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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Extract chemical structures from a Beilste... (1)

 Uses the Oscar4 text mining tool to extract chemical structures from a Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry paper and visualizes them in the molecules table. Jericho is used to extract text from the paper's HTML page.

Created: 2011-05-12 | Last updated: 2011-05-12

Credits: User Egon Willighagen


Workflow SVD user-based collaborative filtering rec... (1)

This workflow takes user-item matrix A as a input. Then it calculates reduced SVD decomposition A_k by taking only k greatest singular values and corresponding singular vectors. This worfkflow calculates recommendations and predictions for particular user %{id} from matrix A. Particular row %{id} is taken from original matrix A and replaced with %{id} row in A_k matrix. Predictions are made for %{id} user based on another users A_k. Note: This workflow uses R-script operator with R library ...

Created: 2011-05-09 | Last updated: 2011-05-09

Credits: User Ninoaf User Matko Bošnjak

Attributions: Workflow User-based collaborative filtering recommender system template Blob Datasets for the pack: RCOMM2011 recommender systems workflow templates


Workflow LSI content based recommender system template (1)

This workflow performs LSI text-mining content based recommendation. We use SVD to capture latent semantics between items and words and to obtain low-dimensional representation of items. Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) takes k greatest singular values and left and right singular vectors to obtain matrix  A_k=U_k * S_k * V_k^T. Items are represented as word-vectors in the original space, where each row in matrix A represents word-vector of particular item. Matrix U_k, on the other hand ...

Created: 2011-05-06 | Last updated: 2011-05-09

Credits: User Ninoaf User Matko Bošnjak

Attributions: Workflow Content based recommender system template Blob Datasets for the pack: RCOMM2011 recommender systems workflow templates

Workflow One sentence per line (1)

This workflow accepts a plain text input and provides a single text document per input containing one sentence per line.  Newline characters are removed from the original input. The OpenNLP sentence splitter is used to split the text, this is provided by University of Manchester Web Services.

Created: 2011-05-06 | Last updated: 2011-12-13

Credits: User James Eales

Workflow External Tool: Numerically adding two valu... (1)

The workflow is an examples for the External Tools / UseCase plugin to integrate external tools. It wraps the "bc" command line calculator. Internally, it executes the following script: if [ ! -r "$1" ]; then echo "Cannot read file indicated by first argument '$1'." ; exit -1 ; fi ; if [ ! -r "$2" ];then echo "Cannot read file indicated by second argument '$1'." ; exit -1 ; fi if [ -x /usr/bin/bc ]; then ...

Created: 2011-05-06 | Last updated: 2011-05-06

Credits: User Steffen Möller

Workflow Item-based collaborative filtering recomme... (1)

The workflow for item-based collaborative filtering receives a user-item matrix for its input, and the same context defined macros as the user-based recommender template, namely %{id}, %{recommendation_no}, and %{number_of_neighbors}. Although this process is in theory very similar to user-based technique, it differs in several processing steps since we are dealing with an item-user matrix, the transposed user-item example set. The first step of the workflow, after declaring zero values miss...

Created: 2011-05-05 | Last updated: 2011-05-09

Credits: User Matko Bošnjak User Ninoaf

Attributions: Blob Datasets for the pack: RCOMM2011 recommender systems workflow templates

Workflow User-based collaborative filtering recomme... (1)

The workflow for user-based collaborative filtering, takes only one example set as an input: a user-item matrix, where the attributes denote item IDs, and rows denote users. If a user i has rated an item j with a score s, the matrix will have the value s written in i-th row and j-th column. In the context of the process we define the ID of the user %{id}, desired number of recommendations %{recommendation_no}, and the number of neighbors used in ca...

Created: 2011-05-05 | Last updated: 2011-05-09

Credits: User Matko Bošnjak User Ninoaf

Attributions: Blob Datasets for the pack: RCOMM2011 recommender systems workflow templates

Workflow Content based recommender system template (1)

As an input, this workflow takes two distinct example sets: a complete set of items with IDs and appropriate textual attributes (item example set) and a set of IDs of items our user had interaction with (user example set). Also, a macro %{recommendation_no} is defined in the process context, as a required number of outputted recommendations. The first steps of the workflow are to preprocess those example sets; select only textual attributes of item example set, and set ID roles on both of th...

Created: 2011-05-05 | Last updated: 2011-05-09

Credits: User Matko Bošnjak User Ninoaf

Attributions: Blob Datasets for the pack: RCOMM2011 recommender systems workflow templates

Workflow CGR from multiple fasta files (1)

 The workflow generates Chaos Game Represenations (CGR) image from multiple fasta files. See for more information about the Chaos Game Representations.

Created: 2011-04-29 | Last updated: 2011-04-29

Credits: User cory (Kazuki Oshita)

Workflow Voronoi polygon generation using GRASS-GIS... (1)

Generic example on how to deal with vectorial data. Major pitfall is the need to process ProcessOutputs using Xpath plugin. A random point file in GML 2.1.2 is sent to the v.voronoi service and after it is sent to a service that runs v.out.svg generating a SVG image that can be rendered in Taverna (need to set output to SVG image)

Created: 2011-04-27 | Last updated: 2011-04-27

Credits: User Jorgejesus

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