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Workflow Secure REST service call example (1)

This is an example of a workflow that contains a call to a secure REST service that requires user to authenticate with HTTP Basic Authentication. You can use testuser/testpasswd as username and password for authentication when running the workflow.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14

Credits: User Alex Nenadic

Workflow Fast Correlation Based Filter (FCBF) (1)

Runs FCBF feature selector and accuracy is estimated using Naive Bayes. Grid Search Optimization is used for parameter optimization.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14


Workflow Plot error surface (1)

Exemplary workflow for plotting error surface using Tav4SB ( mahtPlot WS operation. Data input format is compatibile with Tav4SB MPSA workflows.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-14

Credits: User trybik


Workflow Multi-parameter sensitivity analysis (MPSA... (2)

Exemplary multi-parameter sensitivity analysis (MPSA) experiment using Tav4SB ( WS operations. In this version of MPSA PRISM probabilistic model checking is basis of analysis of SBML model parameters space.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-21

Credits: User trybik


Workflow Multi-parameter sensitivity analysis (MPSA) (2)

Exemplary multi-parameter sensitivity analysis (MPSA) experiment using Tav4SB ( WS operations. In this version of MPSA, ODEs simulations are basis of analysis of SBML model parameters space.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2011-07-21

Credits: User trybik

Workflow Unix tool for numerically adding two values. (1)

This workflow relies on a Unix system. It wraps the "bc" command line calculator. It downloads the calculation script from a URL.

Created: 2011-07-13 | Last updated: 2011-07-13

Credits: User Alan Williams User Steffen Möller

Workflow Unix tools with zip, unzip and diff (1)

This workflow only works on a Unix machine. This workflow takes a fixed URL from which a text file is downloaded (output as Original_file). That file is zipped (output as Zipped_File) and then unzipped again (output as Unzipped_File). The orginal file and the unzipped version are then diff'd/

Created: 2011-07-13 | Last updated: 2011-07-13

Credits: User Alan Williams User Steffen Möller

Attributions: Workflow Example for external tools with gzip and gunzip

Workflow Unix tool service using string replacement (1)

The tool service outputs a message that greets using the names specified on Greet's input ports.

Created: 2011-07-13 | Last updated: 2011-07-13

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow A workflow version of the EMBOSS tutorial (1)

Designed to show the use of EMBOSS based Soaplab services from Taverna, this workflow has no inputs as all initial values are specified as string constants. A sequence set is fetched using the seqret tool, then simultaneously scanned for predicted transmembrane regions and subjected to a multiple alignment using emma. This alignment is then plotted to a set of PNG images and also used to build a profile using the prophecy and prophet tools.

Created: 2011-07-12 | Last updated: 2011-07-12

Credits: User Tomoinn

Attributions: Workflow A workflow version of the EMBOSS tutorial

Workflow BioMoby tutorial workflow (1)

A workflow from part of the BioMoby tutorial

Created: 2011-07-12 | Last updated: 2011-07-12

Credits: User EdwardKawas

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