Group: Research


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Created at: Friday 24 June 2016 09:59:46 (UTC)

Unique name: Research



  1. 4367?size=48x48
    William Senior shared Heavy metals concentration in the bivalves Anadara tuberculosa and A. similis from estuary Huaylá, El Oro province, Ecuador.
    The concentrations of heavy metals in the bivalve molluscs Anadara similis and A. tuberculosa are determined. The specimens were collected at 2 km from the mouth of Estero Huaylá, El Oro Province, Ecuador, in November 2013. The length and weight of each species were determined in the laborator …
    Tuesday 12 December 2017 15:20:07 (UTC)
  2. 4367?size=48x48
    William Senior shared Carbon regeneration in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela
    The carbon regeneration in the water column of the Cariaco Basin (Venezuela) was investigated using a regression model of total alkalinity (TA) and the concentration of total inorganic carbon (TCO2). Primary productivity (PP) was determined from the inorganic carbon fraction assimilated by phytoplank …
    Tuesday 12 December 2017 14:59:23 (UTC)
  3. 4367?size=48x48
    William Senior, and brewsten n.coding joined the Research group
  4. Avatar
    Edwin Levinson created the Research group
    Friday 24 June 2016 09:59:46 (UTC)

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