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Showing 4524 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow pubmed abstracts from pathways (1)

Extraction of the abstracts from pubmed pubblications related to the pathways involving the input genes

Created: 2014-02-28

Credits: User Massimo La Rosa User Antonino Fiannaca

Attributions: Workflow NCBI Gi to Kegg Pathway Descriptions Workflow Pathway to Pubmed


Workflow NGS : Filter contamination in raw reads by ID (1)

Filter FastQ sequences by ID

Created: 2014-02-28 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras


Workflow NGS : Bowtie2 using built-in genome to dep... (1)

Reads mapping using a built-in genome from your history, then generate pileup, base coverage, depth of coverage and summary statistics

Created: 2014-02-28 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras


Workflow NGS : Bowtie2 with a genome in fasta forma... (1)

Reads mapping using a reference genome in fasta format from your history, then generate pileup, base coverage, depth of coverage and summary statistics

Created: 2014-02-28 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras


Workflow NGS : Coverage determination and visualiza... (1)

From a BAM file and a reference genome fasta file, calculate the depth of coverage and generate pileup, interval, Base coverage as Summary statistics

Created: 2014-02-28 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras


Workflow NGS : flanking SNP regions (1)

Flank SNP regions using interval format file and a fasta reference file

Created: 2014-02-28 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras


Blob Setup instructions for BioLinux updated

Created: 2014-02-27 18:14:25

Credits: User Tim Booth User Norman Morrison User Francisco Quevedo

Attributions: Blob Setup instructions for BioLinux VM

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Updated version of the instructions posted by Norman

File type: OpenDocument Text

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 18 times | Downloaded: 8 times

This File has no tags!


Workflow Population genomics : From Blast xml forma... (1)

Parse Blast XML results to obtain species specifics sequences

Created: 2014-02-27 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras


Workflow NGS : RNA-seq differential expression anal... (1)

Analyse paired-end RNA-seq reads of 2 different individuals with FastQC, Tophat2, Cufflinks and Cuffdiff using a reference annotation in gtf format

Created: 2014-02-27 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras


Workflow NGS : Filtrer fastq reads with N (1)

Filter FastQ file and delete sequences with N

Created: 2014-02-27 | Last updated: 2014-06-10

Credits: User Ylebras

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