User: Renzo


Name: Renzo

Joined: Friday 09 September 2011 13:14:10 (UTC)

Last seen: Friday 03 October 2014 18:38:28 (UTC)

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Renzo has been credited 2 times

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Project Biovel

Workflow Microbial Metagenomic Trait Calculation an... (3)

This workflow calculates the microbial traits of your metagenome and retrieves additional traits data from the Microbial Metagenomic Trait Database The list of traits: - GC content - Variance of GC content - Dinucleotides - Number of rRNA - Codon usage - Amino acid composition - Acidic to basic amino acids ratio - % of Transcriptional factors - % of classified reads - Functional content - Functional diversity - Taxonomic content - Taxonomic diversity As ...

Created: 2014-10-03 | Last updated: 2015-06-12

Credits: User Renzo User Antonio Fernandez-Guerra

Attributions: Workflow Microbial Metagenomic Trait Statistical Analysis Workflow

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