Stages vectors plots, Survival and Growth rate curves

Created: 2014-07-02 14:58:46      Last updated: 2014-08-29 13:25:45

The Stages vectors plots, Survival and Growth rate curves Workflow provides an environment to perform several analyses on a series of stage-matrices:

- Survival values calculations per stage per year and its respective plot; - Growth rates (lambda) calculations per year and its respective plot; - Stage Vectors calculations and their respective plots.


This workflow requires an instance of Rserve on localhost

This workflow has been created by the Biodiversity Virtual e-Laboratory (BioVeL project. BioVeL is funded by the EU’s Seventh Framework Program, grant no. 283359.

This workflow uses the R pack ‘popbio’ (Stubben & Milligan 2007; Stubben, Milligan & Nantel 2011). References:

Caswell, H. 2001. Matrix population models: Construction, analysis and interpretation, 2nd Edition. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts.

Jongejans E. & H. de Kroon. 2012. Matrix models. Chapter in Encyclopaedia of Theoretical Ecology (eds. Hastings A & Gross L) University of California, p415-423

Oostermeijer J.G.B., M.L. Brugman; E.R. de Boer; H.C.M. Den Nijs. 1996. Temporal and Spatial Variation in the Demography of Gentiana pneumonanthe, a Rare Perennial Herb. The Journal of Ecology, Vol. 84(2): 153-166.

Stubben, C & B. Milligan. 2007. Estimating and Analysing Demographic Models Using the popbio Package in R. Journal of Statistical Software 22 (11): 1-23

Stubben, C., B. Milligan, P. Nantel. 2011. Package ‘popbio’. Construction and analysis of matrix population models. Version 2.3.1

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