Tag Results

Items tagged with "scape" (42)

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Files (2)

Blob Migration Action Component

Created: 2013-04-04 10:44:50 | Last updated: 2014-04-01 10:52:53

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

A SCAPE component for migration actions

File type: Taverna Component Profile

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 93 times | Downloaded: 34 times



Blob Characterisation Component

Created: 2013-04-04 12:37:26 | Last updated: 2014-04-01 10:57:41

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

A SCAPE component for characterisation

File type: Taverna Component Profile

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 112 times | Downloaded: 43 times


Groups (2)

Network-member IMPACT-myGrid-Hackathon

Created: Friday 04 November 2011 13:29:38 (UTC)

Group for sharing workflows & resources for the IMPACT-myGrid-hackathon:  http://impact-mygrid-taverna-hackathon.wikispaces.com

11 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member SCAPE

Created: Monday 16 May 2011 16:27:01 (UTC)

SCAPE (Scalable Preservation Environments) is an EU-funded FP7 project aimed at building a scalable platform for planning and execution of computation intensive processes for ingestion or migration of large data sets in order to help automate digital preservation. These processes will be realized as Taverna workflows, shared as part of this group.

84 shared items   |   0 announcements


Packs (2)

Pack SCAPE Image Characterisation Component

Created: 2013-04-04 12:39:14 | Last updated: 2013-11-14 11:20:52

These components handle extraction of characteristics from an image.

5 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 51 times | Downloaded: 17 times



Pack SCAPE Image Migration Action

Created: 2013-04-04 10:45:50 | Last updated: 2013-11-14 11:20:52

These components handle the migration of images from one format to another.

3 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 40 times | Downloaded: 14 times


Workflows (36)

Workflow A heuristic measure for detecting undesire... (2)

The workflow takes TIFF image instances as input, applies a list of JP2 compression parameter values, executes OCR using an open source OCR engine, evaluates the results, and creates a diagram visualising the results. Dependencies on external tools for the tool service components: Tesseract ImageMagick Kakadu Gnuplot Dependencies on external Java libraries of beanshells: Apache commons lang

Created: 2012-02-06 | Last updated: 2012-03-09

Credits: User Sven


Workflow Detect compressed TIFF files and remove th... (3)

The workflow takes a list of TIFF images as input, identifies the "Group 4 Fax" comressed TIFF images and converts them to uncompressed TIFF images using convert. Finally it characterises the converted image. This version of the workflow replaces the web services of the original workflow with tool services.

Created: 2011-06-15 | Last updated: 2012-03-08

Credits: User Sven


Workflow Mock-Up mp3 To Wav Migrate And QA (4)

This is a Mock-Up Workflow illustrating SCAPE solution 'SO4 mp3 To Wav Migrate And QA Mock Up', see wiki.opf-labs.org/display/SP/SO4+Audio+mp3+to+wav+Migration+and+QA+Workflow  

Created: 2011-12-15 | Last updated: 2014-05-14

Credits: User Bolette Jurik


Workflow Jpylyzer Review Demonstration (1)

 Review demonstration workflow that compares the jpylyzer tool with the struct checker and jhove.  Runs on British Library JISC 1 content, looking for invalid images.

Created: 2012-03-15 | Last updated: 2012-03-15

Credits: User Carl


Workflow Image files comparison using histograms an... (2)

This workflow extracts histogram and profile features from image file applying image processing command line tool. Necessary configuration files are stored on Github (https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/pc-qa-toolwrapper). As a template for creation of image workflows was used xa-toolwrapper project from Sven Schlarb (https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/xa-toolwrapper). This workflow provides WSDL web service that wraps command line tool with tho options ‘extra...

Created: 2011-11-22 | Last updated: 2011-11-23

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Common SCAPE QA command line tool RESTful ... (1)

The QA REST package enables creation of RESTful web service that wraps any QA command line tools. The main element of this workflow is a RESTful service designed in the SCAPE QA command line tools RESTful package https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/pc-qa-toolwrapper-rest. The Github project https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/xa-rester from Andy Jackson is a basis implementation for pc-qa-toolwrapper-rest package. The workflow comprises path to the RESTful servi...

Created: 2011-07-01 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Extract histogram features from image file... (1)

The main element of this workflow is a RESTful service designed in the SCAPE QA command line tools RESTful package https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/pc-qa-toolwrapper-rest. The Github project https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/xa-rester from Andy Jackson is a basis implementation for pc-qa-toolwrapper-rest package. The QA REST package enables creation of RESTful web service that wraps QA command line tool like ‘extractfeatures’ or ‘create’...

Created: 2011-07-01 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Compare histogram features of image files (1)

As a template for creation of image workflows was used xa-toolwrapper project from Sven Schlarb (https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/xa-toolwrapper). This project enables creation of WSDL web service that wraps command line tool like ‘extractFeatures’ or ‘create’. The workflow for ‘compare’ tool has three input parameters. These are two URLs to the XML histogram files that comprise information about image features. These files are acquired us...

