Nl User: Bas Vroling


Name: Bas Vroling

Joined: Tuesday 19 February 2008 12:30:54 (UTC)

Last seen: Friday 19 August 2011 10:30:50 (UTC)

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Location: Nijmegen, Netherlands

Bas Vroling has been credited 7 times

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Blob Using Taverna and webservices as tools to revive a d...

Created: 2008-04-20 17:04:40

Credits: User Bas Vroling

License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

In this report a short description is given on how webservices were used as supporting tools for reviving an outdated database containging biological data.

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Workflow BLAST your sequences against the NucleaRDB (1)

BLAST your sequences against the NucleaRDB. Input requires a sequence with amino acids only (no fasta format etc)

Created: 2011-08-19 | Last updated: 2011-08-19

Credits: User Bas Vroling


Workflow Create custom-made GPCR alignments (1)

This workflow allows you to create your own GPCR alignments. The alignments are built from the residues that are annotated with the general residue numbers. Alignments are therefore not built using standard alignment algorithms but are created by selecting residues that are likely to share the same position in the three-dimensional structure. Users can select the proteins and residue positions that should be aligned, allowing for the creation of e.g. an alignment of all binding pocket residue...

Created: 2010-08-24 | Last updated: 2010-08-24

Credits: User Bas Vroling


Workflow Retrieve a protein from the GPCRDB (1)

This small workflow illustrates how to use the web service access provided by the GPCRDB in Taverna. The proteinId input field is case sensitive and by default the identifiers in the GPCRDB are lowercase. You can try this mini-workflow with e.a. 'adrb2_human'.

Created: 2010-08-24 | Last updated: 2010-08-24

Credits: User Bas Vroling


Workflow BLAST against the GPCRDB (1)

With this workflow you can submit a BLAST query to the GPCRDB. Input requires a sequence with amino acids only.

Created: 2010-08-24 | Last updated: 2010-08-24

Credits: User Bas Vroling


Workflow blastp using the MRS system (1)

This blastp workflow uses the blast service of MRS ( Inputs are a sequence (only amino acids, not a fasta sequence) and a database. Databases that can be used are "sprot", "uniprot", "trembl", "pdb", "refseq", "ipi" and "gpcrdb".

Created: 2009-11-10

Credits: User Bas Vroling


Workflow blastp using the MRS system (1)

This blastp workflow uses the blast service of MRS ( Inputs are a sequence (only amino acids, not a fasta sequence) and a database name. Valid database names that can be used are "sprot", "uniprot", "trembl", "pdb", "refseq", "ipi" and "gpcrdb". Output is returned in XML.

Created: 2008-11-28 | Last updated: 2008-11-28

Credits: User Bas Vroling

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