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Workflow Example of a conditional execution workflow (1)

If the input is true then the string 'foo' is emited, if false then 'bar'. Just a simple example to show how the monster works, so to speak.

Created: 2011-08-04

Credits: Network-member Taverna 1.7.1 workflow workbench examples


Workflow sampleDistribution Web service operation (1)

Probabilistic distribution sampling operation which uses Mathematica software (

Created: 2011-08-03 | Last updated: 2011-08-04

Credits: User trybik

Workflow Find common events in HEC tables which use... (5)

Use only tables which provide lat_hg and long_hg. Inputs: table names of two HEC tables; time interval in which the search is being conducted; delta for time and location to enlarge the search space. Output: VOTable which combines the resultset of the HEC by the common event.

Created: 2011-08-03 | Last updated: 2012-02-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow EUADR - Literature Analysis (1)

The aim of the "Literature Analysis" workflow is to automate the search of publications related to ADRs corresponding to a given drug/adverse event association. To do so, we defined an approach based on the MeSH thesaurus, using the subheadings «chemically induced» and «adverse effects» with the “Pharmacological Action” knowledge.

Created: 2011-07-27 | Last updated: 2011-07-27

Credits: User Avillach

Workflow EUADR Relationship Extraction Workflow (1)

The workflow offers the ability to automatically determine if an ADR and a Drug are co-mentioned in any of the indexed resources. However the actual relationship between a Drug and an ADR can only be determined by referring to the actual resource The co-occurance relationship workflow seeks to automate the search for resources (publications, drug labels) related to ADRs corresponding to a given drug/ adverse event association. To enable this concept profiles for drugs and adverse effects wer...

Created: 2011-07-27 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Bharat Singh

Workflow Get a PSICQUIC REST URL from a PSICQUIC SO... (1)


Created: 2011-07-22 | Last updated: 2011-07-22

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez

Workflow Genetic Algorithm for Input Component Anal... (1)

This workflow uses a genetic algorithm to optimize the given molecular descriptor set. Afterwards the workflow splits the data into a training set and test set and evaluates the results which are stored as PDF files.

Created: 2011-07-22

Workflow Get Molecular Interactions from a PSICQUIC... (3)

Check the different iput parameter you could use for this workflow in ... Check available PSICQUIC Services in ... More about PSICQUIC ...

Created: 2011-07-22 | Last updated: 2013-07-10

Credits: User Rafael C. Jimenez

Workflow QSAR CSV to Weka Regression Dataset (1)

This workflow converts the molecular descriptor data from a CSV file to a Weka XRFF file. The workflow merges the retention time values from IN IDRT CSV with the molecular descriptor values from IN QSAR CSV to create a valid Weka regression set.

Created: 2011-07-21

Workflow Weka Regression from XRFF file. (1)

The here shown workflow splits the given data into a training set and a test set. Afterwards a machine learning model is created by the Weka Regression worker which is evaluated by the Evaluate Regression Results as PDF worker. The resulting sets are stored as XRFF files in the folder determined by the OUT TRAIN XRFF and OUT TEST XRFF input ports. The calcualted machine learning models and the evaluation results are saved in the folder of OUT MODEL input port

Created: 2011-07-21 | Last updated: 2011-07-21

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