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Pack Example PubChem, ChEBI and ChemSpider workflows

Created: 2010-07-23 11:13:09 | Last updated: 2010-07-23 11:21:05

This pack contains example pipelines showing how the PubChem, ChEBI and ChemSpider web services can be called from Taverna workflows. Descriptions of the operations found in the PubChem, ChEBI and ChemSpider web services are available at 

40 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 108 times | Downloaded: 33 times



Pack Chemistry Web service set

Created: 2010-07-20 13:16:40 | Last updated: 2010-09-07 09:31:40

Chemistry service set contains a set of Web services for chemistry provided by ChemSpider, ChEBI and PubChem. Services' descriptions and example workflows can be found at: You can add this set of services to the list of available services in the Service Panel in the Taverna Workbench by right clicking on "Available Services" and selecting "Import services". The service set...

2 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 82 times | Downloaded: 45 times



Pack Spreadsheet Import Service Example

Created: 2010-07-13 11:27:55 | Last updated: 2010-07-13 11:37:14

 Example workflow showing how to use the SpreadsheetImport service

2 items in this pack

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Pack ICS Use Case Solutions

Created: 2010-07-12 13:54:16 | Last updated: 2010-07-13 10:57:46

Workflows and result sets of the ICS use cases: Find the instruments (in each case) that are capable of making: in-situ observations in-situ magnetic field observations images in soft X-rays (sxr) and (logical or) extreme ultra violet (euv) ground-based coronagraph observations in-situ observation near Mars

1 item in this pack

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Pack NCBI Entrez Utilities Web service set

Created: 2010-07-06 14:17:35 | Last updated: 2010-07-22 13:17:33

NCBI Entrez Utilities Web service set provides access to EGQuery, ESummary, EInfo, ELink, ESearch, ESpell, EPost and EFetch utilities. Services' descriptions can be found at the NCBI's Web site at: You can add this set of services to the list of available services in the Service Panel in the Taverna Workbench by right clicking on "Available Services" and selecting "Import services". The service set can eith...

2 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 126 times | Downloaded: 78 times



Pack Presentation - Repositories and Linked Open Data: th...

Created: 2010-07-06 08:05:27 | Last updated: 2010-07-06 11:41:18

Title: Repositories and Linked Open Data: the view from myExperiment Speaker: David De Roure Event: Open Repositories 2010 Event URL: Location: Madrid, Spain Date: Tuesday July 6, 2010 Formats: .pptx

2 items in this pack

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Pack test

Created: 2010-06-22 14:27:37 | Last updated: 2010-08-18 16:46:31

 jnkj k k k k k 

2 items in this pack

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Pack PC1 mockup part A

Created: 2010-06-21 09:42:44 | Last updated: 2010-06-21 16:17:25

part 1 of 2 for the PC1 workflow -- mockup version. Includes OPM graph in RDF and XML

2 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 35 times | Downloaded: 43 times

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Pack comad biomoby demo workflow

Created: 2010-06-15 19:48:35 | Last updated: 2010-06-15 19:48:51

It contains workflows to implement some biological analysis function by accessing the BioMoby service. The configurability of the comad actor is demonstrated. Thousands of BioMoby services could be modeled by one comad actor.

2 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 32 times | Downloaded: 20 times



Pack comad simple demo workflow

Created: 2010-06-15 19:40:19 | Last updated: 2010-06-15 19:41:35

It contains a group of simple workflows to show various basic concepts of comad, including how to build your first comad workflow, how to use the composite coactor, creation, port reference and deletion (filter) syntax in comad path expression, and how to use user defined type and type alias.

8 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 38 times | Downloaded: 23 times


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