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Pack Population Model Analysis Family

Created: 2013-05-28 09:39:37 | Last updated: 2013-11-14 11:20:52

A family of components that do analysis of population models.

3 items in this pack

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Pack Collarborative and Interdisciplinary Research in Adu...

Created: 2013-05-16 18:07:20 | Last updated: 2013-05-16 19:24:33

Immediate Items to define:1 -  Definition of Collaborative  and Interdisciplinary Education; Adult Education2.   Problems of Collaborative  and Interdisciplinary Education3.   Methods of Collaborative  and Interdisciplinary Education4.   Implementation of Collaborative  and Interdisciplinary Education

3 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 32 times | Downloaded: 7 times


Project Biovel

Pack Analysis of environmental sequences

Created: 2013-05-07 09:07:57 | Last updated: 2013-05-07 12:14:57

The pack should allow to analysis the differentiation across groups of samples of biological sequence

2 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 44 times | Downloaded: 17 times



Pack Pack with versions and relationships

Created: 2013-05-02 08:35:29 | Last updated: 2013-05-02 08:40:06

This is a pack to demonstrate both versions (snapshots) and relationships between pack entries.

3 items in this pack

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Pack pack test

Created: 2013-04-22 10:02:18 | Last updated: 2013-07-04 15:01:56

this is a test

5 items in this pack

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Pack SCAPE Image Characterisation Component

Created: 2013-04-04 12:39:14 | Last updated: 2013-11-14 11:20:52

These components handle extraction of characteristics from an image.

5 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 51 times | Downloaded: 17 times



Pack SCAPE Image Migration Action

Created: 2013-04-04 10:45:50 | Last updated: 2013-11-14 11:20:52

These components handle the migration of images from one format to another.

3 items in this pack

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Pack ImageMagick: Convert JPG to TIFF

Created: 2013-04-04 08:53:33 | Last updated: 2013-04-04 09:08:21

Converts a JPG image to a TIFF image

1 item in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 26 times | Downloaded: 12 times


Pack EMBL-EBI Web Services

Created: 2013-03-28 12:41:28 | Last updated: 2013-03-28 12:42:30

The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) offers a wide range of services covering may biological and bioinformatics domains. This Pack collates a set of workflows that provide wrappers for Web Services developed, and maintained by EMBL-EBI.

6 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 21 times | Downloaded: 8 times

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Project Biovel

Pack Perform Short Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference

Created: 2013-02-20 15:07:21 | Last updated: 2013-08-21 16:09:33

The Pack contain 3 workflows that perform and validate bayesian phylogenetic inference that differ from the kind of input. The pack is called short because the worlflow require that the user need to keep taverna engine always on for the the time of the analysis. This could be quite problematic for large analysis. In this case search help in the "Perform Long Bayesian Phylogenetic Inference" packIn this pack there are 3 workflows:1) User locally formatted input file (for details in n...

3 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 91 times | Downloaded: 18 times

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