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Workflow Get image URLs from HTML document and outp... (1)

Retrieve the web page at, examine it for images and output the images.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Get image from URL - only url specified (1)

Retrieve the image at using just the url parameter

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Fail if true - true value (1)

The fail if true service throws an exception when passed the value true.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Decode base64 to byte[] (1)

The decode base64 to byte[] service decodes the base64 string. The byte array is then converted into the string 'Hello world'.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow echo (1)

The workflow tests the standard-compliance of web service descriptions of ARC-1, a development of the EU project "KnowARC" to modernise the grid infrastructure ARC of the NorduGrid. Learn more about it on and If you have computers in spare - join us - and help you very own and many other sciences. And you make many interesting contacts just en passent. No authorisation is required for this very experimental service.

Created: 2008-09-18

Credits: User Steffen Möller


Blob Seeding cells protocol for OMERO.editor

Created: 2008-09-15 14:46:28 | Last updated: 2008-10-07 13:09:38

Credits: User Will

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

 A simple demo protocol for OMERO.editor.  You can download OMERO.editor (as part of OMERO clients) from here.

File type: XML data

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 115 times | Downloaded: 66 times



Pack Newcastle NeuroScience

Created: 2008-08-04 17:35:59 | Last updated: 2008-09-01 17:00:14

This pack contains two PowerPoint presentations given at the 01/08/2008 Taverna and myExperiment tutorial.

3 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 116 times | Downloaded: 40 times



Pack e-science tool pack

Created: 2008-08-01 10:52:42 | Last updated: 2008-08-01 12:06:07

Pack of tools and software components that can be used to enhance your research. 'e-science' characteristics: interoperabie with other tools free to use by academics components can be shared and reused, potentially for other means stimulating sharing and reusing components  

1 item in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 128 times | Downloaded: 37 times



Workflow file_fetching_workflow (1)

This workflow demonstrates interaction with an instance of an omixed server ( hosting a very simple model and containing some sequence files.  The server is available for public access so you should be able to try this out. Notes: With the versions of Taverna and Axis2 I am using, I had to massage the WSDL emitted by Axis2 in order to keep Taverna happy.  This involved removing the sections relating to SOAP12. The workflow first connects to the server and obtains a ses...

Created: 2008-07-14 | Last updated: 2008-07-14

Credits: User Tim Booth


Pack Peter Li workflows for benchmarks PR and CA2

Created: 2008-07-13 20:32:39 | Last updated: 2008-07-13 20:47:19

Please note that the workflows in this pack are not being maintained. For updated workflows check out

66 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 170 times | Downloaded: 24 times


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