Nl User: Bharat Singh


Name: Bharat Singh

Joined: Friday 31 July 2009 13:09:12 (UTC)

Last seen: Tuesday 11 September 2012 06:57:32 (UTC)

Email (public): singh.bharat [at]


Location: Rotterdam, Netherlands

Bharat Singh has been credited 1 time

Bharat Singh has an average rating of:

5.0 / 5

(1 rating in total)

for their items

Description/summary not set

Other contact details:

Not specified


Word sense disambiguation, Linked data, Workflow

Field/Industry: Research - Biosemantics

Occupation/Role(s): Scientific Researcher


Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdfam


Other Groups that Bharat Singh belongs to


Network-member NBIC-BioAssist II (all people)

Created: Friday 23 October 2009 07:13:45 (UTC)

This group serves as an overview of all people involved directly or indirectly in the BioAssist Program of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre. BioAssist-II (2009 and beyond) is headed by Barend Mons The management team is composed as follows: Marcel Reinders, Co-Program Leader Rob Hooft, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Christine Chichester Chief Information Officer (CIO) Marc van Driel (...

2 shared items   |   1 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Latest announcement:: Despautism

Network-member CWA working group 2.6: Nanopublications

Created: Wednesday 12 August 2009 14:12:31 (UTC)

The Concept Web Alliance is an organization founded to promote the semantically rich publication and dissemination of life science data and knowledge. The basic underlying units of this knowledge will be 'triples' - concept-relationship-concept - represented using the Resource Description Framework (RDF) specification of the W3C. Technologies that are built around RDF such as RDF Triplestores,...

1 shared item   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: Nanopublication / Format Working Group Mailing List


Network-member CWA-Working Group 3.2 ConceptWiki

Unique name: ConceptWiki
Created: Wednesday 29 July 2009 16:03:54 (UTC)

This CWA Working Group is concerned with the CWA ConceptWiki and its relationship to other scientific Wikis. This place on MyExperiment will serve as a common forum for the Working Group.

3 shared items   |   3 announcements


Network-member NBICommons office

Created: Tuesday 18 August 2009 09:11:18 (UTC)

This group is for NBICommons employees and invited partners to keep track of a common agenda and running projects.

1 shared item   |   2 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!


Network-member NBIC Central Engineering Team

Unique name: c
Created: Friday 11 September 2009 08:21:17 (UTC)

The software production factory for NBIC, making tools developed in academic environments available to a larger audience

1 shared item   |   0 announcements



Network-member BioAssist II Taskforce for BioBanking Plat...

Created: Friday 31 July 2009 11:53:06 (UTC)

This group has been set up to exchange ideas, documents, workflows and news about the BioBanking Platform of NBIC in the The Netherlands. However, international members of the Concept Web Alliance or the BBMRI initiatives are very welcome to join. It will keep you updated on all technical developments regarding data harmonization and other aspects of BioBanking. Colleagues involved in the P3G ...

2 shared items   |   2 announcements

This Group has not been tagged yet!

Latest announcement:: Visit Paris to discuss WikiPedia Scholar with Segolene and Denis


Network-member Concept Web Alliance (general)

Unique name: CWA
Created: Monday 27 July 2009 12:48:15 (UTC)

This group aims to connect all people actively interested or participating in the new initiative, the Concept Web Alliance.(CWA) the Aim of the CWA is: “To enable an open collaborative environment to jointly address the challenges associated with high volume scholarly and professional data production, storage, interoperability and analyses for knowledge discovery.“ The 'Magnet Gro...

4 shared items   |   2 announcements


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