File Entry: Pooled_matrix_file_Gentiana_LTRE

Created: 2014-03-27 10:37:46      Last updated: 2014-08-29 13:23:06
Information Version 1 (of 1)

Version created on: 2014-03-27 10:37:45

Information Description

Pooled_matrix_file or weighted main Matrix - what popbio (R package) calls pooled matrix (to see more details: Horvitz, Schemske and Caswell 1997; Horvitz, and Schemske 1995). This is a matrix in a .txt format, all decimal numbers in each matrix must be indicated by dots e.g.: 0.578.

To understand how to calculate a pooled matrix or a weighted main Matrix, please see: Choice of a reference matrix (pag: 253, in Horvitz, Schemske and Caswell 1997). This list of matrices will be used to perform a fixed Life Table Response Experiments Place effect analysis. Finally you will be able to export your results to different formats.

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