Nl User: Ishtiaq AHMAD


Name: Ishtiaq AHMAD

Joined: Friday 23 October 2009 13:25:38 (UTC)

Last seen: Thursday 08 December 2011 19:36:27 (UTC)

Email (public): I.Ahmad [at]


Location: Groningen, Netherlands

Ishtiaq AHMAD has been credited 1 time

Ishtiaq AHMAD has an average rating of:

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for their items

Developing Data Analysis Framwork to execute individual bioinformatics tools and workflows in parallel computational environment such as GRID or local cluster.

Other contact details:

Not specified


Not specified

Field/Industry: Proteomics related Bioinformatics

Occupation/Role(s): Scientific Programer


University of Groningen


Other Groups that Ishtiaq AHMAD belongs to


Network-member NBIC-BioAssist II (all people)

Created: Friday 23 October 2009 07:13:45 (UTC)

This group serves as an overview of all people involved directly or indirectly in the BioAssist Program of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre. BioAssist-II (2009 and beyond) is headed by Barend Mons The management team is composed as follows: Marcel Reinders, Co-Program Leader Rob Hooft, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Christine Chichester Chief Information Officer (CIO) Marc van Driel (...

2 shared items   |   1 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Latest announcement:: Despautism


Network-member BioAssist II Taskforce for BioBanking Plat...

Created: Friday 31 July 2009 11:53:06 (UTC)

This group has been set up to exchange ideas, documents, workflows and news about the BioBanking Platform of NBIC in the The Netherlands. However, international members of the Concept Web Alliance or the BBMRI initiatives are very welcome to join. It will keep you updated on all technical developments regarding data harmonization and other aspects of BioBanking. Colleagues involved in the P3G ...

2 shared items   |   2 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Latest announcement:: Visit Paris to discuss WikiPedia Scholar with Segolene and Denis


Network-member BioAssist_NL

Unique name: bioassist_nl
Created: Wednesday 01 August 2007 13:05:51 (UTC)

NBIC's BioAssist program BioAssist[1], organised by the Netherlands BioInformatics Centre (NBIC[2]), is a program for support and dissemination of bioinformatics tools and expertise in the Netherlands. It advocates the use of e-science standards such as web services and workflow. It is associated with the projects VL-e[3] and BioRange[4]. Links:

4 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member BioAssist II Taskforce for e-science

Unique name: e
Created: Saturday 24 October 2009 11:20:06 (UTC)

Taskforce of BioAssist, part of NBIC II in The Netherlands, that is responsible for developing e-science tools and workflows

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!


Network-member e-science support team for NBIC

Unique name: eScienceSupportTeam4NBIC
Created: Sunday 16 March 2008 22:23:11 (UTC)

This group brings together scientists with expertise in both (medical) bioinformatics and e-science. The members can give advice to bioinformaticians who want to adopt an 'e-science approach'. They want to share their expertise and experience for the application of technologies such as workflow, web/biomoby services, grid, semantic web, etcetera. The group was founded in particular for the Du...

3 shared items   |   0 announcements


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