Nl User: Tom Rosman


Name: Tom Rosman

Joined: Tuesday 10 May 2016 09:35:19 (UTC)

Last seen: Sunday 26 June 2016 14:43:16 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified

Website: Not specified

Location: Netherlands

Tom Rosman has been credited 6 times

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Field/Industry: Bioinformatics

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


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Workflow Get from a Pathway the Go fucntion from Kegg (1)

This workflow gets from a Pathway nr the Go term from the Kegg database and then looks up the go function in the AMIGO database.

Created: 2016-06-10

Credits: User Tom Rosman User Davy Cats

Attributions: Workflow get the function of Go terms.

Workflow get the function of Go terms. (1)

This workflow uses the AMIGO database to get functions descriptions for Go terms.

Created: 2016-06-10

Credits: User Tom Rosman User Davy Cats

Workflow Finding gene difference in pathways betwee... (1)

Looks up the all the genes in pathways with the Kegg database between to different organismes.

Created: 2016-06-10

Credits: User Tom Rosman

Workflow pathway difference in ortholog genes (1)

This workflow looks at a set of human genes and search for the orthologs of mouse and rat. Then it gets for all the genes the pathways linked to it in Kegg and search for difference in them.

Created: 2016-06-10

Credits: User Tom Rosman User Davy Cats

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