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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Protein Mutation Analysis Using the BioExt... (1)

This workflow, created using the BioExtract Server, contains a protein query (using the NCBI Protein Database), Blastp, ClustalW, Transeq, Garnier, PepWindowWall, PepInfo, and Octanol. For this workflow, a mutated protein sequence needs to be selected. Once the corresponding non-mutated sequence has been queried, the Blastp tool can be used to find sequences similar to the one queried, and the ClustalW tool can be used to analyze whether the mutation is conserved within species.  The Tra...

Created: 2010-07-22 | Last updated: 2010-07-22

Credits: User Kendra Giesey User Yosr Bouhlal Network-member BioExtract Server for Genomics


Workflow retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a VecS... (1)

retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a VecScreen from DDBJ Web services : A system for quickly identifying segments of a nucleic acid sequence that may be of vector origin   informations on Web services available at accession : AB000100

Created: 2010-07-21 | Last updated: 2010-09-01

Credits: User Lebreton


Workflow retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a BLAS... (1)

retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a BLAST with options from DDBJ Web services informations on Web services available at example accession : AB000100 database : DDBJ program : blastn param : -b 5 -m 7

Created: 2010-07-21 | Last updated: 2010-07-21

Credits: User Lebreton


Workflow retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a high... (4)

retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a high speed BLAST and extract position from DDBJ Web services informations on Web services available at example accession : AB000100 database : DDBJ program : blastn param : -b 5 -m 7

Created: 2010-07-21 | Last updated: 2010-09-07

Credits: User Lebreton


Workflow retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a BLAS... (1)

retrieve nucleotide sequence and do a BLAST and extract position from DDBJ Web services informations on Web services available at example : accession : AB000100 database : DDBJ program : blastn    

Created: 2010-07-21 | Last updated: 2010-07-21

Credits: User Lebreton

Attributions: Workflow BLAST using DDBJ service


Workflow retrieve protein sequence and do a BLAST w... (1)

retrieve protein sequence and do a BLAST with options from DDBJ Web services informations on Web services available at exxample accession : Q9NRA8 database : UNIPROT program : blastp param : -b 5 -m 7    

Created: 2010-07-21 | Last updated: 2010-09-01

Credits: User Lebreton


Workflow retrieve protein sequence and do a high sp... (1)

retrieve protein sequence and do a high speed BLAST and extract position from DDBJ Web services informations on Web services available at example accession : Q9NRA8 database : ddbjbct program : tblastn param : -b 100 -v 100

Created: 2010-07-21 | Last updated: 2010-07-21

Credits: User Lebreton


Workflow retrieve protein sequence and do a BLAST a... (1)

retrieve protein sequence and do a BLAST and extract position from DDBJ Web services   informations on Web services available at example accession : Q9NRA8 database : UNIPROT program : blastp  

Created: 2010-07-21 | Last updated: 2010-07-21

Credits: User Lebreton

Attributions: Workflow BLAST using DDBJ service


Workflow download (2)

Given a list key, prepare for download a file containing those records in the selected format. The original workflow was written by the PubChem team @ NCBI (

Created: 2010-07-16 | Last updated: 2010-07-16

Credits: User Peter Li


Workflow PubChem substructure search (2)

Search PubChem Compound for structures containing the one given by the structure key input, based on a user-selected level of chemical identity: connectivity only, match isotopes and/or stereo, etc. The original workflow was written by the PubChem team @ NCBI (

Created: 2010-07-16 | Last updated: 2010-07-16

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