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Workflow color_pathway_by_elements (2)

Color the objects (rectangles and circles on a pathway map) corresponding to the given 'element_id_list' with the specified colors and return the URL of the colored image. Example of inputs: pathway_id: path:bsu00010 element_list: (to add as list) 78 79 fg_color_list:(to add as list) red blue bg_color_list: (to add as list) green yellow

Created: 2008-09-30 | Last updated: 2008-10-01

Credits: User Franck Tanoh

Workflow Extract elements from a list - single elem... (1)

The extract_elements_from_a_list is passed the list ['a','b','c','d','e']. The fromIndex is 2 and the toIndex is 3, so the service outputs the single element list ['c'].

Created: 2008-09-29

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Extract elements from a list - full extrac... (1)

The extract_elements_from_a_list is passed the list ['a','b','c','d','e']. The fromIndex is 0 and the toIndex is 5, so the service outputs an identical list.

Created: 2008-09-29

Credits: User Alan Williams


Pack Carole's Keynotes

Created: 2008-09-27 19:52:17 | Last updated: 2010-05-08 20:24:47

Carole Goble's 2008 keynote talks that feature myExperiment, in PowerPoint 97-2003 format. All myExperiment presentation can be found on the wiki on  

5 items in this pack

Comments: 0 | Viewed: 476 times | Downloaded: 53 times


Workflow Test always fails - no parameters (1)

The test always fails service generates a service failure when no parameter values are supplied.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Reverse complement DNA (1)

The Reverse Complement DNA service takes the DNA sequence, here defaulted to 'gatcctccat' and outputs the corresponding reverse complement sequence, in this example, 'atggaggatc'.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Read GenBank file (1)

The Get_web_page_from_URL downloads a file from myExperiment that contains GenBank data. That data is then saved to a temporary file generated by the create_and_populate_temporary_file beanshell. The path to the temporary file is then passed to the Read_GenBank_file service. That service reads the file and converts the GenBank data into Agave format. The result is then sent to the workflow's out port.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Fail if false - false value (1)

The fail if true service throws an exception if given the value 'false'.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow Encode byte[] to base64 (1)

The encode byte[] to base 64 service encodes the bytes representing (in the local character set) 'hello'.

Created: 2008-09-27

Credits: User Alan Williams

Workflow dbfetch tutorial (1)

This workflow eases entry in the world of Taverna with one of the key tasks - the retrieval of plain data. The dbfetch offers sequence and structure data from a large variety of sources. A first execution of this workflow informs about these in the "getSupportedDBs" output. Also the formats and styles are listed. The two inputs allow for the specification of a query that leaves the format with "default" (which is different for every database, "native" would be a better fit), the style is alw...

Created: 2008-09-22

Credits: User Steffen Möller

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