Gb User: Khalid Belhajjame


Name: Khalid Belhajjame

Joined: Tuesday 06 November 2007 13:02:08 (UTC)

Last seen: Wednesday 19 February 2014 12:30:40 (UTC)

Email (public): Khalid.Belhajjame [at]

Website: Not specified

Location: Manchester, United Kingdom

Khalid Belhajjame has been credited 14 times

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Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


University of Manchester


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Workflow Gene_To_Pathways (Vistrails) (1)

This workflow retrieves the pathways that are associated with given Kegg gene identifiers.

Created: 2012-08-06 | Last updated: 2012-08-08

Credits: User Khalid Belhajjame

Workflow Gene_To_Pathways (Vistrails) (1)

This workflow retrieves the pathways that are associated with given Kegg gene identifiers.

Created: 2012-08-06 | Last updated: 2012-08-08

Credits: User Khalid Belhajjame

Workflow Gene_To_Pathways (Vistrails) (1)

This workflow retrieves the pathways that are associated with given Kegg gene identifiers.

Created: 2012-08-06 | Last updated: 2012-08-08

Credits: User Khalid Belhajjame

Workflow Gene_To_Pathways (1)

 This workflow identifier the pathways that are associated with given Kegg gene identifiers. Example inputs that can be used to run the workflow are eco:b0002, eco:b0078

Created: 2012-08-06 | Last updated: 2012-09-07

Credits: User Khalid Belhajjame User Stian Soiland-Reyes

Attributions: Workflow Hello Anyone

Workflow Gene to Pathways (Vistrails) (1)

This is a Vistrails workflow that returns the pathways of a given gene ID. In doing so, it uses two kegg services.

Created: 2012-07-10

Credits: User Khalid Belhajjame

Workflow Gene to Pathways (1)

This is a Taverna workflow that given a gene ID fetches the corespondondings pathways. To do so, the workflow make use of two KEGG web services.

Created: 2012-07-09 | Last updated: 2012-07-10

Credits: User Khalid Belhajjame

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