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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow PUT data into RapidAnalytics (1)

Use the example value for the input port

Created: 2011-04-27 | Last updated: 2011-12-13

Workflow [untitled] (1)

This workflow allows the user to search for processes that are involved with a certain gene. Using microarray-files (CEL-files), consisting of wild type and KO mice to which a stimulant is induced, the user can get an idea of the processes involved. (This is done using the global test and the literature weighted global test.) The results are then given as a text-file. Warning: workflow is not working (needs some revisions), all input is currently hardcoded! (You will have to change the file...

Created: 2011-04-26 | Last updated: 2011-04-26

Credits: User Dennis Leenheer

Workflow Gene expression interpretation by the Glob... (1)

This workflow adds meaning to gene expresion values by performing a standard and a literature weighted Global Test. Gene expression is expected to be from Affymetrix microarrays, for which an RMA normalization and entrez Gene ID mapping/summation is performed. Original workflow is by Dennis Leenheer, edits by Marco Roos. Scripts by Kristina Hettne, acknowledging Rob Jellier, Jelle Goeman, and Peter-Bram 't Hoen. The workflow was created for the LUMC BioSemantics group, part of the Human Gen...

Created: 2011-04-26 | Last updated: 2011-04-26

Credits: User Marco Roos

Workflow Remove_Duplicates (1)

This workflow removes any duplicates from a list of inputs, merges the unique values, and then removes any null values.

Created: 2011-04-21 | Last updated: 2011-04-21

Credits: User Paul Fisher


Workflow Magnetic Resonance Image simulation with S... (1)

This workflow implements MRI simulation with SIMRI ( It is developped by the Virtual Imaging Platform (

Created: 2011-04-18 | Last updated: 2011-04-18

Credits: User Glatard


Workflow Positron Emission Tomography simulation wi... (1)

This workflow implements Positron Emission Tomography simulation with PET-Sorteo It is developped by the Virtual Imaging Platform (

Created: 2011-04-18 | Last updated: 2011-04-18

Credits: User Glatard


Workflow Computed Tomography with Sindbad (1)

This workflow implements computed tomography (CT) simulation with the Sindbad software. It is developped by the Virtual Imaging Platform (

Created: 2011-04-18 | Last updated: 2011-04-18

Credits: User Glatard


Workflow FIELD-II ultrasound simulation (1)

Workflow implementing ultrasound simulation using FIELD-II Developped by the Virtual Imaging Platform (

Created: 2011-04-18

Credits: User Glatard

Workflow M_Super_aln_boot_phylo_New (1)

This workflow performs a generic protein sequence analysis. A multiple sequence alignment and finally a phylogenetic analysis.This workflow performs a generic protein sequence analysis. In order to do that a novel protein sequence enters into the software along with a list of known protein identifiers chosen by the biologist to perform a homology search, followed by a multiple sequence alignment and finally a phylogenetic analysis.This workflow performs "parallel" generic protein sequence ana...

Created: 2011-04-18 | Last updated: 2011-04-18

Credits: User Achille Zappa

Attributions: Workflow EMBL-EBI ClustalW2 (SOAP)

Workflow GRASS-GIS orchestration using pyWPS (2)

Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png. Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation:output=(if(a>10,a,null())) Generic workflow that run r.watershed, with auxiliary services: r.math and geotiff2png. Watershed accumulation is calculated from DEM using r.watershed, the accumulation result is then filtered using r.math with equation: output=(if(a>10,...

Created: 2011-04-18 | Last updated: 2011-04-25

Credits: User Jorgejesus

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