DataBiNS - Data Mining Workflow for Biological Pathways and Non-Synonymous SNPs

Created: 2007-12-04 23:43:01      Last updated: 2007-12-04 23:45:25

DataBiNS (Data Mining Workflow for Biological Pathways and Non-Synonymous SNPs) is a workflow that takes an identifier (list of gene ids, or list of KEGG pathway ids) and proceeds to mine for Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) data that is associated with the identifiers.

This particular variation of DataBiNS can take in several gene identifiers. The version of DataBiNS that takes in a KEGG pathway id can be found as a separate workflow on myExperiment. The identifers can be from the following sources:

1) KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) 2) OMIM (Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man) 3) PMID (Pubmed Identifier) 4) UniGene 5) UniProt 6) GenBank 7) NCBI_gi

When entering the inputs for the workflow, enter the id in the id input, and the source of the identifer into the namespace. The source name must be EXACTLY the same name as the mentioned above. So for example, searching by kegg id hsa:10, the namespace input must be KEGG. Searching by OMIM id 603028, the namespace must be OMIM, etc. etc. See also the related workflow on KEGG pathway id.

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