Tag Results

Items tagged with "protein structure" (6)

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Workflows (6)

Workflow Fetch PDB flatfile from RCSB server (1)

Given aPDB identifier such as '1crn', this workflow fetches the PDB format flatfile from the RCSB

Created: 2008-01-25 | Last updated: 2008-03-05

Credits: User Katy Wolstencroft

Workflow Fetch PDB flatfile from RCSB server (1)

Given an identifier such as '1crn' fetches the PDB format flatfile and returns the corresponding 3D image of the protein.

Created: 2008-03-05 | Last updated: 2008-03-31

Credits: User Tomoinn

Workflow Structure_or_ID (1)

Given a structure or structure entry identifer (e.g. PDB:1crn), return the structure in PDB format. If a structure identifier, in database:identifier format, is input the EBI's WSDbfetch web service (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/services/dbfetch) is used to retrive the structure in PDB format. Otherwise the input is assumed to be a formated structure and is passed through to the output.

Created: 2008-06-06

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Workflow EBI_DaliLite (1)

Pairwise structure comparison using the DaliLite tool. The EBI's WSDaliLite web service (see http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Tools/webservices/services/dalilite) is used to access the tool.

Created: 2008-06-07

Credits: User Hamish McWilliam

Workflow mustang provides structural alignment of t... (3)

This workflow experiments with the partial execution of jobs on a computational grid. The workflow elements "mustang" and "boxshade" are executed on grid nodes. Access to these resources is orchestrated with the plugin available on http://grid.inb.uni-luebeck.de. Please contact the author of this workflow for access permissions.

Created: 2008-08-20 | Last updated: 2008-08-25

Credits: User Steffen Möller

Attributions: Workflow Fetch PDB flatfile from RCSB server

Workflow Structural alignment of arbitrary number o... (1)

This grid-executed Mustang application performs a structural alignment of protein sequences. The number of arguments is variable, in principle, but is shown here for three. The application is executed via the Taverna-ARC plugin on a machine of the NorduGrid. Although your machine can be a part of it, you may prefer to wait for a later version of that interface that does not require grid certificates.

Created: 2008-09-02

Credits: User Steffen Möller User Fxtentacle

Attributions: Workflow Fetch PDB flatfile from RCSB server

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Non-Information Resource URI: http://www.myexperiment.org/tags/697

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