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Blob London Roadshow PPT

Created: 2009-01-29 13:56:35

Credits: User Dfmac

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 David Fergusson's presentation for London Roadshow

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 68 times | Downloaded: 219 times


Workflow Isolating the "demethylated" product of th... (1)

Isolating the "demethylated" product of the reaction of furan containing Ugi products with TFA. Mirrored from

Created: 2008-10-21

Credits: User Danius Michaelides Network-member UsefulChem

Workflow To monitor the reaction of the imine forme... (1)

To monitor the reaction of the imine formed with an acid (amino or carboxylic acid). Mirror of

Created: 2008-10-21

Credits: User Danius Michaelides Network-member UsefulChem

Workflow Monitoring the formation of an imine (1)

Monitor the formation of an aromatic imine by HMR and CMR in CDCl3. Mirror of

Created: 2008-10-21

Credits: User Danius Michaelides Network-member UsefulChem

Workflow get_enzymes_by_compound (1)

Retrieve all enzymes which have a link to a given compound id Input example: cpd:C00345

Created: 2008-10-08

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_compounds_by_reaction (1)

Retrieve all compounds which have a link to a given reaction_id Example on input: rn:R00100

Created: 2008-10-07

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_compounds_by_pathway (1)

Retrieves all compounds on the specified pathway Example of input: path:eco00020

Created: 2008-10-07

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Pack FunCUT package

Created: 2008-10-03 16:47:15 | Last updated: 2008-10-03 16:48:55

Input example and FunCUT workflow

1 item in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 162 times | Downloaded: 0 times


Workflow get_best_best_neighbors_by_gene (1)

Search the best-best neighbor of a gene in all organisms. Example of input: gene_id: eco:b0002 offset: 1 limit: 10

Created: 2008-10-02

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow btit (1)

Retrieve definitions of given database entries available on GenomeNet database. Example of input: hsa:1798 mmu:13478

Created: 2008-09-30 | Last updated: 2008-09-30

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

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