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Showing 37 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow Executes Python script (4)

Snippet showing how to use Taverna Tool in Service template folder for executing a Python script. This workflow needs Python to be installed on the local system, and declared in the PATH enviromental variable, so any python script could be executed from a terminal.

Created: 2011-07-14 | Last updated: 2013-04-22

Credits: User Jose Enrique Ruiz

Pack AstroTaverna Starter Pack

Created: 2013-04-12 16:10:31 | Last updated: 2013-11-27 16:54:39

This is a set of small snippets using AstroTaverna plugin, developed in the Wf4Ever project. The purpose of this pack is to make the design and development of astronomy Virtual Observatory workflows easier, learning by the example.AstroTaverna may be installed on Taverna 2.4 Workbench

29 items in this pack

Comments: 1 | Viewed: 164 times | Downloaded: 28 times


Workflow Example of interoperability validation on ... (2)

Workflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. The web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some of the columns in the votable are provided as output in the artifacts (smartVORest config). To check interoperability we have to validatate the connections between outputs and inputs of the artifacts. In this case, there is an error in the connections. dec output is connected to dec input but d...

Created: 2013-09-20 | Last updated: 2013-10-31

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow Use of rest services described with PDL (1)

Workflow that exemplifies the use of PDL (parameter description language) descriptions for rest services. There are two cases. - the artifact provides as output the response from the service (rest config). - the web service provides a VOTable that is processed according to the PDL description. Some of the columns in the votable are provided as output in the artifacts (smartVOrest config).

Created: 2013-09-20

Credits: User Julian Garrido

Workflow CSV to VOTable importer (2)

This module provides a VOTable representation of the CSV file being pointed by the csv_file_path, either as a POSIX local file path, or a URL.

Created: 2013-07-29 | Last updated: 2013-07-29

Credits: User Juandesant Network-member AMIGA Network-member Wf4Ever

Workflow Find asteroids in images from CAHA observa... (1)

It analyzes images from CAFOS instrument in Calar Alto Observatory. It uses SkyBot catalog in order to identify objects in the Solar System. It includes a double check to avoid objets that are not asteroids (comparing with USNO and 2MASS catalogs). The result is a VOTable of asteroids

Created: 2013-07-17

Credits: User Julian Garrido


Workflow Extract a column from a VOTable into a List (3)

Snippet showing how to use AstroTaverna tool for extracting a column from a VOTable into a single List.

Created: 2013-03-08 | Last updated: 2013-04-22

Credits: User Julian Garrido User Susana

Blob Calculation of Luminosity Profiles for a Sample of G...

Created: 2013-01-05 16:57:08

Credits: User Jose Enrique Ruiz

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This document describes the "Luminosity Profiles" Research Object

File type: Adobe PDF

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 60 times | Downloaded: 111 times


Blob Extraction of Properties from a Sample of Galaxies

Created: 2013-01-05 16:54:48 | Last updated: 2013-01-05 16:57:46

Credits: User Jose Enrique Ruiz

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

This document describes the "Galaxies Sample Selection" Research Object

File type: Adobe PDF

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 61 times | Downloaded: 38 times


Pack Galaxies Sample Selection Research Object

Created: 2013-01-05 16:51:56 | Last updated: 2013-01-05 16:59:16

 In order to understand the evolution of galaxies, detailed analysis of images plays a key role. During the last years telescopes working at different wavelengths have been imaging the whole sky. One example of this is the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The generated images provides a wealth of information, publicly available, and hence allowing them to be used by any interested group in the study of their own samples of objects or generation of new samples. The two main processing of the ima...

4 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 66 times | Downloaded: 22 times


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