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Network-member RapidMiner Demo

Unique name: rapidminer_demo
Created: Saturday 01 May 2010 09:49:28 (UTC)

This group is created for demo processes used in RapidMiner documentation, manual, or training. Feel free to add workflows if you consider them instructive examples.

5 shared items   |   1 announcements


Latest announcement:: RCOMM 2011


Network-member RapidMiner plugin to Taverna example workf...

Created: Friday 08 April 2011 15:36:38 (UTC)

 This group contains a collection of workflows that have been built to demonstrate the use of RapidMiner services in Taverna. These services require the RapidMiner plugin to Taverna in order to run. Additionally you will need an account and access to a RapidAnalytics repository.  RapidMiner is an open source platform providing a range of machine learning tool for data mining tasks. T...

7 shared items   |   0 announcements

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Network-member Rave Usability Lab Group

Unique name: ravedevgp
Created: Tuesday 16 August 2011 17:55:42 (UTC)

Test group for Rave in Context usability lab

1 shared item   |   0 announcements



Network-member rdd-workshop

Created: Tuesday 01 March 2011 09:21:43 (UTC)

No description

5 shared items   |   0 announcements

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Network-member Research

Unique name: Research
Created: Friday 24 June 2016 09:59:46 (UTC)

No description

2 shared items   |   0 announcements

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Network-member Research, Education, Academics and Science...

Unique name: Omni-Science Research
Created: Sunday 07 July 2013 03:58:54 (UTC)

Research and higher education covering a wide variety of subjects. Our goal is to significantly enhance knowledge - science, academic & educational videos..

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Network-member RIC

Created: Thursday 12 April 2012 08:17:27 (UTC)

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Avatar PGM

Network-member Rickettsia CESAM

Unique name: Rickettsia-CESAM
Created: Friday 13 July 2018 07:09:55 (UTC)

Rickettsia CESAM

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Network-member RNA-seq

Unique name: RNAseq
Created: Saturday 17 September 2011 12:39:22 (UTC)

No description

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Network-member Robotics

Unique name: robotics
Created: Saturday 19 March 2011 23:29:05 (UTC)

Aiming to create workflows useful in Robotics research

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Network-member Rooting unrooted trees

Unique name: rooting_unrooted_trees
Created: Friday 20 July 2007 17:44:36 (UTC)

Assuming the following is true: In the absence of a good outgroup the root may be positioned by assuming approximately equal evolutionary rates over all the branches. In this way the root is put at the midpoint of the longest pathway between two OTUs. This way of rooting is called mid-point rooting. I am trying to implement a way of rooting an unrooted tree using ruby. Having been to BOSC...

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Network-member Roslin Institute

Unique name: roslin-institute
Created: Wednesday 17 June 2009 13:31:29 (UTC)

No description

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Network-member SabrOndexProject

Unique name: SabrOndex
Created: Friday 27 February 2009 15:42:55 (UTC)

This group is set up for the SABR Ondex-Taverna integration

92 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (16):


Network-member SADI

Unique name: sadi
Created: Thursday 07 January 2010 00:57:16 (UTC)

No description

2 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member Sage Bionetworks

Created: Wednesday 17 March 2010 11:53:59 (UTC)

 A group to share workflows for the Sage Bionetworks demo

11 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (8):



Network-member sample2

Created: Tuesday 27 October 2009 02:49:13 (UTC)

No description

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Network-member Satellite navigation

Created: Wednesday 01 July 2009 07:51:28 (UTC)

No description

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Network-member SBML

Created: Thursday 29 November 2007 11:46:44 (UTC)

For people interested in doing SBML-related stuff in workflows

1 shared item   |   0 announcements

Members (5):



Network-member SCAPE

Created: Monday 16 May 2011 16:27:01 (UTC)

SCAPE (Scalable Preservation Environments) is an EU-funded FP7 project aimed at building a scalable platform for planning and execution of computation intensive processes for ingestion or migration of large data sets in order to help automate digital preservation. These processes will be realized as Taverna workflows, shared as part of this group.

84 shared items   |   0 announcements



Network-member Science Coherence

Unique name: Science Coherence
Created: Monday 24 March 2008 15:53:55 (UTC)

For the sake and coherence of science.

0 shared items   |   0 announcements

Members (1):


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