Nl User: Marco Roos


Name: Marco Roos

Joined: Saturday 21 July 2007 10:43:23 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 28 April 2016 21:38:56 (UTC)

Email (public): m.roos [at]


Location: Leiden, Netherlands

Marco Roos has been credited 48 times

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My role as a biologist and bioinformatician in e-science is to help increase the usefulness of emerging information technologies for biology, while experimenting with new ways to increase insight into mechanisms related to structure and function of DNA in the cell. I experiment with technologies such as workflow, knowledge extraction from text, semantic web and virtual research environments such as myExperiment.

More information on the blog below (originally uploaded as an example for the 'NBIC on workflows' workshop in Lunteren, the Netherlands, March 2008).

Other contact details:

Also see my web page at the University of Amsterdam:


Structure/function relationship of DNA in the cell, e-science, automated support for modeling biological mechanisms by knowledge extraction and semantic web technology.

Field/Industry: Biology

Occupation/Role(s): PhD, e-(bio)scientist (biology 'power-user'), biology e-Science liaison for NBIC and e-Science organisations


Leiden University Medical Centre
University of Amsterdam
OMII-UK / myGrid


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Blob Concept Profile of phenotype Chorea

Created: 2014-10-20 08:34:10

Credits: User Marco Roos Network-member BioSemantics

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Concept Profile generated from HPO term 'Chorea' via mapping to the corresponding UMLS phenotype concept.The profile contains ranked associations with Chorea conform mutual information content derived from co-occurrence in MedLine abstracts.Versions:HPO-UMLS mapping: Winnenburg, R., & Bodenreider, O. (2014). Coverage of Phenotypes in Standard Terminologies. In Proceedings of the ISMB’2014 SIG meeting “BioLINK.” Retrieved from

File type: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 28 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob HTT-HPO concept profile match result

Created: 2014-10-20 08:26:32 | Last updated: 2014-10-20 08:35:28

Credits: User Marco Roos User Rajireturn Network-member BioSemantics

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Example Concept Profile of the Human Phenotype named 'Chorea' also referred to by as Human Phenotype Ontology concept HP_0002072.This file contains a list of concepts from the Human Phenotype Ontology, ranked according to Concept Profile Matching with the profile of huntingtin, the protein whose aberrant form is the cause of Huntington's Disease.Versions:HPO-UMLS mapping: Winnenburg, R., & Bodenreider, O. (2014). Coverage of Phenotypes in Standard Terminologies. In Proceedings...

File type: Excel workbook

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 30 times | Downloaded: 0 times



Blob The Hypothesis for the wf4ever Demo Pack 2013

Created: 2013-01-30 14:06:43 | Last updated: 2013-01-30 14:07:25

Credits: User Marco Roos

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

The hypothesis for the Demo pack created for the wf4ever demo in 2013. It is not intended for real use.

File type: Plain text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 47 times | Downloaded: 15 times

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Blob New for Taverna 2 (in case of problems with n...

Created: 2009-05-28 09:25:03

Credits: User Marco Roos

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This may help solve problems with T2 snapshot.

File type: Trident (Package)

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 43 times | Downloaded: 26 times

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Blob From biologist to web service to Taverna to myExperi...

Created: 2008-03-21 19:00:12 | Last updated: 2008-03-23 10:39:27

Credits: User Marco Roos User Martijn Schuemie Network-member AID Network-member myGrid

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

A movie to show the principle of the round trip from a biology question via pieces of code wrapped as web services and combined into a workflow (computational experiment) in Taverna, via uploading to myExperiment and back to the biologist through myExperiment's run facility. NB: at the time of uploading this movie the runner-option was in test-phase. It is important to note that the workflow combines the work of various scientists with different expertise and some at remote locations around ...

File type: AVI video

Comments: 1 | Viewed: 471 times | Downloaded: 375 times


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