Gb User: Anja Le Blanc


Name: Anja Le Blanc

Joined: Friday 06 November 2009 12:31:13 (UTC)

Last seen: Friday 11 July 2014 12:42:58 (UTC)

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Location: United Kingdom

Anja Le Blanc has been credited 75 times

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Field/Industry: IT

Occupation/Role(s): Software Engineer


University of Manchester


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Blob HELIO Service List for Taverna 2.4

Created: 2012-08-30 09:45:06

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

License: BSD License

Import HELIO SOAP web services from this file. This works for Taverna 2.4. Pervious service lists cause problems while importing them.

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 45 times | Downloaded: 32 times




Blob Introduction to Taverna and HELIO presentation

Created: 2012-04-19 09:00:18

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Introductorily presentation to Taverna for HELIO users. It was given as part of the Taverna workshop for HELIO.

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 61 times | Downloaded: 56 times




Blob HELIO Taverna Tutotial

Created: 2012-04-19 08:36:41 | Last updated: 2012-04-19 08:36:42

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Power Point Tutorial for HELIO specific learning of Taverna. Related material:

File type: PowerPoint presentation

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 57 times | Downloaded: 46 times




Blob HELIO Ontology

Created: 2012-03-05 11:25:21

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

This zip file contains the current version of the HELIO Ontology, a heliophysics ontology containing the concepts of all sub-communities to enable cross-mapping.

File type: ZIP archive

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 54 times | Downloaded: 35 times




Blob HELIO Service Provider Set

Created: 2012-02-01 08:23:53 | Last updated: 2012-02-01 15:24:42

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This file contains service providers of heliophysics services. You can import them into Taverna.

File type: XML

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 44 times | Downloaded: 30 times




Workflow usability test workflow3 (1)

No description

Created: 2014-07-11

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc



Workflow XPath From VOTable (1)

A XPath From text version for VOTables. This is useful to extract certain information from the header of the VOTables but it could work for any XPath.

Created: 2014-03-12

Credits: User David PS User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Extracting data from VOTable format by using XPath query



Workflow Propagation of type II associated CME usin... (3)

No description

Created: 2014-02-11 | Last updated: 2014-02-17

Credits: User Eoincar User Anja Le Blanc User David PS Network-member HELIO

Attributions: Workflow When did the fastest type II CME happened?


3463?size=60x60 Gab

Workflow When do the Fastest type II CME should be ... (1)

The fastest CME is found from an interval of time, and propagated to Earth, in two steps, first to obtain the Solar wind speed at Earth and then propagated again with a more reasonable CME speed. The output produces Min-Max ETAs for each object in the heliosphere and the plots of the final propagation model. This Workflow was produced as one of the challenges in the HELIO CDAW-IV hosted at TCD

Created: 2013-03-21

Credits: User Gab User Anja Le Blanc User David PS

Attributions: Workflow When did the fastest type II CME happened?


Workflow Monthly counts for event occurences betwee... (1)

This workflow provides monthly counts of events in HEC between the beginning of year_start and the end of year_end. Returns the result as comma separated file (csv) and as list of lists.

Created: 2013-03-21

Credits: User Nadia Cerezo User Anja Le Blanc User David PS

Attributions: Workflow Monthly counts for event occurences between beginning of year_start and end of year_end



Workflow Find data from a list of instruments and a... (1)

For a certain time range, it looks for flares between a energy range (GOES x-ray flare class), and it provides the observations for such time range for the list of instruments asked. It also provides the table of flares with its properties. Note: This workflow does not look whether the instrument was not looking to the right field of view (eg., CDS)

Created: 2013-03-20

Credits: User David PS User Anja Le Blanc User Nadia Cerezo User Gab

Attributions: Workflow find events in xray and radio


Workflow Matching flare events to active regions (1)

No description

Created: 2012-11-01

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc



Workflow Back CIR-CME propagation model (1)

With a observing time at an object and the type of PM that you want to run executes it and provides the plots and the time and longitude where it should be seen the origin of the event.

Created: 2012-10-24

Credits: User David PS User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow CME backwards propagation Workflow Co-rotating Interaction Regions backwards propagation


3463?size=60x60 Gab

Workflow LASCO_CME_QUERY (1)

This workflows queries the LASCO CME list and returns a VOTable with the following fields pa, pa_width, v_final and v_diff which is abs(v_init-v_final)/2

Created: 2012-09-05

Credits: User Gab User Eoincar User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Associate Active Regions and Filaments to ... (1)

This workflow is querying the HEC for the fastest 100 CME of a given list (input parameter); it calculates the latitude from the postion angle; last step is to query the HFC for Active Regions and Filaments for the given time where the bounding box of the feature contains the longitude (feature must be on the correct side of the Sun.) Inputs: HEC list name (must contain fields: v, time_start, pa_width, pa) Outputs: v, time_start, pa_width, pa of the 100 fastest CME, VOTables for associated A...