Created: 2011-06-16 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Extract histogram features from image file (1)

As a template for creation of image workflows was used xa-toolwrapper project from Sven Schlarb (https://github.com/openplanets/scape/tree/master/xa-toolwrapper). This project enables creation of WSDL web service that wraps command line tool like ‘extractFeatures’ or ‘create’. The workflow for ‘extractFeatures’ tool has two input parameters. The URL to the input image file and the number of histogram bins as integer. This workflow extracts histogram feature...

Created: 2011-06-16 | Last updated: 2012-04-04

Credits: User Roman

Workflow Mp3ToWav Mig+QA (2)

Migrates Mp3 files from input List to Wav files and performs QA. The QA steps include File Format Validation, Significant Property Comparison and migrationQA file content comparison (all CLI). This workflow matches solution SO4 on the SCAPE opf wiki, see http://wiki.opf-labs.org/display/SP/SO4+Audio+mp3+to+wav+Migration+and+QA+Workflow

Created: 2012-05-21 | Last updated: 2013-04-24

Credits: User Bolette Jurik

Workflow Simple executable plan example (1)

A simple executable plan containing a migration action component and a QA component. The migration action uses imagemagick convert. The QA component consists of two characterisation components (fits) and another QA components (imagemagick compare).

Created: 2012-06-29

Credits: User Markus Plangg


Workflow Find Duplicates using Matchbox command lin... (1)

The workflow takes a list of digital documents as input, extracts SIFT features using image processing algorithms, creates dictionary of visual words, generates BoW (Bag of Words) histogramms and finds duplicates. The count of parallel threads can be passed as a parameter. Finally search results are stored in a text file that contains a list of possible duplicates with associated similarity score. This score values are spread between 0 (low similarity) and 1 (high similarity). Image compariso...

Created: 2012-07-31 | Last updated: 2012-07-31

Credits: User Roman


Workflow Hadoop Large Document Collection Data Prep... (1)

Workflow for preparing large document collections for data analysis. Different types of hadoop jobs (Hadoop-Streaming-API, Hadoop Map/Reduce, and Hive) are used for specific purposes. The *PathCreator components create text files with absolute file paths using the unix command 'find'. The workflow then uses 1) a Hadoop Streaming API component (HadoopStreamingExiftoolRead) based on a bash script for reading image metadata using Exiftool, 2) the Map/Reduce component (HadoopHocrAvBlockWidthMapR...

Created: 2012-08-17 | Last updated: 2012-08-18

Credits: User Sven


Workflow Matchbox Evaluation (1)

Matchbox evaluation against ground truth. The evaluation process first creates the matchbox output and ground truth lists. It then counts each page tuple from the matchbox output that is in the ground truth as correctly identified tuple (true positive). Those that are not in the ground truth are counted as incorrectly identified tuples (false positives), and finally, those that are in the ground truth but not in the matchbox output are counted as missed tuples (false negatives). The precision...

Created: 2012-10-02 | Last updated: 2012-10-02

Credits: User Sven

Workflow Mp3 To Wav Migrate QA CLI List Test (4)

Migrates Mp3 files from input List to Wav files and performs QA. The QA steps include File Format Validation, Significant Property Comparison and migrationQA file content comparison (all CLI). As this is a Test workflow, the (very large) Wav files are deleted, and only the QA results and log files are saved for analysis. This workflow matches solution SO4 on the SCAPE opf wiki, see http://wiki.opf-labs.org/display/SP/SO4+Audio+mp3+to+wav+Migration+and+QA+Workflow

Created: 2012-11-05 | Last updated: 2012-11-13

Credits: User Bolette Jurik


Workflow AIT Matchbox Scenario Check Duplicate Pair... (1)

In this scenario matchbox will check duplicate pair of previously found duplicates in passed digital collection if output information was lost. The pair check does not require the time consumpting whole analysis and is very fast. Matchbox in this scenario is installed on remote Linux VM. Digital collection is stored on Windows machine.

Created: 2012-11-24

Credits: User Roman Network-member SCAPE


Workflow AIT Matchbox Scenario Compare Image Pair b... (1)

In this scenario matchbox will compare given image pair based on extracted profile information. User will get a histogram intersection distance value in result. Small value means high similarity, high value means different images. Matchbox in this scenario is installed on remote Linux VM. Digital collection is stored on Windows machine.

Created: 2012-11-24

Credits: User Roman

Workflow Ingest.t2flow (1)

 characterisation of NeXus files

Created: 2012-12-19

Credits: User Arifshaon

Workflow Migration ffmpeg audio to wav pcm_s32le (1)

Converts audio to wav using ffmpeg with codec pcm_s32le

Created: 2013-01-24

Credits: User Markus Plangg


Workflow JP2 to TIFF file format migration with qua... (1)

This workflow reads a textfile containing absolute paths to JP2 image files and converts them to TIFF image files using Kakadu's j2k_to_image command line application (http://www.kakadusoftware.com). Based on the input text file, the workflow creates a Taverna list to be processed file by file. A temporary directory is created (createtmpdir) where the migrated image files and some temporary tool outputs are stored. Before converting the files, the JP2 input files are validated using the SC...

