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A U-Compare workflow to extract biological events fr...
Created: 2010-07-08 21:50:25
| Last updated: 2010-09-02 04:46:05
Yoshinobu Kano
License: GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) 2.1
This is a U-Compare workflow to extract biological events from texts, provided to be used with our example Taverna workflow. See our publication Kano, et al., 2010, "Text Mining Meets Workflow: Linking U-Compare with Taverna " for details. This file is formatted as a UIMA CPE workflow XML descriptor file.
File type: XML
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A template example workflow using U-Compar...
An example workflow using the U-Compare text mining system inside embedded. Users can easily make their own workflow with U-Compare reusing this workflow. This workflow retrieves abstract texts from Pubmed with user specified query, inputs the texts to U-Compare, interprets the output of U-Compare. You have to download and store the UIMA CPE XML descriptor file (StdinPPIExtraction-CPE-EventMine.xml) to run the default setting, which runs a event extraction text mining workflow by U-Compare. S...
Created: 2010-07-05
| Last updated: 2010-09-02
Yoshinobu Kano