Created: 2012-09-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Sort 1000 fastest CMEs from a given list a... (1)

The fastest 1000 CME of the input list are bined in categories by factor of 10 according to their pa_width value. List must contain fields v and pa_width. Output VOTable with the counts in the categories.

Created: 2012-08-30 | Last updated: 2012-08-30

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Monthly counts for event occurences betwee... (1)

This workflow provides monthly counts of events in HEC between the beginning of year_start and the end of year_end. Returns the result as comma separated file (csv) and as list of lists.

Created: 2012-08-23

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Counts number of events per month in HEC table Workflow Split VOTable into its values


Workflow Counts number of events per month in HEC t... (1)

This workflow counts the monthly number of events in a HEC table from the begining of year year_start to the end of year year_end. Returns a VOTable with the count

Created: 2012-08-22

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Monthly counts for feature occurences betw... (1)

This workflow provides monthly counts of features in HFC between the beginning of year_start and the end of year_end. Returns the result as comma separated file (csv) and as list of lists.

Created: 2012-08-22

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Number of recorded features in catalogue per month Workflow Split VOTable into its values


Workflow Number of recorded features in catalogue p... (1)

The number of features of the specified catalogue are counted per month between beginning of the year_start und the end of the year_end. Return format is VOTable

Created: 2012-08-22

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Number of features in a month in a year (1)

Returns the number of features in a HFC catalogue which occured in a month in a year given as inputs.

Created: 2012-08-21

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Check HEC instances for diverging content (2)

This workflow check all tables in HEC on festung1 and festung3 for diverging content by comparing the last 1000 entries in each table. Output is a list of tabel names with different content.

Created: 2012-08-20 | Last updated: 2012-08-20

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Check the content of the Registry for mism... (1)

This workflow check for tables which are registered in the HELIO registry but not available in the HFC and for tables which are in the UOC but which are not registred.

Created: 2012-07-26

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Check the content of the Registry for mism... (1)

This workflow check for tables which are registered in the HELIO registry but not available in the UOC and for tables which are in the UOC but which are not registred.

Created: 2012-07-25

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Check registry for wrongly registed and un... (2)

HELIO registry contains a list of tables available in the HEC. The HEC contains a table with available talbes itself. This workflow shows the differences between these two lists.

Created: 2012-07-24 | Last updated: 2012-07-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Associate a Shock at Earth with Flare and ... (2)

Using start date and end date all shock events at Earth are backpropagated to the Sun. Arround the time all flares (above certain levels) and cmes are assoicated. The possition of the flare and speed of the CME are used to forward propagate the event to Mars.

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2012-07-20

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc User David PS


Workflow Get all applications available on the HPS (1)

This workflow requests all available applications on the HPS which do not require authentication to run. No inputs. Outputs contain all information to execute the application on the HPS such as the ID of the application and the names of all parameters.

Created: 2012-07-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Get data and images for a date +/- 12 hour... (1)

From the date as input date +/- 12 hours of data from the MLSO web page is collated. Images for up to three images (closest to date; -1; +1) are created via autoplot

Created: 2012-05-24 | Last updated: 2012-05-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Find source at Sun of SW events on Earth (5)

Try to detect the solar wind source on the Sun. Use backpropagation, ILS, HEC and HFC.

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2012-05-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc User David PS


Workflow Available instruments through DPAS which a... (1)

This workflow uses a DPAS servlet to obtain all available intrument keys in the DPAS (Data Provider Access Service) and formats the return as VOTable.

Created: 2012-03-16 | Last updated: 2012-03-16

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Available instruments through DPAS Workflow Split VOTable into its values


Workflow Check in UOC which instruments were observ... (2)

Query of the UOC to find the instrument_observatory keys for instruments which were observing at a given time period and a given location.

Created: 2012-03-15 | Last updated: 2012-03-15

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Split VOTable into its values (1)

This workflow takes a single VOTable and splits it up in a vector for the names of fields, a vector for the UCDs of the fields, a vector for the UTypes of the fields, and a two dimensional vector for the values.

