Andrew David King's Workflows

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Showing 7 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow BlastandParse2 (1)

This workflow allows you to configure a BioMart query to fetch sequences you want from Ensembl. These sequences are retrieved and a blast database of them is created (by default, in the directory you ran taverna from). Warning: This workflow assumes that you have blastall and formatdb installed on the machine, and that by default, these are both found or linked in /usr/local/bin. It also assumes that you have write permission to the directory you have run taverna from. The beanshells "creat...

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Attributions: Workflow fetchEnsemblSeqsAndBlast

Workflow BlastandParse1 (1)

This workflow allows you to configure a BioMart query to fetch sequences you want from Ensembl. These sequences are retrieved and a blast database of them is created (by default, in the directory you ran taverna from). Warning: This workflow assumes that you have blastall and formatdb installed on the machine, and that by default, these are both found or linked in /usr/local/bin. It also assumes that you have write permission to the directory you have run taverna from. The beanshells "creat...

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Attributions: Workflow fetchEnsemblSeqsAndBlast

Workflow KEGG Pathway Analysis (1)

The KEGG pathway analysis of the workflow takes a list of UniProt accession numbers in any of the following formats with the following prefixes: External database Database prefix ----------------- --------------- NCBI GI ncbi-gi: NCBI GeneID ncbi-geneid: GenBank genbank: UniGene unigene: UniProt uniprot: It performs this using the web service bconv, provided by the KEGG database (Kanehisa et a...

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow Run MGCAT for Global Sequence Comparison (1)

Runs the M-GCAT tool for Global Sequence Comparison. M-GCAT: intro-mgcat.html

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow Test for Orthologues (1)

Warning: The files are hardcoded in to the beanshell of this workflow. Given an orthlog file for an organism from orgProteomeId=22602, find proteins that are orthologous to proteins in another oragnsims, e.g., B.subtils. Outputs percent.

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow Fetch Fasta and Genbank files (1)

Fetches fasta and genbank files for a given identifier., e.g., CP000256

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

Workflow Fetch EMBL File (1)

Fetches an EMBL file using the EMBL id. Creates file to a specified location.

Created: 2010-03-19

Credits: Network-member Baywatch Solutions

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