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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow BowtieToPileup (1)

This example workflow aligns short sequencing reads to a reference genome using Bowtie and generates a SAMtools pileup file. By analysing an actual data set (SNP detection in N. vitripennis) and translating this analysis pipeline into a Taverna workflow, I was able to come up with an easy way of using Taverna for such analysis. I created a Java API (with my limited Java experience) that wraps the command line programs used in the analysis pipeline: Bowtie and some of the SAMtools. Instead of ...

Created: 2010-09-16


Workflow From PDF to lemmatized text (1)

This workflow uses the web service stationed in JSI (IJS Slovenia), which is based on Matjaž Juršič's LemmaGen - lemmatization engine. The workflow accepts a PDF file as an input an uses James Eales's wrokflows to preprocess the data. The workflow interactively asks the user of which language is the text, since the lemmatization process is language based. The output is a string in Taverna Workbench.

Created: 2010-09-16 | Last updated: 2012-01-18

Credits: User Netr User James Eales

Attributions: Workflow PDF to plain text Workflow Clean plain text

Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments ... (1)

This workflow demonstrates the standard query where events for a period of time are requested from the HEC service, available instruments for this time come from the ICS and data only for the times of the events are requested from the DPAS. In this version data from only 3 random events (out of the HEC list) will be requested from the DPAS.

Created: 2010-09-14 | Last updated: 2010-09-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments for HEC event data

Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments ... (1)

This workflow demonstrates the standard query there events for a period of time are requested from the HEC service, available instruments for this time come from the ICS and data only for the times of the events are requested from the DPAS.

Created: 2010-09-14 | Last updated: 2010-09-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Extracting data from VOTable format by using XPath query Workflow Retrieve all data for all instruments for a given periode of time

Workflow Generate percentages from absolute values (1)

This process demonstrates how to calculate the percentages of absolute values of one data record. The process first creates an aggregation attribute SumAll and then loops over the absolute value attributes and creates a new relative attributes. Tags: relative, absolute, values, percentage, loop attributes, generate aggregation

Created: 2010-09-14 | Last updated: 2010-09-14

Workflow Example workflow for REST and XPath activi... (1)

Note that this workflow depends upon the REST and XPath plugins. This workflow fetches weather forecast for the user-specified location. First of all it uses the provided location name to obtain a WOEID ("Where On Earth ID") of that location, then uses that unique identifier to fetch the weather forecast from Yahoo server. Multiple results may be obtained in case there is no unique translation of the location to a WOEID. REST activity is used to perform HTTP requests and fetch d...

Created: 2010-09-13 | Last updated: 2010-09-13

Credits: User Sergejs Aleksejevs


Workflow Principle Component Analysis (PCA) over mi... (1)

Principle Component Analysis (PCA) over microarray data. Data is uploaded through caGrid transfer ultility.

Created: 2010-09-10 | Last updated: 2010-09-10

Credits: User Wei Tan

Workflow Multiple choice quiz (1)

A fun example workflow showing user-interaction and service looping

Created: 2010-09-06

Credits: User George

Attributions: Workflow Multiple Choice Quiz


Workflow 11111 (1)

Reads collections of text from a set of directories, assigning each directory to a class (as specified by parameter text_directories), and transforms them into a TF-IDF or other word vector. Finally, an SVM is applied to model the input texts.

Created: 2010-09-04


Workflow 222 (1)

This process shows how several different classifiers could be graphically compared by means of multiple ROC curves.

Created: 2010-09-04

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