Created: 2012-03-14 | Last updated: 2012-03-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Co-rotating Interaction Regions backwards ... (1)

Run the cir backwards propagation code on the HELIO processing service. Required inputs: time start of backwards propagation, the object (planet/spacecraft) from where the propagation should start, assumed solar wind speed at the time, assumed error of solar wind speed Output: VOTable with times at different points in solar system

Created: 2012-03-14 | Last updated: 2012-03-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Propagation of the Solar Energetic Particl... (1)

use of the processing service to calculate time delays to the planets Inputs: time when propagation should start from the hit object hit_object where was the SEP event observed speed of the solar wind error value of solar wind speed beta traveling speed of energetic particals as percentage of the speed of light

Created: 2012-03-13 | Last updated: 2012-03-13

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Associate SEP events at Earth with flare, ... (1)

This is the implementation of a use case worked on during CDAW3 of the HELIO project. SEP events propagated backward from Earth to the Sun. We allow for +- 30 min around the predicted time to search for flare events. The timing of the flare event informs the search time for Type III radio event (time_start to time_peak) and for the CME event (time_start to time_start+1h). Results are presented in a mulitlayered VOTable.

Created: 2012-03-13 | Last updated: 2012-03-13

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc User Rositsa

Attributions: Workflow Propagation of the Solar Energetic Particles to the Sun Workflow Extract content of columns from VOTables


Workflow Filter CME events to events which could ha... (1)

This workflow uses the initial time period to search for time periods where Earth and Mars are not further appart than 80 degrees. These time periods are used to find Halo CME events. The CME events are forward propagated to Earth and Sun. Only events were the propagation model predicts that both planets are on the propagation path will be included in the final VOTable

Created: 2012-02-29 | Last updated: 2012-02-29

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Propagation of CME from the Sun (1)

Uses the processing service to calculate the objects (planets and observatories) which a CME might hit. Required longitude input is the longitude of the associated flare event.

Created: 2012-02-27 | Last updated: 2012-02-27

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow CME backwards propagation (1)

Workflow propagates an CME event from its observing point (planet/spacecraft) back to the sun. The propagation also provides the timing of this event at other points in space (planet/spacecraft)

Created: 2012-02-23 | Last updated: 2012-02-23

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Propagation of the Solar Energetic Particl... (1)

use of the processing service to calculate time delays to the planets Inputs: time when propagation should start from the hit object hit_object where was the SEP event observed speed of the solar wind error value of solar wind speed beta traveling speed of energetic particals as percentage of the speed of light

Created: 2012-02-22 | Last updated: 2012-02-22

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Run a Workflow on Taverna Server (local t2... (1)

Uses a local t2flow file to submit and run this workflow on the taverna server. You need a user name and password to execute this workflow. Input to the workflow which runs remotely will be requested interactively.

Created: 2012-02-20

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Run a Workflow on Taverna Server


Workflow Run a Workflow on Taverna Server (1)

Uses the URL to a t2flow file to submit and run this workflow on the taverna server. You need a user name and password to execute this workflow. Input to the workflow which runs remotely will be requested interactively.

Created: 2012-02-17 | Last updated: 2012-02-17

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Radio lists search over time period (2)

This workflow searches the wind stereo II IV radioburst list, wind tyhpe II soho cme list, hfc radioburst type III list, tsrs solar radio event list and combines the return of these lists chronologically. Only time_start, time_end, and comment sections are preserved in the result list.

Created: 2012-02-13 | Last updated: 2012-02-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Propagation of the Solar Energetic Particl... (2)

use of the processing service to calculate time delays to the planets Inputs: time when propagation should start longitude of starting point on the sun speed of the solar wind error value of solar wind speed traveling speed of energetic particals as percentage of the speed of light

Created: 2011-12-13 | Last updated: 2012-02-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc Network-member HELIO


Workflow Propagation of the Co-roationg interaction... (2)

use of the processing service to calculate time delays to the planets Inputs: time when propagation should start longitude of starting point on the sun speed of the solar wind error speed of the solar wind

Created: 2011-12-13 | Last updated: 2012-02-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Connect flare events with proton events on... (2)

This workflow uses flares listed in any HELIO HEC flare catalogue (using the semantic mapping service), checks whether these flares are connected to Earth via the Parker spiral, and looks for proton events at earth listed in the goes_proton_event list. The flare listing and the proton listing are combinded into a list of VOTable outputs (one VOTable per flare catalogue with results).

Created: 2011-12-09 | Last updated: 2011-12-13

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Connect flare events with proton events on Earth via propagation model


Workflow Find periods of time where two ILS objects... (2)

Inputs: name of target_obj of ILS of two objects and a number of degrees which these obejcts are allowed to be appart in hci longitude coordinates. Output VOTable of time periods where these two objects are closer than +/- input angle together.

