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Showing 20 results. Use the filters on the left and the search box below to refine the results.

Workflow searchPublications_and_MapAffil (1)

This is a workflow for spatiotemporal analysis of literature indexed in PubMed. The workflow takes an arbitrary Europe PMC search query, calls the Europe PMC Web service searchPublications and extracts the publication year and PubMed ID from the results. The first author affiliation is then geoparsed by the MapAffil Web server to get latitude and longitudes. The coordinates are then concatenated together with the publication year, to produce a single list of publication years, latitudes and ...

Created: 2017-04-19

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow profilePublications_over_time (1)

This workflow takes a list of arbitrary Europe PMC search queries and generates the corresponding profiles of the number of matching publications per publication year.

Created: 2017-04-19

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Author Publications and Citations by Year ... (1)

This small workflow demonstrates how to connect to and use Europe PMC ( to count the number of publications and citations per year for one author. Two REST calls are made. First, we "searchPublications" to retrieve the bibliographic records for all published work of a single author. Then, we "getCitations" to extract the year of all articles citing the work of this author. A conditional JSONPath is here used to only look up citing articles for cited work...

Created: 2016-05-09

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Author Publications and Citations by Year ... (2)

This small workflow demonstrates how to connect to and use Europe PMC ( to count the number of publications and citations per year for one author. Two REST calls are made. First, we "searchPublications" to retrieve the bibliographic records for all published work of a single author. Then, we "getCitations" to extract the year of all articles citing the work of this author. A conditional XPath is here used to only look up citing articles for cited work, i...

Created: 2016-05-09 | Last updated: 2016-05-09

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad


Blob Example results from the UniProt Protein Protein Net...

Created: 2015-12-04 14:50:06

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene

License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License

Example results from the UniProt Protein Protein Network workflow ( on Apolipoprotein A-I (P02647). The purpose of the igraph graph is to check that the workflow ran OK. For further exploration and visualization of the network, one of the output files can be opened in Cytoscape or similar tool.

File type: PNG image

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 86 times | Downloaded: 16 times


Workflow Author Publications and Citations by Year ... (1)

This workflow demonstrates how to connect to and use Europe PMC ( to count the number of publications and citations per year for one author. Two Web service calls are made. First, we searchPublications to retrieve the bibliographic records for all published work of a single author. Then, we getCitations to extract the year of all articles citing the work of this author. The pubYear fields is extracted from the raw Web service results and fed to an Rshel...

Created: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow Connecting to Europe PMC (1)

This very simple workflow connects to Europe PMC using the searchPublications Web Service.

Created: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow SImple Europe PMC Search (1)

This very simple workflow searches Europe PMC using the searchPublications Web Service and a conditional XPath to retrieve the article titles for all cited work matching the search query.

Created: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad

Workflow UniProt Protein Protein Network (1)

This workflow uses the Europe PMC Web Services searchPublications and getDatabaseLinks to reconstruct a protein-protein network based on co-occurence in the scientific literature, arbitrary filtered by a PubMed query, e.g. the word "complex" appearing in the title or abstract. The workflow also looks up the second degree connections, i.e. proteins co-occuring with proteins co-occuring with the protein given as input, but not with this protein itself. The output is a (1) Pajek graph file, a GM...

Created: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene

Workflow Author Citation Network (1)

Map citation/reference network for one author using Europe PMC Web services. This workflow is intended to show the integration of several Web services, XPath XML parsing and use of the igraph package in R. Although the workflow is functional, the information in PubMed is incomplete. This means the results may be a subset of the correct citation graph.

Created: 2015-12-04 | Last updated: 2015-12-04

Credits: User Magnus Palmblad User Yassene

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