Pack: NCBI Entrez Utilities Web service set

Created: 2010-07-06 14:17:35      Last updated: 2010-07-22 13:17:33
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Title: NCBI Entrez Utilities Web service set

Information Description

NCBI Entrez Utilities Web service set provides access to EGQuery, ESummary, EInfo, ELink, ESearch, ESpell, EPost and EFetch utilities.

Services' descriptions can be found at the NCBI's Web site at:

You can add this set of services to the list of available services in the Service Panel in the Taverna Workbench by right clicking on "Available Services" and selecting "Import services". The service set can either be specified as a file on a local file system or as a URL on the Web that points to the service description file (in this case

You will have the choice to replace your current set of services, or to add services from this set to your current set of services.

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  • External item

    External: Description of the NCBI Entrez Utilities Web services - (


    Description of the services by the service provider

    Added by Alex Nenadic ... more than 1 year ago (2010-07-06 16:56:59)

  • External item

    External: NCBI Entrez Utilities Web service set description file - (


    An XML file containing the NCBI Entrez Utilities Web services descriptions that can be loaded in Taverna Workbench in order to add this service set to the "Available Services".

    To do so, right click on "Available Services" in Service Panel in the Taverna Workbench and select "Import services". The service set can either be specified as a file on a local file system or as a URL on the Web that points to the service description file (i.e. this file).

    Added by Alex Nenadic ... more than 1 year ago (2010-07-06 15:04:01)

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