Created: 2011-11-04 | Last updated: 2011-11-18

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a se... (1)

This workflow takes a type of isnstrument as input and the minimum and maxium coordinates in HCI as input. Cadence for the location service is for defining the 'continues' presence. Output is a VOTable based on the ICS return where two columns are added for the time this instrument has entered and exited the Region of Interest.

Created: 2011-08-24 | Last updated: 2011-08-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a section of space described in HCI coordinates


Workflow Find instruments of a special type in a se... (1)

This workflow takes a type of isnstrument as input and the minimum and maxium coordinates in HCI as input. Cadence for the location service is for defining the 'continues' presence. Output is a VOTable based on the ICS return where two columns are added for the time this instrument has entered and exited the Region of Interest.

Created: 2011-08-24 | Last updated: 2011-08-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Find common events in HEC tables which use... (5)

Use only tables which provide lat_hg and long_hg. Inputs: table names of two HEC tables; time interval in which the search is being conducted; delta for time and location to enlarge the search space. Output: VOTable which combines the resultset of the HEC by the common event.

Created: 2011-08-03 | Last updated: 2012-02-03

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow MDES simple execution (2)

workflow to query MDES, obtaining the DES results and from it extracting the VOTable and the PNG plot for the time range queried.

Created: 2011-03-02 | Last updated: 2014-03-12

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Converting from coordinates in longitude l... (1)

Based on Converts from Helioprojective-Cartesian Coordinate System to Stonyhurst Heliographic Coordinate SystemBased on Converts from Helioprojective-Cartesian Coordinate System to Stonyhurst Heliographic Coordinate System

Created: 2011-03-02 | Last updated: 2011-03-02

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Calculate Sun data from date (2)

caluculates B0 (radians), position angle and sun radius (arcsec) B0 - heliographic latitude of the centre of disk position angle - of the north end of the axis of rotation, measured +ve if east of the north point of the disk radius - the apparent radus of the Sun in arcsec This is created using the calculations from the IDL routine

Created: 2011-02-15 | Last updated: 2011-03-02

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Extract content of columns from VOTables (3)

Extracts all values from all columns which are passed from the input ColumnNames

Created: 2011-02-24 | Last updated: 2012-08-20

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Associate flares with active regions (1)

This workflow is querying the HFC ActiveRegions list and HEC flare lists (names retrieved from the ontlogoy) It requires a time periode and a search radius arround the centre of an Active Region as inputs It produces two outputs: HFCout is a modified VOTable where a field per flare list is added with the number of associated flares. combined_output is a 2 dimensional list with an VOTable for each Active region and each one with an VOTable for all associated flares for that Active Region.

Created: 2011-02-22 | Last updated: 2011-08-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Associate goes X ray flares with active regions Workflow Associate hessi flares with active regions


Workflow Associate goes X ray flares with active r... (1)

This workflow is querying the HFC ActiveRegions list and HEC goes_xray_flare list. It requires a time periode and a search radius arround the centre of an Active Region as inputs It produces two outputs: HFCout is a modified VOTable where a field is added with the number of associated hessi flares. combined_output is a 2 dimensional list with an VOTable for each Active region and one with an VOTable for all associated flares for that Active Region.

Created: 2011-02-18 | Last updated: 2011-02-18

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Converting from heliocentric coordinate sy... (1)

Converting from heliocentric coordinate system with coordinates in arcsec to coordinates in longitude latitude Based on the IDL script Stonyhurst Heliographic Coordinate System to Helioprojective-Cartesian Coordinate System

Created: 2011-02-18 | Last updated: 2011-02-18

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Associate hessi flares with active regions (3)

This workflow is querying the HFC ActiveRegions list and HEC hessi_flare list. It requires a time periode and a search radius arround the centre of an Active Region as inputs It produces two outputs: HFCout is a modified VOTable where a field is added with the number of associated hessi flares. combined_output is a 2 dimensional list with an VOTable for each Active region and one with an VOTable for all associated flares for that Active Region.

Created: 2011-02-11 | Last updated: 2011-10-24

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments ... (1)

This workflow demonstrates the standard query where events for a period of time are requested from the HEC service, available instruments for this time come from the ICS and data only for the times of the events are requested from the DPAS. In this version data from only 3 random events (out of the HEC list) will be requested from the DPAS.

Created: 2010-09-14 | Last updated: 2010-09-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments for HEC event data


Workflow retrive dpas data for all ics instruments ... (1)

This workflow demonstrates the standard query there events for a period of time are requested from the HEC service, available instruments for this time come from the ICS and data only for the times of the events are requested from the DPAS.

