De User: Dagmar Krefting


Name: Dagmar Krefting

Joined: Tuesday 25 November 2008 16:28:44 (UTC)

Last seen: Monday 12 September 2011 16:23:48 (UTC)

Email (public): Not specified

Website: Not specified

Location: Berlin, Germany

Dagmar Krefting has been credited 0 times

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Field/Industry: Not specified

Occupation/Role(s): Not specified


Not specified

Other Groups that Dagmar Krefting belongs to

Network-member MediGRID

Unique name: medigrid
Created: Tuesday 25 November 2008 13:25:33 (UTC)

This group contains members from the MediGRID project, which is one of the D-Grid community projects in Germany. The main goal of MediGRID is the Development of a Grid middleware integration platform enabling eScience services for biomedical life science. MediGRID uses the Petri-net-based GWorkflowDL for modeling workflows and the GWES for executing them on a Globus Toolkit 4 based Grid with a...

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