Created: 2013-02-07

Credits: User Sven


Workflow Taverna controlling a Hadoop migration (1)

This workflow uses Taverna to coordinate a series of Hadoop jobs.

Created: 2013-02-07 | Last updated: 2013-02-07

Credits: User willp-bl


Workflow A workflow for a single migration of a TIF... (2)

No description

Created: 2013-02-07 | Last updated: 2013-10-03

Credits: User willp-bl


Workflow Migration Imagemagick convert no compression (2)

Converts an image using imagemagick convert -compress None

Created: 2013-02-25 | Last updated: 2013-02-26

Credits: User Kraxner User Markus Plangg


Workflow TIFF 2 JPEG-2000 (6)

Demonstration of SCAPE migration and characterisation components in a workflow.

Created: 2013-04-04 | Last updated: 2013-04-17

Workflow Convert TIFF to JPEG-2000 (5)

A TIFF->JP2 converter.

Created: 2013-04-04 | Last updated: 2013-04-08

Workflow Validate_Compare_Compare_List (1)

QA for file migrated to wav. The QA steps include File Format Validation, Significant Property Comparison and xcorrSound waveform-compare file content comparison (all CLI). Input the migrated wav and a "compare-to-wav" file.

Created: 2013-04-15

Credits: User Bolette Jurik

Workflow SCAPE Assess Metrics (1)

Assesses whether a set of metrics satisfy some provided Quality Level Definition (QLD). The QLD is given as a Schematron schema, and is evaluated by the Java tool library Jing. Jing (http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/jing.html) is assumed to be installed in the current directory.

Created: 2013-08-22 | Last updated: 2013-08-22


Workflow Converts any ImageMagick supported image f... (1)

SCAPE Migration Component

Created: 2014-02-12

Credits: User Markus Plangg


Workflow ToMaR HDFS Input Directory Processing (2)

This workflow allows processing an HDFS input directory using ToMaR. The "hdfs_working_dir" input port is the HDFS input directory which containes the data to be processed by ToMaR. The "toolspec" input port contains the toolspec XML describing operations that can be used (see "operation" input port). The "operation" input port defines the operation to be used in the current ToMaR job execution (see "toolspec" input port, an operation port used here must be defined in the tool specificatio...

Created: 2014-03-04 | Last updated: 2014-03-11

Credits: User Sven


Workflow TIF to JP2 file format migration with qual... (1)

This workflow reads a textfile containing absolute paths to TIF image files and converts them to JP2 image files using OpenJPEG (https://code.google.com/p/openjpeg). Based on the input text file, the workflow creates a Taverna list to be processed file by file. A temporary directory is created (createtmpdir) where the migrated image files and some temporary tool outputs are stored. Before starting the actual migration, it is checked if the TIF input images are valid file format instances u...

Created: 2014-05-07 | Last updated: 2014-05-07

Credits: User Sven

Workflow Slim Migrate And QA mp3 to Wav Using Hadoo... (4)

This workflow migrates an input list (available on HDFS) of mp3 files (available on NFS) to wav files (in output directory on NFS) using an ffmpeg Hadoop job. The workflow then compares content of the original mp3 and the migrated wav by first converting the two files to wav using an mpg123 Hadoop job and the identity function respectively, and then using an xcorrSound waveform-compare Hadoop job. The needed Hadoop jobs are available from https://github.com/statsbiblioteket/scape-audio-qa-ex...

Created: 2014-02-21 | Last updated: 2014-06-30

Workflow myExperiment Group Activity Report (1)

Prepares a report (three CSV files) on the activity of a group on myExperiment.

Created: 2014-08-26

Credits: User Donal Fellows

Workflow Workflow_waveform-compare_2.0.2 (2)

xcorrSound waveform-compare component - minor edits

Created: 2014-09-25 | Last updated: 2014-09-26

Workflow xcorrSound_overlap-analysis_2.0.2 (1)

This component uses xcorrSound overlap-analsis to find the overlap between two input wav files and output an analysis report in a txt output format.

Created: 2014-09-26 | Last updated: 2014-09-26

Workflow Characterise_Audio_using_FFprobe (1)

The workflow takes an inputfilepath as input parameter. It relies on FFprobe being installed locally, when it is run. It has been tested with ffprobe version 0.10.3. It outputs bitrate, bitsPerSample, channels, duration and audio sampling frequency (hz) as well as an activity report (raw FFprobe STDOUT+STDERR).

Created: 2014-09-26 | Last updated: 2014-09-26

Workflow xcorrSound_waveform-compare_alt (1)

xcorrSound waveform-compare Wav File Comparison. "Alt" version uses the xcorrSound Project debian package installation rather than the scape toolwrapper debian package installation.

Created: 2014-09-30 | Last updated: 2014-09-30

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