Group: AMIGA
This group encompasses developers and astronomers belonging to the AMIGA astronomical research group. AMIGA stands for Análisis del Medio Interestelar de Galaxias Aisladas (Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies in English). See for details.
Created at: Wednesday 25 January 2012 17:06:37 (UTC)
Unique name: AMIGA
Julian Garrido shared Example of interoperability validation on real time with PDL servicesWorkflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. The web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some of the columns in the votable are provided as output in the artifacts (smartVORest config). To check in …Friday 20 September 2013 08:09:40 (UTC)
Julian Garrido shared Use of rest services described with PDLWorkflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. There are two cases. - the artifact provides as output the response from the service (rest config). - the web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some o …Friday 20 September 2013 08:08:02 (UTC)
Juandesant shared CSV to VOTable importerThis module provides a VOTable representation of the CSV file being pointed by the csv_file_path, either as a POSIX local file path, or a URL.Monday 29 July 2013 17:33:49 (UTC)
Julian Garrido shared Find asteroids in images from CAHA observatoryIt analyzes images from CAFOS instrument in Calar Alto Observatory. It uses SkyBot catalog in order to identify objects in the Solar System. It includes a double check to avoid objets that are not asteroids (comparing with USNO and 2MASS catalogs). The result is a VOTable of asteroidsWednesday 17 July 2013 12:09:27 (UTC)
Susana shared Propagation of physical quantities in the calculation of luminosities of galaxiesThis workflow takes as input a file for each of this properties: J2000 Coordinates, velocity, galactic extinction, log of axis ratio, and the Total B-magnitude. With this properties it calculates the distance of the galaxy and, in other hand, the total apparent corrected B-magnitude. It takes account …Monday 22 April 2013 16:08:27 (UTC)
Jose Enrique Ruiz shared AstroTaverna Starter PackThis is a set of small snippets using AstroTaverna plugin, developed in the Wf4Ever project. The purpose of this pack is to make the design and development of astronomy Virtual Observatory workflows easier, learning by the example. AstroTaverna may be installed on Taverna 2.4 …Friday 12 April 2013 16:10:31 (UTC)
Jose Enrique Ruiz shared Extract a column from a VOTable into a ListSnippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for extracting a column from a VOTable into a single List.Friday 08 March 2013 12:18:11 (UTC)
Jose Enrique Ruiz shared Calculation of Luminosity Profiles for a Sample of GalaxiesThis document describes the "Luminosity Profiles" Research ObjectSaturday 05 January 2013 16:57:08 (UTC)
Jose Enrique Ruiz shared Extraction of Properties from a Sample of GalaxiesThis document describes the "Galaxies Sample Selection" Research ObjectSaturday 05 January 2013 16:54:49 (UTC)
Jose Enrique Ruiz shared Galaxies Sample Selection Research Object In order to understand the evolution of galaxies, detailed analysis of images plays a key role. During the last years telescopes working at different wavelengths have been imaging the whole sky. One example of this is the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The generated images provides a wealth of infor …Saturday 05 January 2013 16:51:56 (UTC)
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Created: 2013-07-29 | Last updated: 2013-07-29