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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Maptube mapper (2)

Takes a URL of some spatially-aggregated data and a field/column name to map and generates a MapTube url to an online map of the data.

Created: 2010-09-22 | Last updated: 2011-01-10

Credits: User Nick Malleson

Workflow Sff2Fasta_Blast_Blat_ParseBlast (1)

Blast and Blat Roche 454 sequences against a reference database on the Dutch Life Science Grid Conversion of Roche 454 sequences to fasta Blat sequences against a database Blast sequences against a database Parse Blast results  

Created: 2010-09-22 | Last updated: 2010-09-22

Credits: User Barbera van Schaik User Antoine van Kampen User Angela Luijf User Silvia Olabarriaga

Workflow Sff2Fasta_Blat (1)

Blat Roche 454 sequences against a reference database on the Dutch Life Science Grid Conversion of Roche 454 sequences to fasta Blat sequences against a database  

Created: 2010-09-22 | Last updated: 2010-09-22

Credits: User Barbera van Schaik User Antoine van Kampen User Angela Luijf User Silvia Olabarriaga

Workflow Population projection transport simulation (1)

Neiss Transport Sim Demo. Runs a population reconstruction model (PRM) from census data, then projects the simulation through time. Also runs a transport simulation before and after the projection.

Created: 2010-09-22 | Last updated: 2010-09-22

Credits: User Nick Malleson

Workflow Sff2Fasta_Blast_ParseBlast (1)

Blast Roche 454 sequences against a reference database on the Dutch Life Science Grid Conversion of Roche 454 sequences to fasta Blast sequences against a database Parse Blast results      

Created: 2010-09-22 | Last updated: 2010-09-22

Credits: User Barbera van Schaik User Antoine van Kampen User Angela Luijf User Silvia Olabarriaga

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 3: Fibonacci Numbers (Inte... (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the original solution I had in mind for Challenge 2: "Fibonacci Numbers". It defines a macro n, recurses by applying itself using an "Embed Process" operator on n-1 and n-2, appends the results (so the length is F(n-1)...

Created: 2010-09-17 | Last updated: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 3: Fibonacci Numbers (Impr... (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the winning process of Challenge 2: "Fibonacci Numbers" by Matko Bošnjak. This was the task: The n-th Fibonacci number is F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2), and F(0)=0, F(1)=1. Create a process that creates an example set with F(n)...

Created: 2010-09-17 | Last updated: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 2: Broken Iris (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the winning process of Challenge 2: "Broken Iris" by Nico Piatkowski. This was the task: You are given a decision tree model (M) designed on the well-known Iris data set and unlabelled data (U) on which the model is t...

Created: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 2: Broken Iris (Preparation) (1)

This workflow creates the input for the RCOMM 2010 Challenge 2. The solution and description are in workflow "RCOMM Challenge 2: Broken Iris"

Created: 2010-09-17

Workflow RCOMM Challenge 1: 99 bottles of beer (1)

At the RComm 2010 (, an unusual competition was held. Titled "Who Wants to Be a Data Miner", three challenges were issued to the participants of the conference. In all challenges, participants had to design RapidMiner processes as quickly as possible. This is the winning process of Challenge 1: "99 bottles of beer" by Sebastian Land. This was the task: Design a process that produces an example set the rows of which form the lyrics of the well-known song "99 bottles of beer...

Created: 2010-09-17

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