Gb User: Franck Tanoh


Name: Franck Tanoh

Joined: Wednesday 01 August 2007 15:21:20 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 17 March 2011 10:26:23 (UTC)

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Location: United Kingdom

Franck Tanoh has been credited 34 times

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Workflow EntrezGeneId_to_GOFunction (1)

The workflow takes a list of Entrez gene ids and returns the corresponding GO function definitions. Example value: 1306 486 4712 108 9912 7639 23786

Created: 2010-05-13 | Last updated: 2010-05-13

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_enzymes_by_gene (1)

Retrieve all the EC numbers which are assigned to a given gene Input example: eco:b0002

Created: 2008-10-08

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_enzymes_by_compound (1)

Retrieve all enzymes which have a link to a given compound id Input example: cpd:C00345

Created: 2008-10-08

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_elements_by_pathway (1)

Retrieve all objects on specified pathway get_elements_by_pathway Input example: path:bsu00010

Created: 2008-10-08

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_element_relations_by_pathway (1)

Retrieve all objects and relations on specified pathway Input example: path:bsu00010

Created: 2008-10-08

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_drugs_by_pathways (1)

Retrieves all drugs on the specified pathway. input example: path:map07025 ; path:eco00020

Created: 2008-10-07

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_compounds_by_reaction (1)

Retrieve all compounds which have a link to a given reaction_id Example on input: rn:R00100

Created: 2008-10-07

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_compounds_by_pathway (1)

Retrieves all compounds on the specified pathway Example of input: path:eco00020

Created: 2008-10-07

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow get_best_best_neighbors_by_gene (1)

Search the best-best neighbor of a gene in all organisms. Example of input: gene_id: eco:b0002 offset: 1 limit: 10

Created: 2008-10-02

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow color_pathway_by_objects (1)

Color given objects on a pathway map with specified colors and return the URL of the colored image. In the KEGG pathway maps, a gene or enzyme is represented by a rectangle and a compound is shown as a small circle. Example of input: pathway_id: path:eco00260 object_list: (to add as list) eco:b0514 eco:b2913 fg_color: (to add as list) blue orange bg_color: (to add as list) red orange

Created: 2008-10-01 | Last updated: 2008-10-01

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow color_pathway_by_elements (2)

Color the objects (rectangles and circles on a pathway map) corresponding to the given 'element_id_list' with the specified colors and return the URL of the colored image. Example of inputs: pathway_id: path:bsu00010 element_list: (to add as list) 78 79 fg_color_list:(to add as list) red blue bg_color_list: (to add as list) green yellow

Created: 2008-09-30 | Last updated: 2008-10-01

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow btit (1)

Retrieve definitions of given database entries available on GenomeNet database. Example of input: hsa:1798 mmu:13478

Created: 2008-09-30 | Last updated: 2008-09-30

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow binfo (1)

Show the version information of a specificied database.  Example of input: "gb"  for Genbank database "sp" for swissprot database "emb" for embl database

Created: 2008-09-30 | Last updated: 2008-09-30

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow bget (1)

Retrieve database entries specified by a list of entry_id. Number of entry_id retrieves at a time is restricted up to 100 Example of input: eco:b0002 hin:tRNA-Cys-1

Created: 2008-09-29

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow bfind (1)

Used for searching entries by keywords. User needs to specify a database from those which are supported by DBGET system before keywords. List of databases available at : Example of input parameter: gb E-cadherin human

Created: 2008-09-29 | Last updated: 2008-09-29

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow bconv (1)

Converts external IDs to KEGG IDs.External database:  NCBI GI, NCBI GeneID, GenBank , UniGene , OMIM. Database prefix: ncbi-gi:, ncbi-geneid:, genbank: ,unigene: , uniprot: , omim: Example of input parameter: ncbi-gi:10047090 ncbi-geneid:14751

Created: 2008-09-29 | Last updated: 2008-09-29

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow Retrieve_abstract_from_Medline (1)

This workflow retrieves Medline Abstracts given PMIDs (PubMed id) You can use: 9879 as input example to test this workflow

Created: 2008-09-17 | Last updated: 2008-09-17

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow BLASTP with simplified results returned (1)

Perform a blastp search on protein sequence and extract information based on the user input, e.g. a list of GI numbers.

Created: 2008-07-22 | Last updated: 2008-07-22

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow Get weather information (3)

Get the weather forcast of the day for you city. Info display: wind, visibility, temperature, sky conditions and pressure. The default value Stian's home country.

Created: 2008-06-17 | Last updated: 2008-06-20

Credits: User Franck Tanoh User Stian Soiland-Reyes

Attributions: Workflow Get weather information Workflow Get cities by country name

Workflow getUPIForSequence workflow (2)

Given a sequence retrieve the UPI (UniProt Archive (UniParc)) identifier.

Created: 2008-06-06 | Last updated: 2008-06-06

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow Get cities by country name (1)

Get all the cities supported by the 'Get Weather info' workflow.... just enter your country name as input.

Created: 2008-02-15

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow Get weather information (1)

Get the weather forcast of the day for you city. Info display: wind, visibility, temperature, sky conditions and pressure. The default value is my home town. To find out any supported city run the 'Get cities by country name' workflow

Created: 2008-02-15 | Last updated: 2008-02-15

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow Example of a conditional execution workflow (2)

If the input is true the workflow returns the temperature in Celsius, if false the temperature in Fahrenheit is returned.

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2008-01-27

Workflow Daily Dilbert (2)

Retrieves the Daily Dilbert image start the day with

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2008-03-06

Workflow conditional branch (2)

Example of a conditional execution workflow. use 'false' or 'true' as input

Created: 2007-10-03

Workflow keggID to Kegg pathways with BioMoby services (3)

This workflow retrieves KEGG pathway id and image given a KEGG gene id. e.g hsa:6402 or eco:b0002

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2008-03-05

Workflow BLASTP with simplified results returned (2)

This workflow Performs a blastp search on protein sequence, extracts sequence id within the blast report and retrives the corresponding seuqences.

Created: 2007-10-03 | Last updated: 2008-03-06

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