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Project Biovel

Workflow Biome-BGC ESI version 1.4.1 (3)

Biome-BGC is a process-based biogeochemical model that can be used to simulate carbon, nitrogen and water fluxes of different terrestrial ecosystems. The model can help us to quantify a broad range of ecosystem service indicators. These newly developed measures include: annual wood increment, yearly production of grasslands or croplands, total average carbon stock, annual evapotranspiration, damping of ecosystem daily water outflow, living and dead biomass protecting the soil against erosion,...

Created: 2013-08-12 | Last updated: 2014-10-04

Credits: User Ferenc HORVATH User Dora Krasser User Peter Ittzes Network-member BioVeL

Project Biovel

Workflow Partitioning environmental sequencing data... (5)

Partitioning environmental sequencing data using categorical and phylogenetic information using PhyloH . The WF need a tree in newick format, a samplefile that show the where the leaf of the tree are found in the different sample and how many time, and a grouping file where the different sample are grouped using a categorical variable. The WF gives back a tabular and graphical representation of an entropy based partitioning of the information present in the sequence across the groupings, and ...

Created: 2013-05-07 | Last updated: 2015-06-12

Credits: User Saverio Vicario

Pack AstroTaverna Starter Pack

Created: 2013-04-12 16:10:31 | Last updated: 2013-11-27 16:54:39

This is a set of small snippets using AstroTaverna plugin, developed in the Wf4Ever project. The purpose of this pack is to make the design and development of astronomy Virtual Observatory workflows easier, learning by the example.AstroTaverna may be installed on Taverna 2.4 Workbench

29 items in this pack

Comments: 1 | Viewed: 155 times | Downloaded: 27 times


Pack Visualize PAV provenance as SVG

Created: 2013-04-05 09:18:51 | Last updated: 2018-01-04 11:39:09

A workflow that converts PAV provenance to SVG by inferring PROV-O statements.VoID descriptions following the Open PHACTS Dataset descriptions specification are fetched as Turtle, cleaned up to be valid OWL2 ontology and include useful labels, processed through the OWL reasoner Pellet; this adds inferred PROV statements to the RDF, which is then fed to the PROV Toolbox, generating an SVG visualization of the provenance.Note that this workflow downloads CWM, Pellet and ProvToolbox on dema...

11 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 97 times | Downloaded: 19 times


Workflow Matrix Population Model construction and a... (2)

This workflow is deprecated. To obtain a more recent version of this workflow, please refer to: For historic access to this workflow, please view an earlier version.

Created: 2012-11-02 | Last updated: 2014-09-17

Credits: User Jon Giddy User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas User Gerard Oostermeijer

Workflow Matrix Population Model construction and a... (3)

This workflow is deprecated. To obtain a more recent version of this workflow, please refer to: For historic access to this workflow, please view an earlier version.

Created: 2012-11-02 | Last updated: 2014-09-17

Credits: User Jon Giddy User Gerard Oostermeijer User Maria Paula Balcazar-Vargas

Workflow Uczenie z macierza kosztow (1)

Przeplyw pokazuje wykorzystanie operatora MetaCost, umozliwiajacego wprowadzenie macierzy kosztow do procesu uczenia klasyfikatora na przykladzie naiwnego klasyfikatora Bayesa.

Created: 2011-05-25 | Last updated: 2014-03-23

Workflow Algorytmy k-Means i k-Medoids (1)

Przeplyw pokazuje zastosowanie algorytmow k-Means i k-Medoids do przeprowadzenia analizy skupien. Analizie podlega zbiór danych Iris, przy czym oryginalne dane zostaly przetransformowane z przestrzeni 4-wymiarowej do przestrzeni 2-wymiarowej za pomoca operatora Singular Value Decomposition. Redukcja liczby wymiarow ma na celu uproszczenie wizualizacji wynikowych modeli.

Created: 2011-05-11 | Last updated: 2013-08-19

Workflow Odkrywanie regul asocjacyjnych za pomoca a... (1)

Workflow pokazuje sposób wykorzystania operatorow Apriori i PredictiveApriori (z narzedzia Weka) do odkrywania regul‚ asocjacyjnych. Operator Set Role zostal wykorzystany do tego, aby atrybut Play (który w oryginale jest zmienna celu) byl potraktowany jak zwyczajny atrybut.

Created: 2011-03-31 | Last updated: 2013-05-30

Pack e-LICO recommender workflows

Created: 2011-03-15 15:33:48 | Last updated: 2012-01-28 19:39:06

This pack contains recommender system workflows created for the purpose of e-LICO project.

6 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 288 times | Downloaded: 158 times


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