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Blob Advanced Technique for best use of CDroid OS for Mob...

Created: 2016-11-24 17:00:10

Credits: User Santanu Koley

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

CDroid  is  the  next  generation  technology  which  will  be  used with  clouds  to  get  benefits  from  it.  The  twenty  first  century made  us  smart  enough,  it  is  now mandatory  to  save  power consumption  as  much  as  for  the  sake  of  financial, environmental  stability. &n...

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Blob Cloud Computing with CDroid OS based on Fujitsu Serv...

Created: 2016-11-24 16:54:43

Credits: User Santanu Koley

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The twenty first century made us smart enough, it is now mandatory to save power consumption as much as for the sake of financial, environmental stability. It is equally important for national security and mankind. Today a huge number of populations in the world is worried about Smartphone batteries. They are huge consumer of energy when using several apps. Our system is to develop Cloud Computing with CDroid Operation System that is based on Fujitsu Server for Mobile Tech...

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Blob Cloud Computing with CDroid OS based on Fujitsu Ser...

Created: 2016-11-24 16:51:24

Credits: User Santanu Koley

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The twenty  first  century  made us  smart  enough,  it  is  now mandatory to save power consumption as much as for the sake of financial,  environmental  stability .  It  is  equally  important  for national  security  and  mankind.  Today  a  huge  number  of populations in the world is worried about Smartphone batteries. They are huge consumer of energ...

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Created: 2016-11-24 16:47:27

Credits: User Santanu Koley

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

In  today’s  era,  it  is  important  to  save  energy  as  much  as  for  the  sake  of  better  financial, environmental, national security and above all the mankind. The Smartphone batteries are huge consumer  of  energy  when  using  several  apps.  The  proposed  system  is  to  develop  a  CDroid operating  s...

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Blob CDroid in Fujitsu Server for Mobile Cloud

Created: 2016-11-24 16:43:25

Credits: User Santanu Koley

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

In today’s era, it is important to save energy as much as for the sake of better financial, environmental, national security and above all the mankind. The Smartphone batteries are huge consumer of energy when using several apps. The proposed system is to develop a CDroid operating system in Fujitsu server for mobile cloud computing as saving energy, enhancing battery life and put aside processor cycles of mobile phone, sharing data / information and faster access. Our CDroid system sha...

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Blob Machine Learning for Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrie...

Created: 2016-11-24 16:39:24

Credits: User Santanu Koley

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The  objective  of  this  paper  is  to  analysis  of  main  soil  properties  such  as  organic  matter,  essential  plant  nutrients, micronutrient  that  affects  the  growth  of  crops  and  find  out  the  suitable  relationship  percentage  among  those  properties  using Supervised Learning, Back Propaga...

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Blob What in the World is Universe?: A prime example

Created: 2016-11-22 20:48:25

Credits: User M. Kirsh

License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License

Biological reproduction in an unreal world built of equality produces 2^n non unique identical soldiers. Inequalities, though, are required to represent overlap of spaces in a real world built of intercoursing spaces. Other than possible representation of space as a box with 8 vertices (3 generations), 5 + 1-invisible vertice are advanced to represent a world of unique individuals entailing 2's company, 3t 's a crowd. Though contemporary approaches involve a world/universe that is exp...

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Blob The Spaces in the Looking Glass: Stllling the frame/...

Created: 2016-11-22 20:04:39

Credits: User M. Kirsh

License: Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this writing is to propose a frame of view, a form as the eternal world element, that is compatible with paradox within the history of ideas, modern discovery as they confront one another. Under special consideration are problems of representation of phenomena, life, the cosmos as the rational facility of mind confronts the physical/perceptual, and itself. Current topics in pursuit are near as diverse and numbered as are the possibilities for a world composed strictly o...

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Blob 2016 Niumag NMR Analyzer Product Brochure

Created: 2016-11-15 08:30:03

Credits: User NiumagNMR

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

NIUMAG is modern and dynamic company whose analytical NMR/MRI systems are widely used in food, energy, polymer, life science and other industries. Continuous product development and the ability to create innovative solutions that closely meed unique customer needs has enabled Niumag to become the world’s largest supplier of low field MR systems.

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Blob Application of 2D NMR Techniques in core analysis

Created: 2016-11-02 06:46:24

Credits: User NiumagNMR

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This review paper introduces 2DNMR pulse trains frequently used in core analysis and their applications, as well as relevant relaxation mechanisms. 2D NMR technique content of D-T2 sequence, T1-T2 sequence and 2D NMI technology which can be used to measure the property parameters of formation fluid and the physics parameters directly, such as diffusion coefficient, relaxation time, oil saturation, porosity, permeability and so on. The 2D NMR map can also be used to distinguish between oil, ga...

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