454904_at 1435665_at 1418148_at 1429831_at

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2009-12-03

Workflow BioAID_ProteinToDiseases (1)

This workflow was based on BioAID_DiseaseDiscovery, changes: expects only one protein name, adds protein synonyms). This workflow finds diseases relevant to the query string via the following steps: A user query: a single protein name Add synonyms (service courtesy of Martijn Scheumie, Erasmus University Rotterdam) Retrieve documents: finds relevant documents (abstract+title) based on query Discover proteins: extract proteins discovered in the set of relevant abstracts 5. Link proteins ...

Created: 2007-11-14 | Last updated: 2007-11-15

Credits: User Marco Roos User Martijn Schuemie Network-member AID

Attributions: Workflow BioAID_DiseaseDiscovery_RatHumanMouseUniprotFilter

Workflow Gene annotation pipeline for the Graves di... (2)

This is a revised workflow for the Graves disease scenario gene annotation pipeline used in the myGrid project. The workflow had to be re-written due to the loss of the services invoked in the original workflow.

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2007-11-22

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft User Peter Li

Workflow Microarray CEL file to candidate pathways (2)

This workflow takes in a CEL file and a normalisation method then returns a series of images/graphs which represent the same output obtained using the MADAT software package (MicroArray Data Analysis Tool) http://www.bioinf.manchester.ac.uk/MADAT/index.html. Also retruned by this workflow are a list of the top differentialy expressed genes (size dependant on the number specified as input - geneNumber), which are then used to find the candidate pathways which may be influencing the observed ch...

Created: 2008-02-08 | Last updated: 2009-02-13

Credits: User Paul Fisher User Saeedeh

Workflow Human Microarray Analysis (1)

This workflow takes in probesets from and AffyMetrix  Affy HG U133A micorarray experiment and returns: genes ; gene start and end positions; chromosome where genes reside; ensembl trasncripts; SwissProt ids. The final output of the workflow is a list of candidate pathways which are linked to the genes expressed in the microarray data.   Example input for this workflow is: 212283_at 221634_at 220399_at  

Created: 2008-02-08 | Last updated: 2009-12-03

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow omim and pathways (2)

This workflow searches OMIM for entries associated with a particular disease in OMIM, returns the IDs and maps them to Kegg Gene IDs. For each gene, it then gets the description and any corresponding pathways those genes are involved with

Created: 2009-03-03 | Last updated: 2009-11-02

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Get Kegg Gene information

Workflow Phenotype to pubmed (3)

This workflow takes in a phenotype search term, and searches for abstracts in the PubMed database. These are passed to the eSearch function and searched for in PubMed. Those abstracts found are returned to the user

Created: 2010-07-05 | Last updated: 2011-01-11

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region (1)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in the mouse, Mus musculus. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG path...

Created: 2010-11-15 | Last updated: 2010-11-16

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region

Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for RefSeq ids (1)

This workflow searches for genes which were found to be differentially expressed from a microarray study in the mouse, Mus musculus. The workflow requires an input of gene ref_seq identifiers. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found for each ref_seq id. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to search for pathways in the KEGG pathway database.

Created: 2010-11-15 | Last updated: 2010-11-15

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Workflow BiomartAndEMBOSSDisease (4)

This workflow retrieves all genes on human chromosome 22 that are associated with a disease and aligns the upstream regions with mouse and rat homologues. The alignments are plotted and corresponding sequence ids are also returned. Using Biomart and EMBOSS soaplab services, This workflow retrieves a number of sequences from 3 species: mouse, human, rat; align them, and returns a plot of the alignment result. Corresponding sequence ids are also returned.

Created: 2011-01-27 | Last updated: 2012-09-04

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft User Alan Williams

Attributions: Workflow BiomartAndEMBOSSAnalysis

Workflow Gene to Pubmed (4)

This workflow takes in a list of gene names and searches the PubMed database for corresponding articles. Any matches to the genes are then retrieved (abstracts only). These abstracts are then returned to the user.

Created: 2011-02-08 | Last updated: 2011-02-10

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Cosine vector space Workflow Extract Scientific Terms Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms Workflow Cosine vector space Workflow Rank Phenotype Terms Workflow Pathway to Pubmed Workflow Extract Scientific Terms

Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations forQTL region (2)

This workflow searches for genes which reside in a QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) region in Human, Homo sapiens. The workflow requires an input of: a chromosome name or number; a QTL start base pair position; QTL end base pair position. Data is then extracted from BioMart to annotate each of the genes found in this region. The Entrez and UniProt identifiers are then sent to KEGG to obtain KEGG gene identifiers. The KEGG gene identifiers are then used to searcg for pathways in the KEGG pathway ...

Created: 2011-03-17 | Last updated: 2011-08-30

Credits: User Paul Fisher

Attributions: Workflow Pathways and Gene annotations for QTL region

4053?size=60x60 Fr PL

Workflow The NOTCH2 workflow (1)

Analysis of the exome sequencing data for the following article: Nat Genet. 2011 Mar 6;43(4):306-8. Truncating mutations in the last exon of NOTCH2 cause a rare skeletal disorder with osteoporosis. Isidor B, Lindenbaum P, Pichon O, Bézieau S, Dina C, Jacquemont S, Martin-Coignard D, Thauvin-Robinet C, Le Merrer M, Mandel JL, David A, Faivre L, Cormier-Daire V, Redon R, Le Caignec C. using knime4bio

Created: 2011-09-06 | Last updated: 2011-09-06

Credits: User PL

Workflow Define Associated Regions and Genes (2)

Defines regions and genes from associated SNPs A JAVA MySQL connector is required to run the workflow and must be placed in the $TAVERNA_HOME/lib directory.

Created: 2012-02-08 | Last updated: 2012-05-09

Credits: User Paul martin

Workflow get_Disease_Id_by_Pathway (1)

retrieve Disease Id related to a gien pathway in KEGG db

Created: 2012-10-19

Credits: User Massimo La Rosa User Antonino Fiannaca

Workflow Annotate a gene list with disease concepts (1)

Purpose: Currently, this workflow takes a list of genes and a concept set as input, calculates the matching score between these and finds the concept that contributes the most to the match. Author comments: The workflow is in Beta stage. It runs, but needs more testing with different parameter settings. This workflow can be used together with other workflows in this pack: http://www.myexperiment.org/packs/368 for functional gene annotation and knowledge discovery.

Created: 2013-02-06

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Marco Roos Network-member BioSemantics

Attributions: Workflow SNPs to Concept Set through Concept Profile Matching v2

Workflow Get similar phenotypes for a disease and a... (1)

This workflow retrieves the similar phenotypes between a disease and a gene based on the Monarch services at http://monarchinitiative.org/page/services. Phenotype similarity is calculated based on OwlSim, see http://owlsim.org.

Created: 2016-02-22

Credits: User Kristina Hettne

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