Created: 2010-09-14 | Last updated: 2010-09-14

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Extracting data from VOTable format by using XPath query Workflow Retrieve all data for all instruments for a given periode of time


Workflow instruments in sxr and euv spectrum (1)

ICS use case 5

Created: 2010-08-20 | Last updated: 2010-08-20

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Retrieve all data for all instruments for ... (3)

This workflow looks up all instruments known to have worked during the requested periode of time (ICS), restructures results to make them fit instruments.xsd and requests data for this periode from DPAS. Result: VOTable with list of URLs to data.

Created: 2010-04-15 | Last updated: 2010-08-09

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Extracting data from VOTable format by using XPath query


Workflow simple HEC query (2)

HEC query for table 'goes_xray_flare'

Created: 2010-05-21 | Last updated: 2010-08-04

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Call VSO web service with HELIO input data (1)

  date transformation from 2000-10-02T23:00:00 to 20001002230000 HELIO instrument names as in spitt into source and instrument names; if these pair don't exist only first part (source) is tried.

Created: 2010-08-04 | Last updated: 2010-08-04

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Extracting data from VOTable format by usi... (1)

Input VOTable and 'name' of a Output corrosponding data of that field in an arrayInput VOTable and 'name' of a Field

Created: 2010-07-01 | Last updated: 2010-07-01

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc User Donal Fellows


Workflow Using HEK information to get DPAS data (1)

Query HEK for all kinds of events and query DPAS for given instrument for data from event times.

Created: 2010-06-10 | Last updated: 2010-06-10

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Simple DPAS query (4)

queries dpas for each time priode and instrument

Created: 2010-05-26 | Last updated: 2011-12-15

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Retrieve Instruments for event dates (2)

Queries the HELIO ICS web service and returns a list of instruments available for the time periodes in VOTable format

Created: 2010-05-26

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow retrieve data for all instruments for even... (1)

This workflow uses the HEC to retrieve events for a time spane given by the user from a HEC table given by the user as well. It uses all instruments available in the DPAS to retrieve data for the events Output: XML as returned by the DPASThis workflow uses the HEC to retrieve events for a time spane given by the user from a HEC table given by the user as well. It uses all instruments available in the DPAS to retrieve data for the events; empty results are filtered out, the data is combind wi...

Created: 2010-04-21

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow DPAS general query Workflow HEC standard query Workflow Retrieve all data for all instruments for a given periode of time


Workflow DPAS general query with sorted field (1)

same as DPAS general query. Calling the DPAS sortedQuery web service. additional input: partialSorting input boolean true or false false all result entries are sorted by start measurementTime true each request is sorted by measurement time; no overall time order, but queries stay in the order they there asked.

Created: 2010-04-19 | Last updated: 2010-04-19

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow DPAS general query (1)

general query to DPAS; it gets a list of instruments and lists for start and stop times; for a query hessiEC, phoenix2; start times 2001-01-01 00:00:00, 2005-04-01 00:00:00; stop times 2001-01-05 00:00:00, 2005-05-1 00:00:00 it would perform to queries: hessiEC from 2001-01-01 00:00:00 to 2001-01-05 00:00:00 and phoenix2 from 2005-04-01 00:00:00 to 2005-05-1 00:00:00 There is only one output file with the results from both queries.

Created: 2010-04-19 | Last updated: 2010-04-19

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow retrieving solar monitor urls for votable ... (1)

No description

Created: 2009-11-12 | Last updated: 2009-11-12

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Basic Call of HELIO Coordinate Transformat... (1)

Transforms an input VOTable Coordinate set to a specified output VOTable Coordinate set. This workflow performs some remote computation and may take some time to complete.

Created: 2011-11-08 | Last updated: 2011-11-08

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow find events in xray and radio (7)

instruments: hessiEC, phoenix2 attention: hessi name has changed!

Created: 2010-03-16 | Last updated: 2010-03-16

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Connect flare events with proton events on... (4)

This workflow uses flares listed in the goes_sxf_flare list, checks wether this flare is connected to Earth via the Parker spiral, and looks for proton events at earth listed in the goes_proton_event list. The flare listing and the proton listing is combinded into a VOTable output.

Created: 2011-11-15 | Last updated: 2012-05-15

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc


Workflow Basic Call of HELIO Coordinate Transformat... (2)

Transforms an input VOTable Coordinate set to a specified output VOTable Coordinate set. This workflow performs some remote computation and may take some time to complete.

Created: 2011-11-09 | Last updated: 2012-07-09

Credits: User Anja Le Blanc

Attributions: Workflow Basic Call of HELIO Coordinate Transformation Service

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