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Test for Orthologues
Warning: The files are hardcoded in to the beanshell of this workflow.
Given an orthlog file for an organism from
find proteins that are orthologous to proteins
in another oragnsims, e.g., B.subtils. Outputs
Created: 2010-03-19
Baywatch Solutions
KEGG Pathway Analysis
The KEGG pathway analysis of the workflow takes a list of UniProt accession numbers in any of the following formats with the following prefixes:
External database Database prefix
----------------- ---------------
NCBI GI ncbi-gi:
NCBI GeneID ncbi-geneid:
GenBank genbank:
UniGene unigene:
UniProt uniprot:
It performs this using the web service bconv, provided by the KEGG database (Kanehisa et a...
Created: 2010-03-19
Baywatch Solutions
This workflow allows you to configure a BioMart query to fetch sequences you want from Ensembl. These sequences are retrieved and a blast database of them is created (by default, in the directory you ran taverna from).
Warning: This workflow assumes that you have blastall and formatdb installed on the machine, and that by default, these are both found or linked in /usr/local/bin. It also assumes that you have write permission to the directory you have run taverna from. The beanshells "creat...
Created: 2010-03-19
Baywatch Solutions
This workflow allows you to configure a BioMart query to fetch sequences you want from Ensembl. These sequences are retrieved and a blast database of them is created (by default, in the directory you ran taverna from).
Warning: This workflow assumes that you have blastall and formatdb installed on the machine, and that by default, these are both found or linked in /usr/local/bin. It also assumes that you have write permission to the directory you have run taverna from. The beanshells "creat...
Created: 2010-03-19
Baywatch Solutions