Gb User: Paul Fisher


Name: Paul Fisher

Joined: Thursday 26 July 2007 16:46:52 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 11 January 2018 16:39:36 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified


Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

Paul Fisher has been credited 202 times

Paul Fisher has an average rating of:

4.6 / 5

(27 ratings in total)

for their items

I am currently employed by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). As a consequence, the workflows developed previously to this employment (before 5th September 2011) may no longer be supported.

Other contact details:

Not specified


QTL analysis
Biological pathway analysis
In silico automation
Genome Sequencing
Disease gene identification

Field/Industry: Bioinformatics

Occupation/Role(s): Bioinformatics Scientist


Not specified

Groups that Paul Fisher owns


Network-member iPlantCollaborative

Unique name: iPlantCollaborative
Created: Monday 07 April 2008 21:19:59 (UTC)

This group was created at the iPlant Collaborative meeting in Cold Spring Harbour (06/04/2008) For more information of  this collaborative effort is at the following url: If you have any workflows that may contribute to the collaborative efforts of the Plant Science community, then please feel free to add them to this group.

3 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member NeuroScience Newcastle

Unique name: newcastlebrains
Created: Wednesday 30 July 2008 16:32:58 (UTC)

This group is for the Newcastle Neuroscience Taverna Tutorial (01/08/08)

4 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (10):



Network-member Ondex Tutorial

Unique name: OndexTutorial
Created: Monday 05 January 2009 12:43:42 (UTC)

This group is provided for the Ondex training event (held at Manchester - Janurary 2009).

8 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member Taverna 1 Tutorial

Unique name: taverna1tutorial
Created: Wednesday 14 January 2009 15:10:18 (UTC)

This group was created for anyone who is currently undergoing Taverna 1 training. Please feel free to add your workflows, packs, and files as you wish.

0 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member SabrOndexProject

Unique name: SabrOndex
Created: Friday 27 February 2009 15:42:55 (UTC)

This group is set up for the SABR Ondex-Taverna integration

92 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (16):



Network-member Newcastle MSc.

Unique name: NewcastleMsc
Created: Wednesday 04 March 2009 14:53:45 (UTC)

This group was create for the Newcastle MSc.

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

Members (22):



Network-member PhD Supplementary Information

Unique name: FisherpSupplementary
Created: Tuesday 11 August 2009 14:41:06 (UTC)

This group is only for examiners of my PhD thesis. It contains all supplementary information listed in my thesis, and extra information in which to investigate all results a discussed with the thesis.

12 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (1):

This Group has not been tagged yet!


Network-member Next Generation Sequencing

Unique name: NextGenSeq
Created: Monday 23 November 2009 11:20:47 (UTC)

This group is for people wishing to contribute / find out more about 'Next Generation Sequencing' technology and data. Please feel free to join this group and add any workflows you think others may benefit from.

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (11):



Network-member eLicoTutorial

Unique name: eLicoTutorial
Created: Wednesday 10 March 2010 16:41:48 (UTC)

This group was created for the March 2010  eLico Taverna Training day, in Toulouse.

4 shared items   |   0 announcements


Other Groups that Paul Fisher belongs to

Network-member NARExamples

Created: Monday 28 January 2013 08:54:17 (UTC)

No description

4 shared items   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Network-member Bonn eScience Workshop

Created: Wednesday 16 March 2011 10:43:40 (UTC)

This group contains workflows and other resources for the Bonn e-Science workshop. Use this space for sharing with other members of the group. Finished workflow 'solutions' will also be posted here as the course progresses

32 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member Sage Bionetworks

Created: Wednesday 17 March 2010 11:53:59 (UTC)

 A group to share workflows for the Sage Bionetworks demo

11 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (8):


Network-member CCPE eScience 2008 special issue myExperim...

Unique name: ccpe09
Created: Friday 10 April 2009 20:52:05 (UTC)

This group is for the authors of the myExperiment paper submitted to the CCPE special issue on eScience 2008 Towards Open Science: The myExperiment approach David De Roure1, Carole Goble2, Sergejs Aleksejevs2, Sean Bechhofer2, Jiten Bhagat2, Don Cruickshank1, Paul Fisher2, Duncan Hull3, Danius Michaelides1, David Newman1, Rob Procter4, Yuwei Lin4, Meik Poschen4

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Network-member myExperiment

Unique name: myexperiment
Created: Monday 23 July 2007 17:02:58 (UTC)

This is the official group for the myExperiment team.

6 shared items   |   0 announcements


Network-member myExperimentBeanshellCollection

Unique name: myExperimentBeanshellCollection
Created: Thursday 06 March 2008 11:41:29 (UTC)

Group for development, curation and maintenance of collections of generic Beanshell processors. Join this group if you have some cool Beanshells that you want to share! Please add your Beanshells to the myExperimentBeanshellCollection workflow and don't create new workflows for this purpose. (It's not fun to load dozens of workflows manually to load a fragmented collection of Beanshells.) If t...

1 shared item   |   0 announcements



Network-member Bio web service annotation

Created: Thursday 07 February 2008 13:56:13 (UTC)

To discuss annotation of biological  web services. How can we help biologists and bioinformaticians find and use the web services they are looking for ???  

2 shared items   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!


Network-member NBIConWorkflows

Created: Tuesday 22 January 2008 17:46:11 (UTC)

Group for scientists associated with NBIC (Netherlands BioInformatics Centre) to discuss anything about (Taverna) workflows. New members are kindly requested to provide some information about their (future) interest in (Taverna) workflows in their profile description or in a seperate file with a reference in their profile description.

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

Members (11):


Network-member myGrid

Unique name: myGrid
Created: Friday 30 November 2007 12:19:26 (UTC)

People working or contributing to the myGrid project, including the Taverna developers. You do not need to join this group to see the shared items. If you are interested in contributing to myGrid or Taverna development or have questions about Taverna, then please email

376 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member Text mining network

Created: Monday 12 November 2007 23:01:26 (UTC)

The Text mining network on The text mining network on is a network of users of text mining workflows and services developers of text mining workflows developers of text mining services Goals (general) increase the efficacy of the field a place for users/developers to find text mining resources and experts derive text mining...

10 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (18):

This Group has not been tagged yet!


Network-member Mark's Project

Created: Saturday 21 July 2007 19:32:46 (UTC)

This project provides tools and applications which utilise the myExperiment Mashup API (maintained by Don Cruickshank) iGoogle Gadgets Workflow Trading Card - this gadget is great for blogs!  show your workflow to world using a customisable trading card (you can set the colour scheme and everything!!) Workflows RSS Feed - stay up to date with the latest workflows and most rece...

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

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