
Created: 2008-06-01 12:20:29

Transmembrane domain prediction using EMBOSS tmap with an input sequence alignment of homolouges:

  1. Sequence similarity search (SSS) to find homologues
  2. Fetch sequences of hits
  3. Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) of hit sequences
  4. EMBOSS tmap with alignment from 3.

Uses the EBI web services:

  1. WSFasta (see
  2. WSDbfetch (see
  3. WSClustalW2 (see
  4. Soaplab EMBOSS tmap

Note: currently this workflow does not attempt to add the query sequence into the set of sequences passed to the multiple alignment. Thus it is most suitable for searches using entires which are persent in the searched database (i.e. will be included via the self hit).

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Workflow Other workflows that use similar services (24)

Only the first 2 workflows that use similar services are shown. View all workflows that use these services.

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Created: 2010-06-29 | Last updated: 2010-08-31

Credits: User Achille Zappa

Attributions: Workflow EBI_ClustalW_alignment_tree