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Items tagged with "excel" (7)

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Packs (2)

Pack Spreadsheet Import Service Example

Created: 2010-07-13 11:27:55 | Last updated: 2010-07-13 11:37:14

 Example workflow showing how to use the SpreadsheetImport service

2 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 42 times | Downloaded: 18 times


Pack What's the Season?

Created: 2011-10-05 05:59:24 | Last updated: 2011-10-05 06:05:50

This pack contains the Excel file for What's the Season?, the workflow itself, and the inputs/outputs used for testing. The inputs/outputs are included in a .zip file. What's the Season? will take a list of astronomical objects and check them against an Excel file. The Excel file currently contains Messier objects with magnitudes less than 6.0 (common names unless the common name is ambiguous or nonexistent, and then it goes by Messier number). It also contains really bright stars. If none o...

3 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 149 times | Downloaded: 23 times


Workflows (5)

Workflow Extract lists from a tab-delimited spreads... (1)

This workflow takes a spreadsheet exported as a tab delimited file, such as an Excel spreadsheet. The style is expected as a matrix of data with the first row containing the column names and the first column containing the row names (see below). The top left cell is discarded. The workflow outputs three lists. A list of column names, a list of row names, and a two deep list of data points. The first list is a list of the rows and the sublist is a list of values of the cells from the columns....

Created: 2008-10-17 | Last updated: 2008-10-18

Credits: User Andrew Gibson

Workflow Demo of ChemSpider InChi to SMILES webserv... (1)

This demo was created in Excel 2007, with the Office XP Webservices toolkit. Using the spreadsheet, the formula InChiToSMILES invokes the corresponding ChemSpider web service.  How I made this: 1. Installed Office XP Webservices toolkit from the Microsoft Download Center. 2. In Excel 2007 I turned on the Developer tab (hit Office button, then Excel options). 3. In the Developer ribbon I selected Visual Basic 4. In Tools->Web Services References I selected Web Service URL and ente...

Created: 2009-03-28 | Last updated: 2009-03-28

Credits: User David De Roure

Workflow Demo of statistics webservice invoked from... (1)

This "spreadflow" was created by searching Seekda for a statistics webservice, adding it using "Web Services References" in Excel, and creating a simple VBA module to implement the corresponding Excel functions (sum, average, standard deviation etc) . The module simply gathers data from the cells to build an array of doubles that can be passed to the webservice. For more details about adding webservices to Excel see the inchidemo workflow http://www.myexperiment.org/workf...

Created: 2009-03-29

Credits: User David De Roure

Workflow Spreadsheet Importer (1)

This workflow is designed to import a spreadhseet from a local computer. The imported spreadsheet is parsed to extract the first two columns, A and B, for all rows in the spreadsheet. These are returned as two separate outputs.

Created: 2009-08-24

Credits: User Paul Fisher


Workflow slightly more complicated Spreadsheet Impo... (1)

Example using two instances of the SpreadsheetImport service to import data from  Excel spreadsheets. The workflow imports these file spreadsheets f and generates a graph comparing the data.img, #cubbies-overlay{ -moz-transition-property: margin, box-shadow, z-index; -moz-transition-duration: 0.1s; -webkit-transition-property: margin, box-shadow, z-index; -webkit-transition-duration: 0.1s; } .cubbies-selected{ z-index: 9999; box-shadow: 3px 3px 8px -1px blue !important; cursor: pointer ...

Created: 2011-09-21 | Last updated: 2011-09-21

Credits: User Chrisser User Wdsnellg User tpacurtis

Attributions: Workflow Spreadsheet Import Example

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/967

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