Created: 2007-10-03 18:36:22

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  • Wednesday 26 March 2008 15:41:21 (UTC)

    Workflow as it is now does not work.

    "Sequence" should only be linked to the "content" input parameter of WSArrayofDataXML splitter and not to the "database" input parameter of the paramsXML splitter.

    At least 3 extra parameters need to be created: "database" and "program" linked to corresponding parameters of paramsXML and "type" linked to the corresponding input parameter of WSArrayofDataXML.

  • Wednesday 22 October 2008 17:02:28 (UTC)

    Test the workflow with the following parameter it should work. it only does a blastp. 

    input example: 

    >gi|37927048|pdb|1NYC|A Chain A, Staphostatins Resemble Lipocalins, Not Cystatins In Fold.



  • Tuesday 24 August 2010 17:53:46 (UTC)

Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (3)

Only the first 2 workflows that use similar services are shown. View all workflows that use these services.

Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST (1)

Perform a BLAST search using the EBI’s WSNCBIBlast service (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/services/ncbiblast). The query sequence, database to search and BLAST program to use are inputs, the other parameters for the search (see Job_params) are allowed to default. Note: the WSNCBIBlast service used by this workflow is deprecated as of 21st September 2010 and should not be used in any new development. This service is will be retired during 2011. EBI's replacement NCBI BLA...

Created: 2008-05-31 | Last updated: 2010-12-06

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST_with_prompts (1)

Run a BLAST analysis using the EBI’s WSNCBIBlast service (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/services/ncbiblast). This workflow wraps the EBI_NCBI_BLAST workflow to provide a basic user interface which prompts for the required inputs: sequence, database, BLAST program and user e-mail. Other parameters (e.g. matrix, sort, gap penalties, etc.) are allowed to default. Note: the WSNCBIBlast service used by this workflow is deprecated as of 21st September 2010 and should not be use...

Created: 2008-05-31 | Last updated: 2010-12-06

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Attributions: Workflow EBI_NCBI_BLAST