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Showing 2916 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Searching for near galaxies in NED service (2)

This workflow needs as input an ascii table with a list of galaxies. This table contains the PGC name of the galaxy, the CIG number, the radius of searching, Z1 and Z2. The workflow uses the radius, Z1, Z2 and the PGC name of the galaxy to query NED service and get the html with the list of companions. This html is parsed and it is built a VOTable with the RA, DEC, Magnitud, Redshift, Separation, Velocity of each companion.

Created: 2012-09-26 | Last updated: 2012-10-09

Credits: User Susana

Workflow The title (1)

The description. This could be quite long.

Created: 2012-09-26

Credits: User Stian Soiland-Reyes


Workflow Merkel Government Statement Analysis (1)

Calculates the 100 most important words of each governmental statement from chancellor Merkel based their log likelihood values (compared to all govermental statements from her). Check out the pack - to get the workflow with required text data.

Created: 2012-09-19 | Last updated: 2012-09-19

Credits: User jhermes


  Bulk drug during its production process, after its scale up, it is necessary to analyse for the presence of any impurities or related substances in it. This is to ensure the impurities and related substances are within their limits as per ICH Guidelines. Required brief study        The primary objective of the study is to develop HPLC method and validate it for the detection and quantification of impurities and related substances in the manufactu...

Created: 2012-09-16

Credits: User Drkrishnasarmapathy

Workflow Filter concepts with profiles (4)

Purpose: Filter a list of concept id(s) by returning only those with a concept profile in the database.

Created: 2012-09-14 | Last updated: 2014-07-14

Credits: User Kristina Hettne User Reinout van Schouwen User Martijn Schuemie Network-member BioSemantics


Workflow Cloud Parallel Processing of Tandem Mass S... (1)

An advanced scientific workflow for searching LC−MS data using SpectraST on the cloud. Uploading the libraries is optimized to achieve better performance, which makes this workflow more suitable for processing mzXML spectra files from human samples, as the corresponding NIST library needed by SpectraST is larger than 2 GB. Here we connect 3 nested workflows, in which the first 2, i.e., decomposeMzxml and uploadToCloud, run in parallel, while the third nested workflow, i.e. runSpectrastO...

Created: 2012-09-10 | Last updated: 2015-08-19

Credits: User Yassene


Workflow Cloud Parallel Processing of Tandem Mass S... (1)

A workflow for searching LC−MS/MS data using SpectraST on the cloud. The processor mzxmlDecomposer, pepxmlUnzip, and pepxmlComposer are identical to the one in the X!Tandem workflow (Figure 2). The only difference is that the Xtandem processor is exchanged with the Spectrast processor and the constant inputs are adjusted to SpectraST. This approach is also possible for other search engines as described in Data Decomposition and Recomposition Algorithms. More details can be found here:...

Created: 2012-09-10

Credits: User Yassene


Workflow Cloud Parallel Processing of Tandem Mass S... (1)

A workflow for searching LC−MS/MS mass spectrometry data using X!Tandem on the cloud. The workflow consists of 5 processors. The objectLogic processor prepares all inputs in the right format, i.e. keeping or converting strings into file object according to the following processor. The mzxmlDecomposer and pepxmlComposer run the decomposing/recomposing algorithms. objectLogic, mzxmlDecomposer and pepxmlComposer are Beanshell processors and they run locally. Xtandem runs X!Tandem on a remo...

Created: 2012-09-10

Credits: User Yassene

Workflow Detect ellipse failures and get votable wi... (1)

It detects if ellipse has failed by checking if the resulting data file exists. It adds a column (validellipse) that contains 1 if ellipse didn't fail and 0 if ellipse failed. It returns a votable that contains all the data with the new column and a votable that contains only the rows where ellipse didn't failed. It uses astrotaverna plugin (

Created: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow xlmPath (2)

xml path

Created: 2012-09-06 | Last updated: 2012-09-06

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